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A predictive case-cohort model is applied to Norwegian data to analyze the interaction between challenge and stability factors for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) during the period 1980-2010. For each year, the BSE risk in cattle is estimated as the expected number of cases. The age distribution of expected cases as well as the relative impact of different challenges is estimated. The model consists of a simple, transparent, and practical deterministic spreadsheet calculation model, in which the following country-specific inputs are entered: (i) annual imports of live cattle and meat and bone meal, (ii) age distribution of native cattle, and (iii) estimated annual basic reproduction ratio (R(0)) for BSE. Results for Norway indicate that the highest risk of BSE cases was in 1989, when a total BSE risk of 0.13 cases per year was expected. After that date, the year-to-year decrease in risk ranged between 3% and 47%, except for a secondary peak in 1994 at 0.06 cases per year. The primary peak was almost entirely (99%) attributable to the importation of 11 cattle from the United Kingdom between 1982 and 1986. The secondary peak, in 1994, originated mainly from the recycling of the U.K. imported cattle (92%). In 2006, the remaining risk was 0.0003 cases per year, or 0.001 per million cows per year, with a maximal age-specific incidence of 0.03 cases per million per year in 10-year-old cattle. Only 15% of the cases were expected in imported cattle. The probability of having zero cases in Norway in 2006 was estimated to be 99.97%. The model and results are compared to previous risk assessments of Norway by the EU.  相似文献   
The success of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative promises to bring large benefits, including sustained improvements in quality of life (i.e., cases of paralytic disease and deaths avoided) and costs saved from cessation of vaccination. Obtaining and maintaining these benefits requires that policymakers manage the transition from the current massive use of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) to a world without OPV and free of the risks of potential future reintroductions of live polioviruses. This article describes the analytical journey that began in 2001 with a retrospective case study on polio risk management and led to development of dynamic integrated risk, economic, and decision analysis tools to inform global policies for managing the risks of polio. This analytical journey has provided several key insights and lessons learned that will be useful to future analysts involved in similar complex decision-making processes.  相似文献   
Emerging infectious diseases are characterized by complex interactions among disease agents, vectors, wildlife, humans, and the environment. Since the appearance of West Nile virus (WNV) in New York City in 1999, it has infected over 8,000 people in the United States, resulting in several hundred deaths in 46 contiguous states. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and maintained in various bird reservoir hosts. Its unexpected introduction, high morbidity, and rapid spread have left public health agencies facing severe time constraints in a theory-poor environment, dependent largely on observational data collected by independent survey efforts and much uncertainty. Current knowledge may be expressed as a priori constraints on models learned from data. Accordingly, we applied a Bayesian probabilistic relational approach to generate spatially and temporally linked models from heterogeneous data sources. Using data collected from multiple independent sources in Maryland, we discovered the integrated context in which infected birds are plausible indicators for positive mosquito pools and human cases for 2001 and 2002.  相似文献   
Multi-state models help predict future numbers of patients requiring specific treatments but these models require exhaustive incidence data. Deriving reliable predictions from repeated-prevalence data would be helpful. A new method to model the number of patients that switch between therapeutic modalities using repeated-prevalence data is presented and illustrated. The parameters and goodness of fit obtained with the new method and repeated-prevalence data were compared to those obtained with the classical method and incidence data. The multi-state model parameters’ confidence intervals obtained with annually collected repeated-prevalence data were wider than those obtained with incidence data and six out of nine pairs of confidence intervals did not overlap. However, most parameters were of the same order of magnitude and the predicted patient distributions among various renal replacement therapies were similar regardless of the type of data used. In the absence of incidence data, a multi-state model can still be successfully built with annually collected repeated-prevalence data to predict the numbers of patients requiring specific treatments. This modeling technique can be extended to other chronic diseases.  相似文献   
Risk of bias (RoB) assessments are a core element of evidence synthesis but can be time consuming and subjective. We aimed to develop a decision rule-based algorithm for RoB assessment of seroprevalence studies. We developed the SeroTracker-RoB algorithm. The algorithm derives seven objective and two subjective critical appraisal items from the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Prevalence studies and implements decision rules that determine study risk of bias based on the items. Decision rules were validated using the SeroTracker seroprevalence study database, which included non-algorithmic RoB judgments from two reviewers. We quantified efficiency as the mean difference in time for the algorithmic and non-algorithmic assessments of 80 randomly selected articles, coverage as the proportion of studies where the decision rules yielded an assessment, and reliability using intraclass correlations comparing algorithmic and non-algorithmic assessments for 2070 articles. A set of decision rules with 61 branches was developed using responses to the nine critical appraisal items. The algorithmic approach was faster than non-algorithmic assessment (mean reduction 2.32 min [SD 1.09] per article), classified 100% (n = 2070) of studies, and had good reliability compared to non-algorithmic assessment (ICC 0.77, 95% CI 0.74–0.80). We built the SeroTracker-RoB Excel Tool, which embeds this algorithm for use by other researchers. The SeroTracker-RoB decision-rule based algorithm was faster than non-algorithmic assessment with complete coverage and good reliability. This algorithm enabled rapid, transparent, and reproducible RoB evaluations of seroprevalence studies and may support evidence synthesis efforts during future disease outbreaks. This decision rule-based approach could be applied to other types of prevalence studies.  相似文献   
Prehospital low-titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) used for patients with life-threatening hemorrhage is often RhD positive. The most important complication following RhD alloimmunization is hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). Preceding clinical use of RhD positive LTOWB, we estimated the risk of HDFN due to LTOWB prehospital transfusion in the Finnish population.  相似文献   
Álvaro Briz-Redón; 《Stat》2024,13(4):e70023
Spatial confounding usually refers to an issue that often arises in the context of fitting a spatial linear mixed model: the collinearity between fixed and spatial random effects. As a consequence, this can lead to erroneous covariate–response associations, with the resulting scientific or social impact. Different methods have been proposed in the literature to alleviate spatial confounding. However, recent research suggests that restricted spatial regression, the most commonly used, produces anticonservative confidence intervals and hence performs worse than the original spatial linear mixed model in terms of coverage. In this paper, we propose the use of the Bayesian Lasso for alleviating spatial confounding. Specifically, we propose a joint model that includes the fixed-effects modeling process and the spatial linear mixed modeling framework subject to a penalty on the effect of the covariate on the response. The model proposed is tested for the Slovenia dataset, which is typically used for the study of this topic. We show that the model yields a covariate–response association relatively coherent with that inferred from the fixed-effects model, while allowing for the inclusion of spatial random effects, thus performing better in terms of goodness-of-fit and spatial smoothing than the fixed-effects model. A second application is also shown for a COVID-19 dataset corresponding to the Greater London area, which provides similar insights about the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
The abnormal aggregation of extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ)$$ left( Abeta right) $$ in senile plaques resulting in calcium Ca+2$$ left({Ca}^{+2}right) $$ dyshomeostasis is one of the primary symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Significant research efforts have been devoted in the past to better understand the underlying molecular mechanisms driving Aβ$$ Abeta $$ deposition and Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ dysregulation. Importantly, synaptic impairments, neuronal loss, and cognitive failure in AD patients are all related to the buildup of intraneuronal Aβ$$ Abeta $$ accumulation. Moreover, increasing evidence show a feed-forward loop between Aβ$$ Abeta $$ and Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ levels, that is, Aβ$$ Abeta $$ disrupts neuronal Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ levels, which in turn affects the formation of Aβ$$ Abeta $$. To better understand this interaction, we report a novel stochastic model where we analyze the positive feedback loop between Aβ$$ Abeta $$ and Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ using ADNI data. A good therapeutic treatment plan for AD requires precise predictions. Stochastic models offer an appropriate framework for modeling AD since AD studies are observational in nature and involve regular patient visits. The etiology of AD may be described as a multi-state disease process using the approximate Bayesian computation method. So, utilizing ADNI data from 2$$ 2 $$-year visits for AD patients, we employ this method to investigate the interplay between Aβ$$ Abeta $$ and Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ levels at various disease development phases. Incorporating the ADNI data in our physics-based Bayesian model, we discovered that a sufficiently large disruption in either Aβ$$ Abeta $$ metabolism or intracellular Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ homeostasis causes the relative growth rate in both Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ and Aβ$$ Abeta $$, which corresponds to the development of AD. The imbalance of Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ ions causes Aβ$$ Abeta $$ disorders by directly or indirectly affecting a variety of cellular and subcellular processes, and the altered homeostasis may worsen the abnormalities of Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ ion transportation and deposition. This suggests that altering the Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ balance or the balance between Aβ$$ Abeta $$ and Ca+2$$ {Ca}^{+2} $$ by chelating them may be able to reduce disorders associated with AD and open up new research possibilities for AD therapy.  相似文献   
Twelve percent of the Malawian population is HIV infected. Eighteen percent of sexual encounters are casual. A condom is used a third of the time. To analyze the Malawian epidemic, a choice‐theoretic general equilibrium search model is constructed. In the developed framework, people select between different sexual practices while knowing the inherent risk. The calibrated model is used to study several policy interventions, namely, ART, circumcision, better condoms, and the treatment of other STDs. The efficacy of public policy depends upon the induced behavioral changes and equilibrium effects. The framework complements the insights from epidemiological studies and small‐scale field experiments.  相似文献   

This article contributes to discussions on the gender dimensions of disease outbreaks, and preparedness policies and responses, by providing a multi-level analysis of gender-related gaps, particularly illustrating how the failure to challenge gender assumptions and incorporate gender as a priority at the global level has national and local impacts. The implications of neglecting gender dynamics, as well as the potential of equity-based approaches to disease outbreak responses, is illustrated through a case study of the Social Enterprise Network for Development (SEND) Sierra Leone, a non-government organisation (NGO) based in Kailahun, during the Ebola outbreak.  相似文献   
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