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王夫之在《说文广义》中提出语助皆有所本,揭示了虚词由实词演变而来;所用术语初步体现出虚词次范畴的分类意识;考释虚词重视书证;论及汉语虚词的兼类现象,对同一虚词的不同用法进行了详细阐释;对同类虚词重在比较,探讨声气运用的差异,与古汉语虚词研究成果有异曲同工之妙,值得学界关注。  相似文献   
The paper summarizes the evidence and provides definitions of risk, protective factors, resilience, coping strategies and need in the context of children in need. Definitions are offered for children in need and children's services. The way in which individual interpretation can alter objective assessment of risk is explored. A method for recording evidence relevant to clinical practice on behalf of children in need is offered. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
高校学生弱势群体的现状分析及教育对策研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着高校连年扩招,大学生弱势群体的比例在逐年增加,并出现一些新的、甚至突出的问题,影响了学校的教学与管理.为此,需要认真全面地分析形成弱势群体的原因及其大致比例、类型与现状,研究切实有效的教育帮助对策措施,使广大高校学生全面、健康地成长.  相似文献   
故宫作为一个极具代表性的中国文化符号,与其有关的纪录片创作历来是我国历史文化类纪录片创作的一个极其重要的组成部分。新世纪以来,史学观念的转变、传媒的市场化发展、国际文化交流的加强、“民族复兴”的精神指引等因素使故宫题材纪录片在叙述对象、结构设计、表现手法方面都呈现出了明显的趋势性变化。本文通过几部代表性故宫纪录片的分析,清晰地梳理出其演变路径,并深入思考纪实影像如何更好地讲述故宫的故事。  相似文献   
社会是人的社会,探究人所组成的社会的发展问题必须以人为起点。正是现实的有生命的个人的各种各样的复杂的需要以及满足这些需要的各种各样的生产实践活动及其活动方式在推动着人类社会的发展。需要是人的生产实践活动的内在动机,没有需要,人们也就不可能去从事实践活动。离开对人的需要的考察,人的一切行为都会使我们感到神秘莫测,因而也就不能正确理解人类社会的发展。我们必须从内含着人的需要的实践活动出发来理解人类社会的发展。  相似文献   
张艺谋是中国最杰出的电影导演之一,斯皮尔伯格则创造了美国电影的奇迹。斯皮尔伯格从崇尚新技术主义到回归纪实美学,张艺谋则从造型艺术起家到新现实主义再到技术加唯美主义,两人都在创新求变。但他们是在东西方不同的文化背景中成长起来的,因此也就必然地带有各自的文化烙印,斯皮尔伯格以宏大、张扬、璀璨的电影语言推行扩散着西方的文化观念和价值理想,张艺谋则试图最大限度地弥合中西文化差异,追求一种“主流的”、可以“平等”对话的文化空间。  相似文献   
人类的需要是体育得以产生与发展的动力。在人类社会的不同历史阶段,人对体育的需要及其满足,有其与社会形态相适应的内涵,表现出不同的形式与特征。人对体育的需要和满足之间必然有一个历史过程。  相似文献   
在对目前违背协同理论的教学方法进行反思的基础上,分析了大学生对英语写作的需求,就如何减少中式英语,遵循“学伴用随”原则,体现互动协同提出新的方案并进行实证研究.写作教学应抛开重视纠错、考试和语法的训练方式,用互动协同理论践行“学伴用随”原则并指导教学,同时通过强势协同,用大量的正确语言实践挤压学生犯错误的空间,以有效提高学生的语言应用能力.  相似文献   
This paper explores the cross-national challenges of integrating evidence-based interventions into existing services for high-resource-using children and youth. Using several North American model programme exemplars that have demonstrated efficacy, the paper explores multiple challenges confronting policy-makers, evaluation researchers and practitioners who seek to enhance outcomes for troubled children and youth and improve overall service effectiveness. The paper concludes with practical implications for youth and family professionals, researchers, service agencies and policy–makers, with particular emphasis on possibilities for cross-national collaboration.  相似文献   
The aim of this qualitative study was to study how older people experience aging and reflect on their need for care in the Swedish welfare context. Sixteen people were interviewed, aged between 77 and 92 years. Staying healthy and independent in their everyday lives were prized values for the informants. Some brushed aside thoughts of being in need of home help services in the future and others had a more reflecting attitude. The informants did not want to burden either society or their children. Through mass media and the experiences of their neighbours, they had gained a negative impression of eldercare. They were uncertain if there would be any helping hand of good quality in the future. On the other hand, informants who already had home help thought that it was helping them to maintain independence in everyday life and they were also satisfied with the help they received.  相似文献   
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