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1912年外蒙宣布“独立”后,派兵围攻当时西北边疆重镇科布多。在此期间,新疆都督杨增新,在力所能及的范围内,为援科之役作了一些有益的筹备工作。然而,由于他不善用兵等原因,杨增新对于援科之役的失败也应负一定责任。  相似文献   
20世纪五六十年代 ,我国发动了一场空前规模的国际范围内的“反修斗争”。这一运动的结果并不成功 ,而受害最大最深的还是我们的国家与人民。今天 ,当我们在改革开放的现代化道路上跋涉前进的时候 ,认真反思这段历史 ,其积极意义与我们对十年“文革”的清理和反思是一致的。只有实事求是地总结历史 ,才能与时俱进 ,不断创新 ,不断前进  相似文献   
Risk perception theories posit that changes in risk perception prompt subsequent changes in risk behavior. Prospective studies using observations made at three time‐points offer the capacity to test this hypothesis by observing sequential changes in both risk perceptions and behavior. A telephone survey was administered by random‐digit dialing to 255 adult Australian drivers at baseline (T1), 6 weeks (T2), and 14 weeks (T3). During weeks 2–5, a risk‐perception‐based anti‐speeding mass media campaign was conducted. The survey assessed risk perception, operationalized as the proportion of time that driving at 70 km/h (43 mph) was perceived to be dangerous, and self‐reported speeding behavior, defined as the frequency of respondents driving 5 km (3 mph) faster than the legal speed limit in built up areas. Higher T2 risk perception predicted lower T3 self‐reports of speeding after controlling T1 risk perception and T1 and T2 self‐reported speeding. This can be interpreted as changes in risk perceptions between T1 and T2 predicting changes in speeding between T2 and T3. Further analyses showed that increases in risk perception predicted lower subsequent self‐reported speeding changes, but decreases in risk perception were unrelated to those changes. Risk perception changes were unrelated to recall of exposure to the media campaign. These findings support a dynamic view of the relationship between risk perception and self‐reported behavior, and that risk perception theories can be applied to speeding.  相似文献   
讨论了高校余暇体育的内涵、特点开展高校余暇体育的现实意义 ,分析了目前开展高校余暇体育所存在的主要问题及对策 .  相似文献   
江西苏雏埃时期兴起的查田运动,是苏区传统农村阶级基础的重建和再造的过程。它开创了一种社会革命的动员模式——这种模式通过一种“阶级”的话语表达,结合大多数农民具体权益的满足,凭借有着极强渗透力和保障功能的基层组织,将传统社会的地方、血缘、宗法关系等内核,创造性转化为土地革命中的积极因素:通过查田运动,苏维埃政府与民众的联系空前紧密,不时经受着洗刷的基层组织也具备了一种动态式的活力,成功地实现了苏区的阶级基础再造,最终达到苏区民众的革命性动员的目的。  相似文献   
20世纪前半叶,韩国被日寇侵占后,韩国反日独立运动大多是在中国境内进行的。金九先生是韩国反日独立运动最杰出的领导人。本文分析了金九与韩国反日独立运动左翼派别的关系,以对这段鲜为人知的历史有更深刻的认识。  相似文献   
在清政府对路款的处理办法上 ,政府官员对保路运动的影响上 ,以及保路运动的领导层对保路运动的态度上 ,四川、湖北两省都表现了各自的特点。  相似文献   
1933年,陈果夫主政江苏以后,江苏省政府对烟毒的查禁改放任为统制,要求保甲长和军警进行检举和查挤。不过,由于联保连坐的压力、官员自上而下的纵向压力、硬性指标和数字攀比的横向压力,不仅造成了保甲长的滥举和军警的滥捕现象,还导致了诬告和索诈的盛行。因此,禁烟禁毒运动并未达到预期的目标。  相似文献   
清末直隶新式社团十分活跃,各种天足会的成立推动了直隶的不缠足运动。而禁烟会的成立不仅将直隶的禁烟运动推向深入,而且将禁烟与立宪联系起来,将禁烟与收回主权相联系。直隶科教卫生等类新式社团的诞生,在开化社会风气,提高民众素质,促进地方自治建设等方面取得了一定的成绩。新式社团的兴起为民主政治的产生提供了必要的结构性支撑,对于民众现代意识的产生、社会风俗的变化,乃至直隶的基层社会结构均产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

Objective: “Consent is Sexy” (CIS) is a poster campaign incorporating sex-positive messages to promote consent and increase sexual communication among college students. We assess reactions to the campaign and associations between campaign recall and communication attitudes and behaviors. Participants: Male and female undergraduates at a Midwestern university were recruited (N?=?284). Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted. t-Tests, logistic and multiple linear regressions were used to analyze the data. Results: Over half (56%) of participants recalled the campaign and reactions were positive. Students who recalled CIS had more positive attitudes towards sexual communication (p?=?.04) and greater perceived behavioral control (PBC; p?<?.01). Conclusions: Results show many students paid attention and reacted positively to CIS posters and results offer dissemination insights. Consent campaigns should continue to cultivate positive attitudes and PBC in regards to sexual communication.  相似文献   
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