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Pluralist theorists have long contended that to exercise power and influence in the American political system, blacks should come together like any other organized interest group, form coalitions with other like-minded people (white liberals), and advocate for policy reforms. Beginning during the “Black Power” era, the goal of putting black faces in high places to help address black concerns became a driving force in black politics. The deteriorating social and economic status of many in the black community, however, has not been prevented by either the political incorporation of more than 11,000 black elected officials or even the election of the nation’s first black president. This article will show how the inherent limitations of the pluralist interest-group strategy and a growing white backlash fueled by an awareness of changing demographics in the country has spawned an economic and political crisis in black America.  相似文献   
Creating a strong, influential third party has been an abiding aspiration on the American left, and were this goal to be achieved, it could be a great boon to subordinate groups in the United States. Yet widespread doubts persist, even among progressives that this is desirable, and especially that it is possible. Here, I briefly review compelling reasons for thinking otherwise; I then consider in some depth the potential for starting to build a viable left third party leading up to and after the pivotal 2020 election. In doing so, I go beyond the existing literature on third parties, which has yet to reflect systematically on progressive third party prospects in this period. Specifically, I assess how the emerging political environment may shape left third-party building, and I evaluate ongoing and developing attempts by key groups engaged in that effort. I find a distinct tension between conditions encouraging progressives to reform versus abandon the Democratic Party, and I identify one alternative party-building tendency that seems most able to exploit the latter impulse due to its already established electoral viability. Last, I highlight relevant questions that remain for activists hoping to create an effective national left third party.  相似文献   
《Sociological Forum》2018,33(1):255-258
Using MacKendrick (2017) as a springboard, this essay explores the March for Science as an example of social mobilization. I lay out some concerns regarding the use of this tactic as a response to attacks on science and suggest some ways sociology could contribute to the development of more efficacious actions to address the denigration of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   
政府组织传播与社会动员具有内在联系,政府组织推行其政策、主张的过程是一种动员式治理行为,是通过组织间和组织外传播与动员对象进行的有效互动。其中,组织间传播是一种基于人情投资的资源动员,而组织外传播则主要通过人际传播起作用。政府组织在面对面的人际动员实践中既存在“培养典型”等传统群众运动的路径依赖,也利用了情感等多种因素,此外还引入了国家正式权力进行惩戒动员。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,为了切实把社会各阶层青年纳入到中国共产党的战时轨道,中国共产党在根据地、国统区、沦陷区展开了全面的青年动员工作。在根据地,中国共产党成立青年动员工作领导机构,建设、发展和巩固根据地;在国统区,发动了广大青年推动和支持国民政府坚决抗战,争取民主,促进抗日青年统一战线;在日占区,秘密发展抗日青年组织,动员青年与日本法西斯和汪伪政权展开英勇机智地斗争,为抗战的胜利作出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
论国民经济动员链   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
国民经济动员在推进军民融合式发展过程中承担着重要使命,完成国民经济动员任务所必需的供应链或产业链整体称为国民经济动员链。关注国民经济动员活动的完整链条,通过国民经济动员链,把敏捷动员、动员联盟、供应链、产业链等理论联系在一起,不仅丰富了敏捷动员理论,更为国民经济动员管理部门和承担国民经济动员任务的企业与事业单位找到了完成任务的切入点。  相似文献   
大学毕业生就业难是一个全球性的普遍问题,近年来我国大学毕业生就业难的问题尤为突出。面对这个亟待解决的社会问题,各国都采取了相应的对策。我国如何解决每年数以百万计的大学毕业生就业的问题是一个关系到国家的振兴发展、国计民生、后继有人的大事,只有进行教育体制的彻底改革才有出路。在体制改革中要放眼全球,博采众家所长,找到解决问题的对策。  相似文献   
从社会动员能力看当前国家同农民的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在所有能够影响农村社会政局稳定的关系当中,国家同农民的关系是最重要的但又是最难处理的关系。政策的制定、制度的安排,稍有不当,就会影响国家同农民的关系,进而影响国家在农村的社会动员能力。目前,农村中国家同农民的关系处于相对紧张状态,其原因恰在于涉及到农民权益的政策和制度方面存在着欠缺。改善国家同农民的关系,必须规范政府的行为。  相似文献   
西方集体行动理论研究的演化及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体行动是社会科学界长期关注和思考的核心问题之一,本文主要针对西方学者关于集体行动理论的分析和研究发展进行较为系统的介绍和简要评议,以图对国内的集体行动研究提供有益的思考问题的视角。  相似文献   
论国民精神总动员运动对抗日民族统一战线的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国抗战的胜利是在中国共产党倡导的抗日民族统一战线的旗帜下,以国共合作为基础,各民族、各阶级、各党派、各界人士以及海外侨胞紧密团结、浴血奋战的结果,也是100多年来中国人民反对帝国主义侵略第一次取得的完全胜利.战略相持阶段到来以后,国民政府为适应新形势发动了国民精神总动员运动以挽救民族危亡,抗战建国,中国共产党始终以民族大义为重,既支持、肯定运动的积极面又不失时机对其消极面进行斗争,灵活运用统战政策维护了裂而不破的抗日民族统一战线,对抗战的胜利起到了至关重要的作用.对抗日民族统一战线工作经验的不断总结和思考,可以为我们党在新阶段加强执政能力建设和开展统战工作提供经验和借鉴,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
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