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针对共享缓存式交换机能提供理想的吞吐量、延时性能和对于一定的丢失率共享缓存交换机需要的内存较其他交换机小的特点,结合现有的共享缓存式以太网交换机芯片,对该交换机的缓存物理结构、数据结构进行分析和总结,并提出了一种共享缓存式以太网交换机缓存结构。  相似文献   
本文基于2013年诺贝尔经济学奖得主法玛的有效市场为基础,解析当面对不完全信息条件下国债的投资策略,并以此逻辑线索线进行分析,在不完全信息条件下可以完成通过寻找美元债券定价差价来增加收益,从而在避免利率波动的同时被动提高债券投资组合的收益率. 本文最后就如何正确对待债券定价提出了合理化建议.  相似文献   
This paper considers a single-machine scheduling with a position-dependent aging effect described by a power function under maintenance activities and variable maintenance duration considerations simultaneously. We examine two models of the maintenance duration in this study. The objective is to find jointly the optimal maintenance frequency, the optimal maintenance positions, and the optimal job sequences to minimize the makespan of all jobs. We provided polynomial time solution algorithms for all the studied problems.  相似文献   
九.一八事变后,张学良在锦州设置了东北边防军司令长官公署和辽宁省政府行署,这里成为东北政治、经济的中心。面对日军的武力威逼,张学良和蒋介石在解决锦州事变的问题上发生了分歧。本文拟就双方的态度差异及原因进行分析。  相似文献   
A probabilistic model for table tennis is derived and probabilities of winning and expected durations are presented for a game and for a match. A simpler model, ignoring the effects of service, is compared with the complete model.  相似文献   
政策策略的"变"与"不变"是事关大局的重大课题,也是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,更是其唯物辩证法思想的集中体现.以之为着眼点,详细分析其具体内容、层次特性、辩证关系、判断标准等内容,既能够深化对邓小平理论的辩证特质的认识和把握,更可以为我们制定政策、解决现实问题提供方法论的指导.  相似文献   
国债价格行为的布朗桥运动模型与久期方法比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论文以1998年至1999年期间上海证券交易所上市的国债为对象,在国内首次采用布朗桥运动模型分析了国债价格的波动特征,并进一步用久期方法分析了当前货币政策下的债券利率风险特征。研究表明剩余期限、持有时间是影响债券风险的重要因素,债券风险与债券初期价格和到期价格无关,在布朗桥模型中采用波动幅度作为风险指标要优于方差。  相似文献   
This paper applies the semi-parametric Cox regression approach to model unemployment duration in Slovenia. The empirical analysis is based on a comprehensive dataset that consists of all unemployment spells in Slovenia from 2002 to 2005. The impact of the variables age, gender, level of education, and region on the hazard ratio is discussed. It takes longer for female and older unemployed persons to find a job and on average the duration of unemployment decreases with increasing level of education. Surprisingly, unemployed persons with a professional college degree or a bachelor’s degree are better off than unemployed persons with a master’s degree. A comparison of the Cox proportional hazards model and the Cox regression model with a time-dependent covariate reveals that the more appropriate model with a time-dependent covariate places greater emphasis on higher levels of education.
Alenka Kavkler (Corresponding author)Email:
Exposure duration is an important component in determining long-term dose rates associated with exposure to environmental contaminants. Surveys of exposed populations collect information on individuals' past behaviors, including the durations of a behavior up to the time of the survey. This paper presents an empirical approach for determining the distribution of total durations that is consistent with the distribution past durations obtained from surveys. This approach is appropriate where the rates of beginning and ending a behavior are relatively constant over time. The approach allows the incorporation of information on the distribution of age in a population into the determination of the distribution of durations. The paper also explores the impact of longevity bias on survey data. A case study of the application of this approach to two angler populations is also provided. The results of the case study have characteristics similar to the results reported by Israeli and Nelson ( Risk Anal. 12, 65-72 (1992)) from their analytical model of residential duration. Specifically, the average period of time for the total duration in the entire population is shorter than the average period of time reported for historical duration in the surveyed individuals.  相似文献   
基于中国16家上市银行2000—2013年的非平衡面板数据, 使用Driscoll和Kraay(1998)的方法对中国商业银行的资本缓冲与经济周期之间的关系进行再检验, 并且考虑银行之间可能存在空间截面自相关问题, 实证结果显示:经济周期缺口系数显著为正, 商业银行规模系数显著为负, 贷款损失拨备系数为负但不显著。研究结果表明:中国商业银行资本缓冲存在一定的逆周期性;商业银行“太大而不能倒”理论不适用于中国现实情况;贷款损失拨备计提不仅基于利润理论, 也会受到成本费用理论的影响, 这两个理论之间的权衡造成贷款损失拨备系数并不显著为负。  相似文献   
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