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张荣华 《阅江学刊》2014,(2):94-100
作为普遍观念中的权利“载体”,新闻话语的功能价值研究受到学界的格外关注,却遮蔽了对其生产形式的澄清。实际上,“新闻话语”与“话语”关系紧密相连,从社会生产的角度看,新闻话语提供日常生活事实上的意义架构与实践批判,通过职业报道和非职业形式维系了民主制度下的信息流通;从话语历史的角度看,新闻生产表征“权力与权利”在启蒙与技术社会的直接博弈,渗透了不同社会情境下媒介组织规则与人的主体性的控制与反制。深入新闻话语生产的构成形式,观察它的生产主体和内在要素,对于反思和延展“新闻是如何可能的”这一理论命题将有着重要的分析价值。  相似文献   
系统功能语言学中的及物性理论是对新闻语篇进行批评性分析的有效工具,试图利用这一工具对鲜有问津的貌似客观公正的"中性"自然灾害类报道进行分析,揭示出语言、意识形态和权利之间的密切关系存在于任何形式的新闻语篇中。以期读者提高批评阅读意识,增强在阅读国外强势媒体新闻时的判断力,从而有效抵御西方话语霸权对中国本土文化的侵蚀。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代,为了整理田赋以提高政府财政收入,新成立的江宁实验县在其境内举办了一次土地陈报。经过统计,土地陈报之后的江宁额征田亩与前相比大为增加。田亩增加的同时,政府的税收也获得了很大的增长。这同时也就为江宁此后的进一步变革打下了良好的铺垫,为今后的各种建设工作提供了一个基本的前提。因此,此次土地陈报具有十分明显的"建设"意义。然而,江宁县更多的将土地陈报与田赋征收连接起来,因而在强调建设的同时也带有浓厚的控制意味。  相似文献   
科技的发展和生活节奏的加快,当代社会已进入了"读图时代"。新闻图片报道以其独特的传播优势使其成为新闻报道的重要方式之一,突发事件中新闻图片报道应遵循及时性、准确性、真实性、全面性、新颖性、人本性等准则,唯有如此才能增强新闻图片传播信息的有效性。  相似文献   
为检验企业可持续发展报告的信息内容与消费者购买意愿间的具体关系,以宜家家居为范例,,研究对消费者购买意愿的不同影响。消费者对企业可持续发展的态度对购买意愿有显著正影响应树立正确的可持续发展意识,建立有效对外传播系统,提升消费者对企业可持续发展的了解与认同  相似文献   
This article describes and discusses the views of researchers on the significance of raising concerns about scientific misconduct in their work environment and the reasons or circumstances that might deter them from doing so. In this exploratory qualitative research study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 33 researchers working in life sciences and medicine. They represent three seniority levels and five universities across Switzerland. A large majority of respondents in this research study argued that failure to raise concerns about scientific misconduct compromises research integrity. This is an encouraging result demonstrating that researchers try to adhere to high ethical standards. However, further interaction with respondents highlighted that this correct ethical assessment does not lead researchers to take the consequent action of raising concerns. The factors that discourage researchers from raising concerns need to be addressed at the level of research groups, institutions, and by setting a positive precedent which helps them to believe in the system’s ability to investigate concerns raised in a timely and professional manner. Training of researchers in research integrity related issues will have limited utility unless it is coupled with the creation of research culture where raising concerns is a standard practice of scientific and research activities.  相似文献   
Americans are living longer, but dying after a prolonged period of management of multiple chronic illnesses and functional disabilities. Despite waves of public and professional activity targeted toward improving care for the dying and supporting the families, gaps in care and challenges in end-of-life care persist. Contentious issues such as the so-called “death panels” or physician payment for discussion of advance directives and care wishes at the end of life; aid in dying; and regarding individuals who actively choose death (case of Brittney Maynard) are continually debated in the public media. Progress toward improvement in the experience of dying remains incremental and change has been slow. With the release of a second Institute of Medicine (2014 Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2014). Dying in America: Improving quality and honoring individual preferences near the end of life. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. [Google Scholar]) report devoted to what it means to die in America in the 21st century, momentum and opportunity for change may increase. If this is to happen, social workers will need to deliver the range of biopsychosocial care that patients and families so desperately need. However, holistic care of the individual will only improve, if the nation also addresses ongoing systemic problems in financing, policy, and service delivery in end-of-life care.  相似文献   
The Nursing Home Compare report card provides information on the World Wide Web about quality measures for almost every nursing home in the United States. In this research, we first examined whether consumers were using Nursing Home Compare. Second, we examined whether consumers could accurately interpret the quality information given in Nursing Home Compare. Data were collected from 4754 family members of nursing home residents. A comprehension index was used to examine whether the information contained in Nursing Home Compare for each quality measure was understood by family members. We found that 31% of these consumers used the Internet in choosing a nursing home, and 12% recalled using Nursing Home Compare. We also found that, in general, the comprehension index scores were high, indicating good understanding. Simply having the Nursing Home Compare report card available does not mean that it will be used, nor does it mean that it can influence consumers in any meaningful way. The findings show that consumers understand Nursing Home Compare information, and approximately 12% currently access the Web site.  相似文献   
影响因子作为量化指标用于学术期刊质量的评价有较高的合理性.但它受到诸多非质量因素的影响,在实际应用中,更适用于同类高层次学术期刊的质量评价,对低层次期刊的适用性较差.在统计源筛选严格、具有权威性的引证报告中,影响因子位居学科前列的学术期刊,所刊发的论文整体质量高,但这不完全适用于具体的单篇论文的评价.  相似文献   
本文从负面报道的定义开始研究,认为不同观点的报道亦属于负面报道。而中国传统文化对负面报道有深远影响,导致负面报道的内容生产和传播非常困难。本文还认为,媒体负面报道权利的争取是传媒一直在奋争的。  相似文献   
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