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Economics of Radiation Protection: Equity Considerations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to implement cost-benefit analysis of protective actions to reduce radiological exposures, one needs to attribute a monetary value to the avoided exposure. Recently, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has stressed the need to take into consideration not only the collective exposure to ionising radiation but also its dispersion in the population. In this paper, by using some well known and some recent results in the economics of uncertainty, we discuss how to integrate these recommendations in the valuation of the benefit of protection.  相似文献   
This article employs Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) to investigate whether, and under what conditions, trust is viable in markets. The emergence and breakdown of trust is modeled in a context of multiple buyers and suppliers. Agents develop trust in a partner as a function of observed loyalty. They select partners on the basis of their trust in the partner and potential profit, with adaptive weights. On the basis of realized profits, they adapt the weight they attach to trust relative to profitability, and their own trustworthiness, modeled as a threshold of defection. Trust and loyalty turn out to be viable under fairly general conditions.  相似文献   
新时代网络社会的不确定性、突变性等特征极大地颠覆了重大工程社会矛盾的阶段演化特性,对传统封闭性的社会矛盾化解机制设计提出了新挑战,具有多元非中心性的公众参与在应对该挑战中可发挥重要的引导作用。基于裂缝假说分析重大工程社会冲突困境,提出建立与公众参与水平相匹配的参与制度是困境化解的关键路径;将公众参与成熟度作为公众参与水平划分工具,按照低、中、高将其划分为3 个水平;引入网络化治理理论,建立与公众参与水平相匹配的公众参与机制,即形成“政府主导-社区参与”型、“政府引导-社会组织介入”型、“政府与社会组织协同合作”型机制,推动公众参与引导重大工程社会矛盾的自我疏导、自我治理和自我化解,形成全民共建共享的网络化治理新格局。  相似文献   
坚持和发展社会主义市场经济,必须紧紧抓住和解决好基本制度、生产目的和资源配置这三个根本问题.这三个根本问题也构成了中国特色社会主义政治经济学的核心内容.在基本制度方面,必须坚持公有制主体地位不能动摇,国有经济主导作用不能动摇;坚持按劳分配为主体、使改革发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民.在生产目的上,要满足广大人民日益增长、不断升级和个性化的物质文化和生态环境需要.在解放和发展生产力的同时,保证被解放和发展了的生产力归人民所有,走可持续发展道路.在资源配置方面,社会主义国家由于有公有制经济的全力配合,政府对资源配置才能真正发挥“看得见的手”的作用,当然其效果如何还得看这只手有没有遵循经济发展的客观规律.中国特色社会主义追求的是共同富裕,公有制的存在和发展保证了经济发展成果由人民群众共享,从而中国特色社会主义的效率必然是也必须是最广大人民群众的效率,从而这个效率必然是与公平一致的.  相似文献   
目前,学前教育专业男生朗读技能训练的课程中,在发音上存在着声母和韵母发音混淆的问题。男生的舌尖敏感度明显不如女生。男生在练习时要分清发音部位,了解发音方法,学会控制气息。教师要训练男生依靠发音部位和发音方法之间的准确配合,利用对气息的控制,真正掌握正确读出声母的诀窍。男生要学会灵活运用口腔和舌头,掌握每个元音发音时口腔的开合度,舌面的高低升降,唇形的圆展变化,克服弱点,多练多学,纠正发音问题。要提高朗读水平,男生自己的内因,即主动学习的态度十分关键。  相似文献   
运用问卷法和访谈法调查泉州幼高专学前教育免费师范男生的职业认同感现状,结果表明:学前教育专业免费师范男生的职业认同感处于中上水平;不同专业、不同生源地、不同年级的学前教育专业免费师范男生的职业认同感不存在显著性差异;独生的免费男幼师与非独生子女的男幼师在职业认同感存在显著性差异,且非独生子女得分高于独生子女。根据这一结果,从社会、高校、个人三个层面提出对策与建议,为学前教育免费师范男生的培养与管理提供教育启示。  相似文献   
酒店管理专业第三方参与校企合作模式是目前一种新颖的合作模式。基于旅游院校教育发展的社会化和专业化改革需要出发,就实践中第三方参与合作模式的不同形式进行分析、对比和归纳总结,分析第三方参与合作模式的优劣势,进而就该模式的进一步完善提出建议和措施。  相似文献   
Self-report purchase tasks are a novel approach examining the reinforcing value of addictive behaviour relative to increasing monetary costs required to access the addictive behaviour (i.e. demand). These measures reveal a positive relationship between the indices of demand and addiction problem severity and can elucidate factors associated with motivation for substance use. Gambling is an addictive behaviour that has not been examined using this paradigm. This study seeks to adapt and examine the purchase task for gambling behaviour. A gambling purchase task was devised that asked individuals how often per month they would gamble at various cover charges. Participants were 73 adults from the community with either gambling disorder (n = 28) or alcohol use disorder (n = 24) or were a healthy control (n = 21). Both the alcohol and gambling purchase tasks were administered. Results demonstrate discriminant validity of the gambling purchase task, as individuals with gambling disorder have significantly greater demand for accessing gambling than other groups. The alcohol purchase task also evidenced discriminant validity in that individuals with alcohol use disorder have significantly greater demand for alcohol than other groups. These findings support the use of the gambling purchase task to assess the demand for gambling.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between chosen field of study and the race gap in college completion among students at elite colleges. Fields of study are characterized by varying institutional arrangements, which impact the academic performance of students in higher education. If the effect of fields on graduation likelihoods is unequal across racial groups, then this may account for part of the overall race gap in college completion. Results from a large sample of students attending elite colleges confirm that fields of study influence the graduation likelihoods of all students, above and beyond factors such as students’ academic and social backgrounds. This effect, however, is asymmetrical: relative to white students, the negative effect of the institutional arrangements of math-oriented fields on graduation likelihood is greater for black students. Therefore, the race gap is larger within math-oriented fields than in other fields, which contributes to the overall race gap in graduation likelihoods at these selective colleges. These results indicate that a nontrivial share of the race gap in college completion is generated after matriculation, by the environments that students encounter in college. Consequently, policy interventions that target field of study environments can substantially mitigate racial disparities in college graduation rates.  相似文献   
高校辅导员的专业性对开展大学生思想政治教育工作有重要的意义,辅导员的专业成长是高校工作的重点。在专业重构理论的视角下,将优化创新科研和充盈强化培训作为提升辅导员专业性,助推专业成长的两大途径,并做好优化顶层设计、完善体制机制、激化内在动力等工作为辅导员的专业成长保驾护航。  相似文献   
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