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中国土地红利是经济红利和政策红利共同缔造的特殊红利形式,彰显土地红利公共利益属性是社会公平正义的内在要求。从逻辑上分析,我国土地红利源于土地公有制基础上的一系列制度安排,城镇化和工业化、土地用途管制、土地区位优势、公共投资等因素共同推高了土地价格,奠定了土地红利公共利益属性的坚实基础。为维护土地红利的公共利益属性,国家一方面将其纳入公共财政范畴,以规范公共财政收支的方式实现土地收益“全民共享”,防止土地红利被少数人垄断。另一方面,通过完善相关制度,改进土地收益的税法体系,科学界定房地产开发相关税收的税基和税额;健全土地征收制度,确保征地的目的、程序、收益合法且符合公益;推进土地红利城乡间公平分配,协调公共利益与个人利益的关系,实现土地红利共享。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情不仅对人民群众的生命健康构成极大威胁,也考验党和政府的治理能力和党群干群关系。以习近平同志为核心的党中央始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,坚持把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,领导人民取得了抗疫的重大成果。坚持人民至上、生命至上,是抗疫成功更深层次的决定性因素和价值支撑。人民至上立场集中体现为肯定人民群众是历史创造者的人民史观、全心全意为人民服务的人民宗旨观、以人民为中心的发展观;人民至上是中国共产党百年奋斗的宝贵历史经验,也是中国共产党百年成就之本;从伦理学高度审视,人民至上立场是一种根本伦理价值观和伦理精神,体现为马克思主义和中国特色社会主义的人民伦理观;生命至上是人民至上立场的集中体现和要求,拓展了社会主义道德价值的新内涵。  相似文献   
青年是祖国的未来、民族的希望,是实现第二个百年目标的生力军。习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立100 周年大会上发出号召,青年一代要增强做中国人的志气、骨气和底气,切实肩负起实现民族复兴的时代重任。以“坚持真理、坚守理想,践行初心、担当使命,不怕牺牲、英勇斗争,对党忠诚、不负人民”为内涵的伟大建党精神作为一种先进文化,为时代新人培养提供了丰厚精神滋养。站在新的历史起点,我们要深刻领会伟大建党精神的深邃内涵,着眼于新时代培养怎样的青年、为谁培养青年、怎样培养青年这一时代问题,从加强教育引导、注重实践养成以及加强制度保障等层面,教育引导青年筑牢实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的价值理想和为人民幸福而永久奋斗的价值追求。  相似文献   
从脱贫户获得感维度检验中国脱贫的实践效应。通过对广东省48 村1 518 已脱贫农户的调查研究,发现其家庭人均年收入持续增长且比已知脱贫收入线显著偏高,产业扶贫对收入增长的作用显著;脱贫户基于家庭劳动力人数、老人数和学生子女数等客观需求,多数自觉获得了体现客观机会获得的脱贫政策福利;脱贫户拥有较高的获得感,并没因调查个体的人口特征而存在差异,其显著地与客观需求呈负相关,与客观获得呈正相关,需求既定时客观获得增加,则获得感会显著提升,这意味着新时代基于需求-获得-满足的精准扶贫逻辑具有实践效应。在客观获得确定而需求增加时,获得感会显著偏低,收入的影响作用最大。因此,后脱贫时代需要继续推进乡村产业发展,加强对劳动力的职业技能培训和乡村教育扶持力度,从外部基础、成人主体内在动力和代际发展潜力来保障和提升脱贫成效的持续性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the phenomenon of three clients living in squalor, all of whom have severe and enduring mental health problems, and are on the caseload of a mental health social work team. By thinking about the clients both individually and as a group, within a psychoanalytic framework, it attempts to understand their squalor in a new way, with particular regard to the transference and countertransference experienced by the practitioner. By making use of social work literature as well as that concerning organisations and community care, it also discusses the impact these clients make on the wider community around them, and examines some of the dilemmas faced by the practitioner. The implications for social work are serious and far-reaching and these are discussed with regard to long-term intervention as well as professional and personal scrutiny.  相似文献   

Developing environments responsive to the aspirations of older people has become a major concern for social and public policy. Policies and programs directed at achieving “age-friendly” communities are considered to require a wide range of interventions, including actions at the level of the social and physical environment. This article compares the age-friendly approaches of two European cities, Brussels and Manchester, with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active aging in an urban context. The article examines, first, the demographic, social, and multicultural contexts of Brussels and Manchester; second, the way in which both cities became members of the World Health Organization Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities; third, similarities and differences in the age-friendly approaches and actions adopted by both cities; and fourth, opportunities and barriers to the implementation of age-friendly policies. The article concludes by discussing the key elements and resources needed to develop age-friendly cities.  相似文献   
实现人民利益有利于执政党的长期执政,而能否实现好人民利益,又要依靠党的执政,依靠党的实现人民利益能力的不断提升。从人民利益实现过程分析,党实现人民利益的能力主要包涵人民利益表达能力、综合能力、决策能力、执行能力以及反馈能力。现阶段执政党要提高实现人民利益能力,需要进一步加强思想建设、组织建设、作风建设以及制度建设,不断开创党的建设这一伟大工程的新局面。  相似文献   
本文结合实地考察,对东方美孚方言区"三月三"民俗文化加以浅议。  相似文献   
This article investigated the role of environmental and behavioral factors surrounding fall incidents in a senior living community. Using a mixed-methods approach, this research included both a retrospective analysis of fall reports and resident interviews. The quantitative analysis showed falls in the bedroom and bathroom were more likely to happen between 12 am and 8 am. Falls in the bathroom were more likely to result in severe injuries compared to falls in other rooms. The qualitative analysis identified three types of fall-related activity (transfer, ambulation, standing) and five behavioral factors surrounding fall incidents (transferring, slipping, misjudged behavior, tripping, health issue).  相似文献   
侗族以族群的智慧创造了丰富多彩的文化艺术,拥有本民族突出的社会生活价值观。重义轻利、克己利人、热心公益是侗族人最为突出的传统美德。宽容儒雅、趋静求稳、崇尚和谐是侗族最为基本的民族品性。  相似文献   
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