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思想政治教育的规律是由思想政治教育的基本矛盾所决定的,即由教育者的主体期望同受教育者客体思想行为之间的矛盾所决定的。思想政治教育的规律可分为基本规律和具体规律两个层次。文章将具体规律归纳为6个方面并加以分析和阐述。  相似文献   
学校教育质量管理活动的最关键环节是学校教学质量评价,只有通过质量评价才能促进学校教学质量的提高,从而持续保证学生全面、和谐的发展,这种评价不同于诸如高考之类的选拔性评价。因此,根据"教育服务观"和现代学校教师职业的本质特点,我国学校教学质量评价必须实现两个根本性的转变:一是在评价对象上的转变,即以学生为主要评价对象转变为以教师为主要评价对象;二是在评价方式上的转变,即侧重评价"结果"转变为侧重评价"过程"。  相似文献   
This article draws upon empirical research which explored how undergraduate and postgraduate social work students, at one university in England, experienced working alongside practice educators. In-depth interviews with eight participants enabled them to explore their placement experiences and in relation to assessment, social work students predominantly focused on the direct observations of their practice and written work. The findings suggest that students were less clear about the range of assessment methods employed and how stakeholders contribute toward formative and summative assessment. This article presents the Transparency of Assessment in Practice Education: the TAPE Model, which is designed to make the elements of assessment explicit. This model outlines six Ws which comprise the measurement of assessment. It is suitable to use with social work students, newly qualified social workers undertaking their Assessed and Supported Year in Employment, and can bring transparency to other assessment situations in the workplace or classroom.  相似文献   

We conducted focus group interviews with students who were current peer health educators at a mid-sized university to determine what factors motivate individuals to volunteer for a peer health education program. Specifically, we asked the participants questions designed to explore their life experiences, their expectations of the peer education program, and their motivations. Constructs from social learning theory were used to categorize and contribute to our understanding of the responses. Many participants specified experiences with family members or friends, such as alcoholism or other illnesses, that had influenced their decisions. Participants' expectation of the program varied greatly and did not indicate a strong link to the decision to volunteer. The peer health educators' motivations for volunteering were altruistic, such as wanting to help others; egoistic, such as wanting job training; or related to self-efficacy beliefs, such as satisfying a personal need for health education. This study indicated that life experiences, a belief in the effectiveness of peer health education programs, and positive reinforcement to join influence the decision to volunteer. Implications for coordinating peer education programs are discussed.  相似文献   
There is a dearth of research on sexual abuse perpetrated by educators. Although the problem is receiving increasing attention, little emphasis has been placed on abuse directed at younger schoolchildren and on offenders’ accounts of this form of abuse. Here, we attempt to address this gap in knowledge by exploring the narratives of five convicted, imprisoned male child sexual abusers, each of whom worked with children in educational settings in the United Kingdom. We draw on four themes that emerged from detailed interviews with offenders, namely: the power of reputation, authority and control, the “front of invulnerability,” and disclosure of abuse. We conclude by considering the implications of our work for policy and practice.  相似文献   
安大略省0-3岁儿童早期教育以该省教育厅《学习是怎么发生的》为指导性纲领,将发展婴幼儿归属感、幸福感、参与性和表达性列为教育目标,通过教育者与儿童及其家庭间回应式的关系、儿童的探究式学习、师生合作学习、教育者的教学记录、反思性教学和合作探究等途径实现教育目标。多伦多市儿童早期教育在线评估系统为教育目标的具体实施提供了评估细则,为确保儿童早期教育质量提供保障。安大略省的儿童早期教育目标、教育者的培养理念、教育质量评估体系为我国促进"幼有所育",建设高质量的托育服务系统提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
The study focuses on emotional processes that may arise for practice educators when working with struggling or failing students in practice learning settings. Informed by a thematic review of the literature exploring the phenomenon of ‘failing to fail’, the study draws on two UK qualitative studies that highlighted the emotional distress experienced by practice educators when working with a marginal or failing student. The study draws key examples from these prior studies and argues that the psychoanalytic concept of projective identification offers a plausible and illuminating account of the states of mind experienced and reported by some practice educators in the ‘failing to fail’ dilemma. The notion is proffered as a conceptual framework for practice educators to explore and apply to their own practice as a means of making explicit unconscious states of mind, helping to recognise and rationalise these, thus supporting confidence in making appropriate assessment decisions.  相似文献   
网络给传统的思想政治教育工作带来冲击,我们应以辩证的眼光,实事求是地看待它,既要反对无用论,又要反对机械论和万能论;在用网络为思想政治教育服务上,坚持网络素养与网络思想政治教育的可持续发展;更为重要的是思想政治教育进网络工作必须确立教育者先行教育理念。  相似文献   
陈璐 《学术探索》2012,(3):160-163
现代教育技术固然有众多优点,给教育事业赋予革命性的意义。不可否认,现代教育技术使教育的方方面面得到了极大的提升,使之进入一个新纪元。但与此同时,也不难发现,现代教育技术本身给我们带来的困惑,已经无法用教育或技术本身的理论来解答,而倘若身处困局中,却只局限于从困局自身寻找,那么当我们兜转数圈后,会发现只是回归原点。因此,需要站在困局本身之外,寻找一种指引,这种指引便是异化劳动理论。本文基于马克思异化劳动理论的视角,从教育技术工作者的劳动和他的劳动产品相异化、教育技术工作者和他的劳动活动相异化,现代教育技术带来的人的类本质与人相异化,以及教育技术中人与人的关系相异化这四个方面,对现代教育技术带来的困惑进行解读。  相似文献   
范伯子是宋代名臣范仲淹第二十六世孙,清末桐城古文学派在江苏的主要代表人物,文学家,诗人,“同光”诗坛领袖之一.范伯子还是一位教育家,早年从事私塾教育,后做官学书院山长;晚年同夫人姚倚云与张謇、张师江、陈敬夫、李磐硕等社会贤达在南通从事新学堂的创办工作,是南通近代教育先驱者之一.其家族成员亦多从事教育工作,是一个以传道授业闻名的教育世家,至范曾形成了诗文世家、教育世家的第三个高峰期.  相似文献   
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