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“任务型乡贤”与乡村振兴中的精英再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的过程之中,地方政府面临着治理任务加重与治理主体缺失的双重难题,H县打造了以“任务型乡贤”为主体的“321治理模式”,吸纳农村党员、人大代表以及中心户长多元主体参与到国家任务的完成过程之中,并采用精细化、网格化、任务化以及平台化的运作机制与技术治理策略,实现了对于农村精英的整合与再造。不同于传统乡贤与新乡贤,“任务型乡贤”的运作是一种半正式化的吸纳性治理模式,在参与乡村治理的过程之中不仅有助于上级治理任务的完成,而且还从某种程度上激活了乡村社会中的村民自治,提高了农民参与乡村治理的热情。这种将先进治理方法技术与传统治理经验相结合的社会治理创新模式,促进了“自治、法治、德治”三者相结合,有助于乡村振兴“治理有效”目标的实现。  相似文献   
Existing anti-corruption theories adopt “state-centric,” “market-centric” or “governance/ good governance” approaches as their dominant research direction. These theories are grounded in Western systems of liberty and democracy and their analysis is couched in terms of the logic of the division between public and private, which makes it difficult for their proponents to gain an insight into the unique experience of developing countries. The process behind India’s Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act (LALA), starting from 2010, shows that developing countries may have another anti-corruption route: a composite tripartite anti-corruption model. In this model, the government, the elite and the mass of the people constitute the three main players in the anti-corruption drive. The three forms a complex multi-faceted relationship premised on compliance with bottom-line standards and the use of positive interaction in a dynamic balance that advances the construction of anti-corruption institutions. Summing up the experience and synthesizing the theory of this model will not only help us explore a new anti-corruption approach but will also stimulate our thinking about the unique state-society relationships of developing countries and the political impetus underlying their institutional construction.  相似文献   
Business has played a central role in the debate over Britain's place in the European Union. This paper examines the socio‐economic characteristics of directors of Britain's largest corporations who affiliated either to Business for Sterling or Britain in Europe. It reports associations between directors' social backgrounds and their probabilities of affiliation. Elite university education, club membership, wealth and multiple directorships were all associated with higher propensities to affiliate. The associations are consistent with the idea that directors' social resources allow them to overcome collective action problems as well as supplying them with the motivations to affiliate. They also indicated that directors form a privileged group in that they have a number of very powerful actors who can take unilateral political actions.  相似文献   
This article discusses examples of strategies employed by representatives of Russia's new social upper class to acquire social distinction. By the late 2000s many of the upper‐class Russians included in this study distanced themselves from the conspicuous ostentation ascribed to the brutish 1990s. Instead, they strove to gain legitimacy for their social position by no longer aggressively displaying their wealth, but instead elaborating more refined and individualized tastes and manners and reviving a more cultured image and self‐image. These changes found their expression in various modes of social distinction ranging from external signs, such as fashion and cars, to ostentation vicariously exercised through the people these upper‐class Russians surrounded themselves with. The article will trace these interviewees' strategies for distinction in the late 2000s by discussing tastes in lifestyle and consumption as well as adornment through sartorial signs and through vicarious ostentation, as exemplified by their choice of female company. Changing attitudes towards vehicles and modes of transport, with special regards to the Moscow Metro, will serve as a further illustration of modes of distinction. Crucial for this discussion is the role of the Russian/Soviet intelligentsia, both for vicarious status assertion and elite distinction anchored in the interviewees' social backgrounds.  相似文献   
大学领导是我国高等教育体系建设的中坚力量,其办学理念和教育理念都深刻影响着我国高等教育治理体系及其治理效能。大学领导往往是"学而优则仕"的结果,但是他们的上任和选聘与其"学"如何"优"的定量关系,依然是未解之谜。因此,刻画大学领导的科研表现与其行政职务的动态关系,了解和研究大学领导学术生涯和行政生涯的关系,有利于厘清高等教育人才职业生涯路径,为解决我国教育创新型人才培养问题提供建议与参考。本文定量研究大学领导的学术生产力和影响力是否受到其行政职位的影响。对来自411所大学的343名男性和68名女性大学领导进行抽样调查,其学术生产力和影响力的数据来源于Web of Science数据库收录的发文量和被引量。我们定义了四个时期:任职前时期、前任职到现任职时期、现任职时期和参考时期,采用统计学方法,对比分析他们在任现职前后的学术生产力和学术影响力的变化。大学领导对高等教育的发展至关重要,繁杂的公事、巨大的压力及紧凑的工作时间让他们在成为领导的过程中,经历着学术生涯和行政生涯或互动或促进或博弈的历程。前人研究表明,行政职务对个人生活和职业生涯有各种负面影响。本研究定量考察了行政职务对学术人员科研表现的影响。结果表明:(1)行政职务对校领导的发文量影响较小,对被引量的影响程度中等,行政职务在一定程度上影响了各位校领导的学术表现,尤其是影响了大部分校领导的学术影响力;(2)学科的不同在行政职务和学术表现的关系上无显著影响;(3)大学排名的高低,对校领导在任职后的学术生产力有很薄弱的影响,在学术影响层面上,高校领导任职后都呈下降趋势;(4)从性别的角度看高校领导在任职前后的学术表现并没有较大不同,男领导和女领导的学术表现在任职后均有所下降;(5)任职经验较长的校领导发文量受行政职务的影响更大,而任职经验较短的校领导则是被引量受行政职务的影响更大。我们通过定量分析与统计验证,再一次证实了"鱼和熊掌,不可兼得"的事实。大学行政职务对高校教师来说,是他们的"达摩克利斯之剑",既可能像一部分教师一样学术行政双丰收,更可能像大多数(近六成)教师一样出现纯学术影响力的下滑。在高校领导自身层面,"事半功倍"的学术能力和处事能力能为其带来稳定,甚至更大的收获。在政策制定者层面,可以考虑为高校管理工作者提供管理培训平台,尤其是提供高校领导的培训提升平台,遴选大学领导时重学科和经验、轻排名和性别。  相似文献   
Examining former athletes' health-related beliefs and behaviors on the long-term effects of concussions and potentially developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) offers a domain to understand how men renegotiate their masculinities. In this paper, we explore how the cultural production of the concussion crisis shapes the ways in which men athletes make sense of self and their masculinity in the face of declining health. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 27 male, former athletes, this article examines the multiple ways in which gender shapes their experience and treatment of traumatic brain injuries or suspected CTE. We show how men are re-negotiating their aging masculinities through illness narratives and how the cultural production of the concussion crisis in sports shapes these narratives. We break down our analysis into three sections: (1) reflections of chaos narratives and stories of never-aging masculinities, (2) the ways the concussion crisis shapes their restitution narratives, and (3) quest narratives combining never-aging and aging masculinities. Whether or not these athletes have or are treated for CTE, we argue that they reformulate their masculinity to regain control over their manhood and to feel a sense of relief.  相似文献   
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