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论老建筑再生与城市空间品质的塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过老建筑再生对于城市的价值意义的研究以及对城市与老建筑关系的分析,从多个角度阐述由老建筑再生所带来的城市意象、城市肌理、场所精神、城市色彩、城市风貌等要素的变化及其促进城市空间品质的提高,并结合国内外案例对这一观点行论证。  相似文献   
在诗歌的发展进程中,人们先是对情与景的融合有了一定的理论认识,然后在创作实践中才转向作品内情与景的融合。而对作品内情与景融合的认识经过了一个景物的工具化、对象化、主体化三个阶段以及三者与其他各种手法兼容并包的相应变化不断深化发展、逐步完善、最终才走向成熟的过程。情与景的交融又恰在于主客间的彼此交融,景物的主体化使诗词意境中的情景交融成为可能,并使诗词的意境达到空灵蕴藉的高度。  相似文献   
通过对舒婷《在诗歌的十字架上》的文本解读,分析渗透在舒婷诗歌中的基督教文化精神及其出现的社会历史原因,并对以往舒婷诗歌研究中被忽略的宗教文化精神进行深入挖掘,探索其在当代文学中的存在意义。  相似文献   
文章从结构化理论、延误的现代性、现代性的经验和反省性与自我认同五个方面对安东尼.吉登斯的现代性理论进行了分析。揭示了吉登斯如何在时间和空间的分离、脱域机制的发展和知识的反思性运用三种现代化动力基础上成功地阐释了传统社会的解构、现代社会和个人的相互建构以及现代性自身蕴含的风险。  相似文献   
Using the data collected from research carried out at two Portuguese universities, this article highlights the way university lecturers currently deal with space and time. Their professional activity is not externally subjected to a specific time geometry that defines their working day. Teaching and researching time–spaces are basically task oriented. Furthermore, university lecturers are increasingly requested to perform tasks in very short time periods in order to secure financial support. To a certain extent, this pressure upon their work is facilitated by the use of technology. However, technology also causes a profound reconfiguration of working times and spaces, especially because it allows lecturers to work at any time from anywhere. This not only renders university physical spaces and times virtual, but it also leads to the colonization of several other time–spaces of their social lives. This article analyses the ambivalence and difficulty of managing time–spaces, as described by the lecturers themselves, with the objective of providing a more accurate awareness of the implications of technology on their lives, as well as the hazards of the progressive externalization of academic work, particularly for women.  相似文献   
This article draws on ethnographic data to examine how moral person‐hood, emotions, and social relationships are constructed quite differently within two organizations with the similar goal of holistically caring for the dying. The analysis shows how the moral rhetoric and related practices at a mainstream hospice encourage volunteers to esteem a static conception of the self‐as‐character, whereas the Buddhist approach requires volunteers to engage in a process of transcending a self that is continually being worked on. The analysis points to paradoxes in the hospice conceptions of a “good death” and offers critical reflection on the assumption that Western and Buddhist approaches to hospice care are largely equivalent. Organizational, structural, and phenomenological strands of symbolic interactionist thought are drawn on to interpret these findings.  相似文献   
This study examines how others indicate that our emotions violate social norms and how people feel about and respond to those indications. The data come from in‐depth interviews with thirty‐two people who had recently lost a loved one to murder (“bereaved victims”). Through the symbolic interaction process, bereaved victims came to appreciate the burden their grief imposed on others, and some of them took steps to minimize that burden. Despite their awareness of the burden, however, many of the bereaved expected others to express heartfelt sympathy for their loss. Instead, people offered inappropriate (and even hurtful) responses, including avoiding the topic of their loss, offering unnecessarily dramatic responses to the loss, and telling them to move on. The responses suggest that current feeling rules and emotion norms surrounding grief do not reflect the true extent of bereaved people's actual experiences, creating awkward situations for potential supporters and the bereaved.  相似文献   
介绍了大连贝壳博物馆概念设计的理念,探讨了特殊地域、地段建筑与城市以及自然环境有机共生的运作手法。设计基于功能与流线的合理设计,追求流动空间与自然形态,并尝试生命演进过程的表达以及场所气氛的营造。  相似文献   
别墅作为现代高档的住宅形式,别墅庭院景观设计有其自身的个性。而现阶段别墅庭院的景观设计还停留在表层的物质阶段,缺乏对人精神方面的关怀。本文从别墅庭院的情感内涵入手,挖掘人的情感需求,探讨现代别墅庭院中情感氛围的营造。  相似文献   
《聊斋志异》一书快意恩仇。蒲松龄借因果报应之说而转换了其实际内容,其因果报应篇章的审美情感和特征主要表现为:报应内容的社会化和道德化,行为主体的动机化和情感化,小说叙述的艺术化和个性化。其主调是与《聊斋》文奇义正、寄托遥深的整体精神相契合的。  相似文献   
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