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The present article contributes to the ongoing academic debate on migrants’ appropriation of artistic and political spaces in Germany. Cologne, one of the largest cities in Germany, is an interesting example of the tension between political discourse centred around multiculturalism and cultural segregation processes. The ‘no fool is illegal’ carnival organised by asylum seekers shows their capacity to act, as they reinvent an old local tradition by reinterpreting medieval rituals. Today, different groups and associations appropriate this festive art space: migrants, gays and lesbians, feminists and far-left groups either organise their own parties or take part in the official parties and parades as separate groups. As a result, the celebration of diversity figures on the local political agenda and becomes part of the official carnival festivities. This leads to a blurring of boundaries, whereby mainstream popular culture becomes more and more influenced by multicultural elements.  相似文献   

In recent years, Sierra Leone has witnessed intense population movements. During the civil war (1991–2002), many populations fled the fighting zones of the interior to take refuge on the coast. Since the conflict ended, new populations have reached the coastal area with the hope of accessing economic opportunities in the fishing business. Mobility, along with changing sociopolitical and economic conditions, has generated conflict between immigrants and Sherbro populations, who consider themselves autochthonous and deny migrants the freedom to access political and land rights. The paper argues that present dynamics of conflicts are rooted in long-term patterns of settlement and relationships of reciprocity between groups. Relations between migrants and local populations are grounded in a sociocultural idiom that implies the institutionalization of practices of reciprocity between local inhabitants (hosts) and later settlers (strangers). The host/stranger reciprocity system is an emic model of cultural action embedded in historical and power relations between groups. It implies the progressive integration of strangers into the host society. This paper highlights how, in a situation of conflict, long-established social relationships between groups are reevaluated with reference to norms of integration and reciprocity. The paper draws on Sherbro oral traditions to show how social memories about interethnic relations are reframed with reference to values and expectations of reciprocity, in order to explain the recent conflict that opposes Sherbros to immigrants. Sherbros use oral traditions to interpret these tensions in a long-term perspective, thereby expressing their own view on settlement, conflict and integration.  相似文献   
孟长勇 《学术探索》2009,(6):123-127
中亚东干族是中国陕甘回民的后裔,是因战争迁徙而聚居于哈、吉、乌三国的华人群体。本文考察中亚东干族的形成,分析其突出的文化表征,阐述东干文化对中国汉文化的继承,介绍国内对东干留学生的汉语教学与中亚地区汉语教学的现状及发展前景。  相似文献   
文学的本质是诗性的,对于文学的任何一种发现与追问,都必须回到文学的诗性本质上来,并真正"为了文学的目的"来面对文学.因此,在文学疆界不断扩大的今天,中国文学的"诗性批评"传统,对打破唯科学主义思维,真正回归文学的文学批评与研究,更加有着充分的可借鉴、发展的意义.  相似文献   
发端于五四时期的现代新儒家之基本价值倾向是主张现代化的,因而它亦应归于"五四新文化运动"的范畴,所谓"五四新文化运动是全盘反传统"的论断是不成立的。中国文化现代开展的内在逻辑体现为从"外在冲击"到"内在转化",五四新文化运动构成了这一过程的的转折点,虽然它的批判和否定曾经对中国文化传统造成了一定的冲击,但它没有也不可能造成中国文化传统的断裂。就中国文化现代开展的整体进程而言,中国文化精神之主体性的挺立是一个不断得到加强的过程,中国文化传统受到了越来越多的重视。五四新文化运动所开启的文化格局进一步充实和丰富了中国文化的生命力,为中国文化传统面向21世纪的新开展增添了新的生机与活力。  相似文献   
作为一种重要的"时空设置",节日体现的是集体生活的节奏和规律.当前中国的节日体系中,政治性节日缺少文化内涵和礼仪行为,宗教性节日缺少意识形态合法性,而传统的时令性节日已经在现代生活面前失去原有的地位.要想节日既传达出传统的文化价值,又能够促进社会各层次多方面的和谐发展,必须寻找到社会生活的整体节奏,并在节日的设置方面体现这一节奏.  相似文献   
王艳丽 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(3):126-130
从"遗民"视角进入《人间词话》,可以发现"易代"的现实给知识分子带来的空前思考与表达自由,可以更好体悟《人间词话》的强烈个性色彩。但是,从王国维品评作家所依据的内在标准,又可以看出其身上所遗留的传统士大夫式的心理洁癖。正是这种新旧交替时代的过渡属性,造成了王国维进退失据的人生矛盾。  相似文献   
论述了西部民族地区目前普遍存在的传统政治心理及其消极影响,提出了有利于西部地区社会稳定的现代政治心理以及实现途径,指出构建民族地区政治心理的预警机制和干预机制,能有效促进传统政治心理的逆向转化,为西部地区社会稳定奠定心理基础。  相似文献   
本文揭示了汉代所开创的那个解释传统的完全错误的性质及其完全错误的逻辑发展 ,指出作为这个解释传统之理论基础的假借之学和考据之学本质上是一种逃亡之学 ,它不仅逃离了作为它的解释对象的先秦本文的内在思想逻辑 ,而且也逃离了先秦本文的语言文字本身 ,从而使之成为与本文完全无关的东西  相似文献   
胡适是现代首先提出“传纪文学”概念、积极从事相关研究的现代传记文学理论的奠基者;也是最早从事现代传记文学写作,躬身践行其理论主张,自成一家的创作者;更是终生不懈、卓有成效的现代传记文学倡导者,在现代传记文学开创、发展上,有着独到的贡献。胡适以西方传记文学为参照,批评中国传统传记;以史鉴和教化的经世致用目的,倡导以“纪实传真”为核心的现代传记文学。作为开创者,胡适的传记文学主张与实践不可避免地存在一定的偏颇疏漏,如源于史传传统、功利目的、学术思想的重史轻文的偏向;对中国传统传记文学评价上的武断片面。因此时下不少论者认为胡适的传记文学主张片面肤浅,许多已为后人超越。然而在胡适所处的时代,这一切都富有创造和挑战性。对一个开风气的人,不能苛求。何况胡适对中外传记文学有较深入的了解和比较研究,创作上有自己独到的风格特色。时至今日,他的理论主张与传记作品不仅有史料价值,而且依然具有很强的生命力。历史地陈述和解释胡适的现代传记文学主张与实践,是当下传记文学研究与创作必不可少的一步。  相似文献   
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