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With the approach of the twenty-first century, community professionals will find minority communities an emerging phenomenon of increasing importance. Professionals need to relate to these communities in new and creative ways. This paper builds on the analysis of Rivera and Erlich (1984), describing a number of recent events and changing conditions significant to minority communities. The importance of ethnic competence is discussed in terms of community practice. Finally, a proposal for a national and local strategy to improve practice and professional education is described.  相似文献   
晓雪诗歌中的民族特色、民族心理特征、民族气质,特别是浓烈的地域色彩,西南边陲特有的瑰丽秀美的风景,当地少数民族不同社会历史条件下形成的淳厚、古朴的风习,构成了以晓雪为代表的“苍山洱海派”诗人诗作的主要内容,以及在此基础上形成的令人种往的神话色彩和清丽秀美的语言风格.少数民族诗歌是以独特的民族心理,独特的民族气质,少数民族人民的愿望和理想的表达为其核心的.  相似文献   
为了推动中国少数民族史学与历史学多学科研究的深入发展,河北师范大学历史文化学院、北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心于2007年9月20日至24日在承德联合主办了"中国少数民族史学与历史学多学科研究方法"学术研讨会。与会专家学者就中国少数民族史学研究的理论、中国少数民族史学发展的阶段性特点、历史上中国少数民族史学的成就、历史学多学科的研究方法等诸多问题,展开了深入的探讨。  相似文献   
老舍1962年创作的《正红旗下》,前11章实现了旗人民族身份话语与主流革命话语的统一,这种统一使老舍获得了写作的信心与写作的生命力,也使这部作品成为老舍建国后作品中一座不可攀越的高峰。不幸的是。随着社会环境的变化,老舍创作中的民族身份话语与革命话语无法保持步伐一致,使之陷入了两重话语相悖而形成的写作因境中.《正红旗下》不得不搁笔,成为一盘没有下完的棋。  相似文献   
乡村都市化使卷入的回族家庭在新的行政社区寻求宗教认同,进行文化构建活动。民乐回族社区是银川伊斯兰文化建设最为活跃的社区,清真寺、阿语学校、民族幼儿园三者负载着文化传播功能。村落共同体的解体改变了人们的观念和交往方式,精神社区的认同超越了原来的地域界限,它是回族以伊斯兰文化强化族群边界的精神纽带。随着居民与流动人口比例的消长,社区也可能出现分化。  相似文献   
跨境而居的景颇族,是我国西南少数民族中信奉基督宗教的一个重要民族。基督宗教在部分景颇族地区民众的生产生活中具有重要地位,从清末民初到新中国成立后的今天,基督宗教始终对景颇族教育产生着影响。  相似文献   
从主张民族自决转变到民族区域自治,中共不断探索并成功构建了符合国情的处理国内民族问题的适当模式。1940年代以前,接受列宁思想和共产国际决定,以民族自决为处理国内民族问题的方案。抗日战争期间,淡化民族自决观念,树立了民族区域自治的思想。《共同纲领》独创性地规定在全国实施民族区域自治制度。新中国成立后,宪法确认民族区域自治在国家政治制度体系中的重要地位。1980年代,第四部宪法和民族区域自治法的先后颁行,使民族区域自治制度建设进一步得以加强,民族地区经济、政治、文化及和谐社会建设全面发展。创立并实施中国特色的民族区域自治制度,坚持和发展马克思主义是思想条件。解决社会主义条件下的民族矛盾,必须坚持以经济建设为工作中心,坚持科学发展。  相似文献   
This article employs two previously neglected indicators of racial prejudice from the British Social Attitudes surveys to examine the social distribution of prejudices against black and Asian Britons. Three hypotheses are proposed and tested: that racial prejudice is declining in Britain; that this decline is principally generational in nature; and that greater prejudice is shown towards more culturally distinct Asian minorities than black minorities. Strong evidence is found for the first two hypotheses, with evidence of an overall decline in prejudice and of a sharp decline in prejudices among generations who have grown up since mass black and Asian immigration began in the 1950s. Little evidence is found for the third hypothesis: British reactions towards black and Asian minorities are broadly similar suggesting racial differences may still be the main factor prompting white hostility to British minorities.  相似文献   
By originating and developing the sociological investigation of human experience, Georg Simmel and Erving Goffman have shifted social phenomena at the edge of awareness to the center of attention, and have legitimated their study for contemporary sociologists. Both Simmel and Goffman describe these subtle social phenomena by distinguishing their perceptual boundaries and crossover elements, pointing out their common features when their statuses differ, and reversing their traditional location in means-end and cause-effect chains. But Durkheim's influence on Goffman's basic conceptions of interaction, individual, and society differentiated his interpretation of these social phenomena from Simmel's. Moreover, Simmel's and Goffman's explanations of these social phenomena evolve in different directions, revealing the antithetical goals toward which spiritual transcendental Simmelians and cynical reductive Goffmanians would lead sociology.  相似文献   
在法社会学视野中,权力是一个政治法律概念,从渊源上讲,权力是社会历史发展到一定阶段的产物,权力乃为权利而生,为权利而设。权利与权力既相互联系,又相互区别,是对立统一的关系。在社会现实生活中,权利与权力往往出现功能背反。权力与权利由对立走向平衡和统一,是民主政治发展的必然结果。  相似文献   
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