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将风险企业家的努力分为显性努力和隐性努力,基于不同努力类型建立了完全理性下的风险投资委托代理模型,在此基础上,将行为经济学的公平偏好植入到风险投资激励模型中,并针对不同情况进行建模分析,研究结果表明:如果风险企业家具有显性努力时,公平偏好系数对激励系数、风险企业家的努力水平和风险投资家的努力水平都没有影响;如果风险企业家的努力是隐性努力,风险投资家需要给予风险企业家下项目收益分享(激励系数大于0),并且如果风险企业家具有公平偏好心理,那么风险投资家支付的项目收益分享比例要大于完全理性下的项目收益分享比例,风险企业家和风险投资家都会降低努力水平,但风险企业家获得的实际利润是最多的.同时,风险企业家的公平偏好嫉妒系数越大,获得的实际利润也越大,但风险投资家的实际利润与公平偏好嫉妒系数负相关.最后,利用仿真模拟对理论结果进一步分析和检验.  相似文献   
道,是中国传统文化的核心概念。波普尔的"三个世界"理论为学界所熟知,波兰尼关于知识的理论也与"三个世界"理论密切相关。将"道"与世界3联系起来,一方面为理解"道"提供一个新视角,另一方面也会丰富对世界3的认识。  相似文献   
影响外语学习的因素很多,其中情感因素对外语学习成功与否起着非常重要的作用,在外语教学中也受到了很大的关注和重视.探讨了几个主要的情感因素对外语学习的影响及作用,提出了在外语教学中利用情感因素的一些想法.  相似文献   
Bruce K. Hope 《Risk analysis》2001,21(6):1001-1010
Exposure to chemical contaminants must be estimated when performing ecological risk assessments. A previous article proposed a habitat area and quality conditioned population exposure estimator, E[HQ]P, and described an individual-based, random walk, Monte Carlo model (SE3M) to facilitate calculation of E[HQ]P. In this article, E[HQ]P was compared with exposure estimates from a baseline risk assessment that evaluated mink and great blue heron exposure to fluoride at a federal Superfund site. Calculation of E[HQ]P took into consideration a receptor's forage area, movement behavior, population size, and the areal extent and quality of suitable habitat. The baseline assessment used four methods that did (total and unit Tier 2) and did not (total and unit Tier 1) consider habitat area or quality; where "total" included all exposure units on site and "unit" only a given exposure unit. Total Tier 1 estimates were consistently higher than E[HQ]P (e.g., 169.1 mg/kg x d versus 21.6 mg/kg x d). Risk managers using total Tier 1 results for decision making would be unlikely to underestimate exposure; however, implementability of correspondingly lower remedial objectives could be challenging. Unit Tier 1 estimates were higher (e.g., 96.5 mg/kg x d versus 61.6 mg/kg x d) or lower (e.g., 3.5 mg/kg x d versus 51.1 mg/kg x d) than E[HQ]P depending on variations in landscape features. Total Tier 2 and E[HQ]P estimates were similar (e.g., 20.7 mg/kg x d versus 21.6 mg/kg x d) when an ecologically questionable average exposure was assumed. Unit Tier 2 estimates were consistently well below E[HQ]P (e.g., 17.8 mg/kg x d versus 61.6 mg/kg x d) when an average exposure was not assumed. Risk managers using unit Tier 1 or 2 results could be basing their decisions on potentially large underestimates of exposure. By forgoing average exposure assumptions, and explicitly addressing landscape heterogeneity, SE3M appears capable of yielding exposure estimates that are not as potentially misleading to risk managers as those produced with traditional averaging methods.  相似文献   
汉语诗歌中常常隐去第一人称指示词,英语诗歌则不然。两者迥然不同的第一人称指示词隐显模式有着不同的文化内涵。本文着重比较了第一人称指示词所反映的汉英两种文化在宇宙观和人伦方面的差异,以期引起人们在跨文化欣赏和译介诗歌时充分重视汉英诗歌中第一人称指示词的隐显模式。  相似文献   
苏蓉 《学术探索》2007,(4):43-50
我国已加入WTO并正按照世界贸易的规则要求加快金融业的对外开放。在经济全球化和金融全球化高度发展的今天,金融机构间竞争加剧,市场风险加大,如何保证金融活动高效安全地运作是世界各国共同面临的重大问题。金融监管当局的审慎监管和中央银行的最后贷款人的功能以及存款保险制度一起被公认为是构成金融安全网的三大基础。存款保险制度是维护金融业稳定的重要制度,它的建立可以有效激励金融机构保持充足的资本,控制金融成本,保护存款人的利益。我国目前尚未建立存款保险法律制度,建立该制度,将有利于维护我国的金融安全,营造公平竞争的市场环境,完善银行退出机制。  相似文献   
本文讨论设问的两种特殊类型:实问虚答与只问不答。实问虚答是一种不怎么"老实"的设问,其特点是:正面提问,迂曲回答,问得明确,答得模糊。只问不答是一种"隐答式"设问,其特点是:由情境蕴含回答。最后,重新给设问下了定义。  相似文献   

Volunteers play a vital role in modern societies by boosting the labor force within both the public and private sectors. While the factors that may lead people to volunteer have been investigated in a number of studies, the means by which volunteering contributes to the well-being of such volunteers is poorly understood. It has been suggested through studies that focus on the absence of depression in volunteers that self-esteem and sense of control may be major determinants of the increased well-being reported by volunteers. This is consistent with the homeostatic model of subjective well-being, which proposes that self-esteem, optimism, and perceived control act as buffers that mediate the relationship between environmental experience and subjective well-being (SWB). Using personal well-being as a more positive measure of well-being than absence of depression, this study further explored the possible mediating role of self-esteem, optimism, and perceived control in the relationship between volunteer status and well-being. Participants (N = 1,219) completed a 97-item survey as part of the Australian Unity Wellbeing project. Variables measured included personal well-being, self-esteem, optimism, and a number of personality and psychological adjustment factors. Analyses revealed that perceived control and optimism, but not self-esteem, mediated the relationship between volunteer status and personal well-being.  相似文献   
选取自尊与情感两个个体内部心理特征,探讨二者与创造力之间的关系。自尊由外显自尊与内隐自尊两类独立的自尊结构组成,外显自尊用问卷来测量,内隐自尊用内隐联想测验来考察;情感包括积极情感与消极情感,用问卷法来考察;创造力也用问卷测量。结果发现外显自尊是情感的有效预测变量,它也是创造力水平的有效预测变量,而积极情感是创造力水平的有效预测变量。研究探讨了自尊与情感对创造力的影响机制,为创造力的培养与科学管理奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
连贯与衔接手段的识别和运用直接关系到语篇翻译的质量。在翻译教学中,我们既要要求学习者能准确识别源语语篇中的衔接方式和连贯性,又要引导他们在译语语篇中创造性地再现相应的衔接方式和连贯性。本文结合英汉翻译教学实例对语篇的衔接方式及其连贯性进行对比分析, 以期对英汉语言对比研究和翻译教学研究有所裨益。   相似文献   
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