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20世纪末,随着全球化进程的加快,人们的价值观念、思维方式和行为方式发生了剧烈变化,传统的道德规范受到强烈冲击。本文拟就此背景下,中国大学生道德所受到的来自各方面的影响,及重构大学生道德观念、规范的问题做一梳理。 相似文献
以科学发展观指导县域经济社会发展,具有重要的战略意义。横县要发展成为广西强县,就必须从践行科学发展的角度出发,培育特色产业,积极融入广西北部湾经济区开放开发建设,大力拓展横县对外开放发展空间,促进社会全面进步和人的全面发展。 相似文献
民主党派参与北部湾经济区开放开发不仅非常重要,而且具有很强的优势,民主党派应从围绕中心、服务大局、体现特色方面积极发挥作用。 相似文献
战略成本管理的思想是成本管理与战略管理有机结合的产物,是传统成本管理系统对竞争环境变化所做出的一种适应性变革,是当代成本管理发展的必然趋势。战略成本管理方法可以分为基本方法和具体方法,这些方法还可进行整合。 相似文献
鉴于弱者保护已成为国际社会普遍关注的热点问题,但时下无论是国内立法还是社会各界对弱者的特殊保护都不同程度地存在一些认识问题或实际问题,依照国际社会公认的保护弱者的国际公约,在对其一系列原则、制度和规则予以详细阐述的基础上,提出进一步完善该方面国际国内立法的思考和建议。 相似文献
The failures of previous studies to demonstrate productivity differences across different percentages of incentive pay may be partially due to insufficient simulation fidelity. The present study compared the effects of different percentages of incentive pay using a more advanced simulation method. Three payment methods were tested: hourly, low-incentive, and high-incentive (0%, 10%, and 100%) pay. Four participants performed a simulated work task for 30 6-hr sessions. Productivity under the 100% incentive condition was consistently higher than under the 10% condition for all participants. Productivity under the 10% condition was higher than under the 0% condition for two participants. Results suggest that different percentages of incentive pay may in fact produce productivity differences under more realistic simulated work conditions. 相似文献
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to help reduce tensions in supply chain social sustainability (SCSS) decisions by providing a common global, contextual definition of social sustainability. This exploratory study utilised an inductive structured interview method to capture SCSS concept meanings. Those interviewed are from, have lived, and worked in developed economies, emerging economies and the base of the pyramid (BOP) economies. The results present a new global baseline definition of SCSS to inform theory and practice by finding that SCSS meanings differ not only between the different levels of economic development, but also within the levels as well. Culture, community and whether basic human needs are met all weigh into perspectives of what this concept is and should entail; a broad, contingent definition is most appropriate moving forward for sustainability planning and execution. Further research with stakeholders in more countries and communities is needed to validate our proposal. 相似文献
村寨歌舞展演的路径选择——元阳县箐口村哈尼族歌舞展演的经济人类学考察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于四年多对元阳县箐口村哈尼族歌舞展演活动的田野观察,本文简要呈现了文艺队的发展历程及存在的问题,认为从日常生活及仪式中抽离出来的"为展演的"歌舞,在现代旅游背景下已经成为民族文化产品.表达原有价值观念的减弱及经济利益诉求的加大是这些歌舞活动意义变化的基本方面.村民最终成为乡村文化产业发展的主体,展演者报酬递增制度的建立及完善是这类艺术获得发展的重要路径. 相似文献
本文阐述了"壮族史诗<麽经布洛陀>英译与研究"(2008国家社科基金项目)的重大社会意义和学术意义,并就其翻译的策略提出若干建议.文章指出,中国典籍英译是沟通东西方文化,促进中外文化交流,提高中华民族的文化活力,是中国走向世界之路.<麽经布洛陀>(又称<布洛陀经诗>)等壮族典籍是中华民族多元文化的重要组成部分,它的英译是一项具有开拓意义的壮举.它翻开了壮族典籍以至中国少数民族典籍英译的新篇章,标志着中国典籍英译进入一个崭新的阶段.它将摸索出壮族典籍英译的规律,以指导壮族典籍的整理和翻译活动.基于对史诗的审度,文章还对经诗的翻译提出了"以诗译诗,打造精品"等建议. 相似文献