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古典诗词宛如夕阳晚照,呈现出没落与辉煌的双重状态:大学生对古典诗词表现出趋向与背离的尴尬情状;作者群体大多呈现老年化、单极化趋势.对调查的结果予以分析,并据此对"五四"造成的古典与现代的断裂进行反省.  相似文献   
Under the influence of the "new history of the family" of the past few decades, a revisionist view of the "modern family" has emerged among family theorists in Japan. In spite of the significant merits of this new paradigm, I have argued that the failure of its proponents to address certain theoretical and presuppositional issues has discouraged a cultural analysis of the modern family. In recent years, one of the foremost theorists to attempt to bring cultural analysis fully into sociological discourse has been Jeffrey Alexander. I have drawn extensively on Alexander's discussion of Durkheim's later thought as the key to a cultural program in the field of sociology. In doing so, I have suggested that one effect of the transition to modern society is the sacralization of what Durkheim termed the "domestic order". Furthermore, in considering the mechanism by which the central emotional axis of the family comes to revolve around either the parent–child bond or the conjugal bond, I have postulated the existence of a "sacred" dyad—in the Durkheimian sense—within the family unit.  相似文献   
This paper suggests a direction for the exploration of the causes of family violence. Explanatory models of family violence were considered in this regard, with the recommendation that a multi-determined model should be considered to ensure the most accurate explanation. We suggest that family violence will be best understood and prevented or alleviated, if a model is used that considers the interaction of structural violence and the personality features of all the family members.  相似文献   
明嘉靖万历时浙江绍兴府余姚地区的社会风俗变化很大,并深刻影响到生活方式以及人们的观念。嘉靖时徐天泽将风俗的变化归结为人们的"物欲",在讲求"义"的伦理政治下,"物欲"表现出的"利"对于社会的冲击无疑是巨大的。人们不再安分守己,以满足欲望为追求。余姚江南徐氏在明代由于科举人才辈出,引人注目。地方志从批判的角度记载风俗奢靡,编纂者号召人们移风易俗,反映了地方官的意志以及地方绅士的主张。最值得注意的是,士大夫通过宗族建设来移风易俗,维护社会秩序,造成宗族乡约化,进而组织化。  相似文献   
辽宁阜新关山发掘了辽萧和(谐领)家族墓地、出土了萧和夫妻和其孙萧知微、萧知行及曾孙萧德恭、萧德让夫妻合葬墓。有的有《墓志铭》,作者根据《墓志铭》充实了萧和家族世系表,用符号在名上标出官爵,名下注出生死纪年,有夫人者也列出名,此文有助于辽史研究者利用。  相似文献   
马卫东 《殷都学刊》2008,29(4):39-43
春秋时期,郑、宋、卫三国基本上是因循旧制,任用公族执政。但由于历史传统、现实国情不同,三国的世族政治亦表现出了不同的特色。郑国世族形成较晚,“七穆”兴起后,郑国形成了卿大夫执政制,诸卿互相制衡、联合执政,使郑国国内保持了相对的稳定。宋国政治的特点是君权较强,政权下移较缓,君权在与卿权的斗争中稍占上风。直至春秋末期,宋国政权才完全落入“戴氏”的手中。卫国在春秋早期社会矛盾的焦点是公室内部争夺君位的斗争。春秋中叶,卫国的世族势力壮大,公室与卿大夫之间的矛盾开始激化。春秋晚期,卫国君位争夺与君卿斗争互相交织,内乱频仍。南氏乘机崛起,并在战国时夺取了政权。尽管春秋时期郑、宋、卫的政治各具特色,但其总的发展趋势是相同的,即经过公室与世族、世族之间的激烈斗争,列国最终均出现了“礼乐征伐自大夫出”的政治局面。  相似文献   
随着中国企业国际化的加深,越来越多的员工面临着自身职业生涯的国际化。来自工作与家庭的冲突成为企业和外派员工共同面对的难题,且已危及企业和员工个人的发展。文章分析了外派员工家庭难题及其产生的根源,探讨企业如何帮助外派员工解决家庭难题,提出了从制度和程序两个层面构建外派前、中、后三个阶段的组织支持策略,以期实现企业与员工双赢,员工职业成功与家庭幸福的和谐共融。  相似文献   
青少年疏离感的特点及其与家庭功能的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对875名初一至高二学生的问卷调查,探讨了青少年疏离感发展的特点及其与家庭功能的关系。结果发现:(1)青少年的环境疏离感最高,其次是社会疏离感,人际疏离感最低。(2)高中生疏离感显著高于初中生,在每一年龄段内,疏离感随年级升高而增强;但青少年疏离感性别差异不显著。(3)家庭功能中的角色、沟通、情感反应和情感介入可以显著正向预测青少年的疏离感,问题解决和行为控制对青少年疏离感的预测不显著。  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the process of family policy formulation in eight member states and three applicant states of the European Union. Drawing upon interviews with representatives from the nonprofit sector, the author argues that the experiences of NPOs in family policy-making vary considerably between countries because of the way state–nonprofit relations operate. Social origins theory illustrates why these variations exist by pointing to broad societal influences on the nonprofit sector, but new empirical evidence presented here suggests that, in a particular policy field, other factors, such as the significance of the field on policy agendas, the strength of one particular organization in a specific cultural context, party ideology, and financial viability of the NPO, shape the role of organizations in the formulation of policies  相似文献   
民族自治地方农村养老工作与构建社会主义和谐社会、社会主义新农村建设、“三农”问题等紧密相关,养老工作能否解决好直接影响到农村的社会稳定、社会的和谐发展和“三农”问题的解决。民族自治地方农村经济相对落后、经济发展不平衡、人口分布不均衡、农村老年人口日益增多、农民工大量外出等现实,给传统养老方式带来了历史性的冲击。这要求建立具有时代特色和地方特色的养老方式。本文在进行充分的实地调查、分析黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县农村现行的养老方式现状、养老方式存在问题的基础上,结合当地实际情况和借鉴其他地方的成功养老方式,提出具体可行的对策。  相似文献   
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