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抗战时期以《中苏文化》为中心的马克思主义学人群体,在皖南事变后,学术研究出现明显的转向。皖南事变前,郭沫若、翦伯赞、侯外庐等马派史家,以古喻今,参与学术论争,发表激烈政见,著述内容偏重革命性;皖南事变后,国民政府实施了文化高压政策,迫使马派史家的研究撰述向学术性转变。由此,史学研究开启了一个新的高潮期,扭转了此前盲目套用、牵强比附的局面,走出了一条既不为古人所役,也不为欧美所使的学术中国化之路。  相似文献   
Digital platforms are the newest technological wave that is reshaping and reconfiguring the economic and labour landscape. Digital platforms often known as the gig economy are increasingly adopting app-based models to connect consumers with workers to complete their on-demand tasks. However, on-demand platforms continue to rely on the unequal division of labour and the precarious nature of the work to create labour markets that can respond accordingly to the increase in service provision. This review highlights two main themes that have emerged within the on-demand gig economy in the current literature—mythical autonomy and algorithmic control and misclassification of labour and the complexity of migrant workers in navigating this space. Finally, this review calls for further research into the inside/outside dichotomy of migrant labour within the gig economy and their experiences of labour exploitation through app-based digital platforms.  相似文献   
在数字经济时代,消费者数据在变得更易获取、更有价值的同时,也比以往更加脆弱。相应地,有关消费者隐私保护问题也得到了前所未有的关注,但相关研究依然较为零散,一系列关键问题亟须探索。通过阐述消费者隐私悖论的形成与化解,梳理消费者隐私保护影响因素的相关研究,探讨顾客、技术、企业和政府多元主体协同的消费者隐私保护路径问题,构建了消费者隐私保护研究的整合框架,并揭示出未来的七个重点研究方向:(1)辨析消费者隐私保护行为在不同情境下的差异,构建隐私应对行为合理性的评价标准;(2)基于多个视角进一步深入挖掘消费者隐私悖论的成因及化解策略;(3)加强对消费者隐私担忧影响隐私保护行为的条件及情境范围的深入考察;(4)进一步深入研究消费者隐私素养的衡量、形成及培育机制;(5)深入考察消费者隐私疲劳的前因与影响机制;(6)综合考虑各方责任与利益动态平衡,突出协同作用,深入挖掘多元主体协同的消费者隐私保护路径;(7)扩展消费者隐私保护的跨文化与本土化研究。  相似文献   
This study uses James Donovan's object relations couple therapy to examine the triangle of focus (conflict style, couple characteristics, and family of origin) and triangle of conflict (anxiety, defence mechanisms, and hidden emotions) of a married Korean man with sexual dysfunction (reduced sexual desire, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction). This qualitative study uses thematic analysis to identify, describe, and analyse a family therapy case study. The aim of this study is to examine the couple's interaction patterns and experiences of conflicts related to the husband's erectile dysfunction. The researchers induced patterns or topics by repeatedly reading and comparing the data. Then, they textualised and analysed the relevant data. To ensure the reliability and validity of the data analysis, the researchers conducted shared coding sessions to review and discuss the initial codes and the generated main themes and subthemes, triangulating the qualitative data. Findings show that a newlywed husband's sexual dysfunction is associated with his emotional resistance towards his wife's unilateral pursuit over their sexual relationship and the negative emotions triggered by their dysfunctional interactions. Further, couple characteristics, conflict style (dysfunctional interactions), and family-of-origin factors (transference and patrilocality) influenced their sexual relationship. Therefore, therapists who counsel Korean couples with sexual issues may pay attention to the sociocultural factors, interactional patterns, and psychological factors associated with unresolved issues with their families of origin.  相似文献   
摘要:白玫瑰是二战时期在纳粹德国的慕尼黑大学建立的一个地下抵抗组织。这个小组人数不多,主要活动区域在慕尼黑,通 过秘密散发传单来说服同胞反对纳粹政权,停止罪恶的战争。在一次散发传单的秘密行动中小组成员被抓,导致1943年该组 织的6名成员壮烈牺牲。纳粹党对德国人全方位的监控、白玫瑰小组成员自身经历影响了组织发展的方向,奋斗理想脱离大 众,自保能力不足,难以同德国境内其他抵抗组织加强联系,缺乏外部支持等因素造成了白玫瑰抵抗组织最终失败。  相似文献   
以某变速箱圆柱齿轮单齿弯曲为例,对疲劳极限以下小载荷的强化和损伤进行了试验研究.结果表明,疲劳极限以下的小载荷对疲劳寿命、疲劳强度和静强度均具有强化作用;一定范围内的小载荷作用一定的次数才能体现出强化效果;循环载荷谱中小载荷虽有一定的强化作用,但强化效果有所下降;循环载荷谱中小载荷循环次数增加,其强化效果随之增加;高载荷造成损伤后,原来具有强化作用的小载荷失去了强化效果,但更低的小载荷却体现出一定的强化效果;小载荷强化的原因是材料的微观组织得到强化和改善.  相似文献   
采用BP神经网络建立了碳钢表面合金化处理后的耐腐蚀性能的预测模型,分析了网络结构对预测精度的影响,神经网络将寻求序列规律的过程转化为R^n→R^m逼近的非线性映射的非线性优化问题,适当增加输入单元的历史序列样本,可以得到对序列更为精确的预测,存在最优隐含层节点数。最后进行实际预测,结果表明,这一预测方法对金属材料耐腐蚀试验有指导意义,并具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
当话题从“政社分开”具体到“政府建设与社会建设”,“小政府大社会”的改革进入新的发展期,同时也陷入了新的困境期:如何把本属社会的事务还给社会?这些事务由谁承接?承接主体若是由政府培育或主导成立,可否用“官办社团”的概念?它与政府的关系有何特性?本文尝试引进心理学的“阻抗”概念,分析官办社团社会化过程中与政府关系建立过程中所呈现的各种动力和阻力。也正是因为同时具备动力和阻力,才得出结论:这种关系是处于阻抗的合作与互补。  相似文献   
:宋末重庆三峡一带军民坚持抗蒙斗争 30多年。优越的自然地理条件及以此为基础的军事布置为抗战奠定了坚实的物质基础。人为的政治人文环境的改善是支持长久抗战的关键因素。潜在的民族文化精神的激发为抗战提供了不竭的动力源泉。诸因素互相配合 ,共同作用 ,发挥出综合效能 ,保证了本地区的持久抗战  相似文献   
针对线束接头接触电阻测量的特点,提出了一种采用闭环可控恒流源系统供电的测量线束接头接触电阻的方法,此法具有精度高、自动检测、自动定标等特点,整个测量系统的精度可达0.5%。  相似文献   
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