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构建黑龙江少数民族文化文献数据库的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数据库的构建,是计算机、通讯、多媒体、存贮技术的发展和应用。少数民族文化是黑龙江各少数民族世代智慧的结晶,传播与弘扬少数民族文化,在促进地方经济、文化建设中有着举足轻重的作用。本文论述了建设黑龙江少数民族文化文献数据库的条件、意义、方法及流程,同时提出了目前建库中存在的问题。  相似文献   
The aim of the research project Terminology Databanks as the Bodies of Knowledge: The Model for the Systematisation of Terminologies is to compile a dictionary of Slovenian public relations, with 2000 entries. The terms will be explained and translated into English, with typical context, examples. From July 2013, the dictionary will be publicly available on www.termania.net.  相似文献   
This paper argues that to understand the legitimacy of a culture we need to investigate its relation to the archive, the site for the accumulation of records. Archive reason is a kind of reason which is concerned with detail, it constantly directs us away from the big generalization, down into the particularity and singularity of the event. Increasingly the focus has shifted from archiving the lives of the good and the great down to the detail of mundane everyday life. One implication here is that rather than see the archive as a specific place in which we deposit records, documents, photographs, film, video and all the minutiae on which culture is inscribed, should we not seek to extend the walls of the archive to place it around the everyday, the world? If everything can potentially be of significance shouldn't part of the archive fever be to record and document everything, as it could one day be useful? The problem then becomes, not what to put into the archive, but what one dare leave out. Some of the implications of these questions were considered by Georg Simmel, in his argument that there has been a build up and overload in the production and circulation of objective culture. This is now beyond our subjective capacity to assimilate and order, given the finite limits of the human life course we all face. It is something which confronts the individual with irresolvable dilemmas over selectivity, with each particular choice amounting to a wager which inevitably closes off others. Related questions about the difficulties of handling cultural completeness, were also addressed by Jorge Luis Borges in his discussion of the Library of Babel and the Aleph. Yet both could hardly have anticipated the full implications of the electronic archive: the development of new technologies for storing, searching and communicating information through the Internet with its databases and hypertext links. The electronic archive offers new possibilities for speed, mobility and completeness of access to cultures which have become digitalized, which raise fundamental questions about ownership, intellectual property rights, censorship and democratic access. The implications for culture are clear: the new electronic archives will not only change the form in which culture is produced and recorded, but the wider conditions under which it is enacted and lived as well.  相似文献   
Approaches that use the pseudolikelihood to perform multilevel modelling on survey data have been presented in the literature. To avoid biased estimates due to unequal selection probabilities, conditional weights can be introduced at each level. Less-biased estimators can also be obtained in a two-level linear model if the level-1 weights are scaled. In this paper, we studied several level-2 weights that can be introduced into the pseudolikelihood when the sampling design and the hierarchical structure of the multilevel model do not match. Two-level and three-level models were studied. The present work was motivated by a study that aims to estimate the contributions of lead sources to polluting the interior floor dust of the rooms within dwellings. We performed a simulation study using the real data collected from a French survey to achieve our objective. We conclude that it is preferable to use unweighted analyses or, at the most, to use conditional level-2 weights in a two-level or a three-level model. We state some warnings and make some recommendations.  相似文献   
State environmental agencies in the United States are charged with making risk management decisions that protect public health and the environment while managing limited technical, financial, and human resources. Meanwhile, the federal risk assessment community that provides risk assessment guidance to state agencies is challenged by the rapid growth of the global chemical inventory. When chemical toxicity profiles are unavailable on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System or other federal resources, each state agency must act independently to identify and select appropriate chemical risk values for application in human health risk assessment. This practice can lead to broad interstate variation in the toxicity values selected for any one chemical. Within this context, this article describes the decision‐making process and resources used by the federal government and individual U.S. states. The risk management of trichloroethylene (TCE) in the United States is presented as a case study to demonstrate the need for a collaborative approach among U.S. states toward identification and selection of chemical risk values while awaiting federal risk values to be set. The regulatory experience with TCE is contrasted with collaborative risk science models, such as the European Union's efforts in risk assessment harmonization. Finally, we introduce State Environmental Agency Risk Collaboration for Harmonization, a free online interactive tool designed to help to create a collaborative network among state agencies to provide a vehicle for efficiently sharing information and resources, and for the advancement of harmonization in risk values used among U.S. states when federal guidance is unavailable.  相似文献   
本文提出了利用计算机进行 UPI 心理分析系统设计的思想,着重讨论了系统的功能结构及 UPI 数据库的结构设计,并对系统进行了实现。该系统的进一步研制开发对 UPI 的应用推广有广泛的意义。  相似文献   
信息生命周期管理是近两年倍受关注的热门课题,在我国尚处于萌芽阶段。文章在简单介绍信息生命周期管理(ILM)概念的基础上,针对数字图书馆及网络存储中信息数据过量以及信息时效等管理问题,提出一种信息生命周期管理模式。  相似文献   
由于"试题库模式"具有成本低、见效快、易操作等优势,因此,正在成为承载和推动"中国近现代史纲要"考试制度改革的重要和有效形式。但是,因为考试连接着学校与社会、教学与管理、教师与学生、教学与反馈等环节,因此,在"纲要"课试题库建设中,必须从课程性质和特色出发,以系统论的思维,揭示、把握和体现考试与社会需要、国家需要、教育需要、学生需要和人的需要之间的内在节律。实践证明,理顺这其中的十大关系,是考试制度改革的前提和动力。  相似文献   
至今为止,日本出土了几十万件七八世纪的木简。然而,就中日学术交流的现状而言,这些木简并未得到充分的利用。木简为汉字资料,如果仅局限于日本单方面研究,许多争论都不能得到有效的解决。为了便于中国学者有效研究并利用日本木简,本文将介绍一些高效实用的查找木简资料的方法。希望中国学者参与,解决相关争议问题,深化中日学术交流。  相似文献   
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