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This article provides a discursive perspective on the dilemmas of sameness and difference feminisms and their consequences for change projects. It explores how equal opportunity officers dealing with gender issues and introducing equality legislation in practice construct the meaning of equal opportunities. The analysis of the interpretative repertoires and ideological dilemmas drawn upon in ten interviews shows the highly context‐specific use of four different repertoires constructing gender equality: the sameness, difference, bandwidth and deconstructive repertoire. Interpreting the shifts between repertoires from the perspective of the ideological dilemma, new avenues for change are explored. The article concludes that the simultaneous use of all possible theoretical perspectives might be a worthwhile objective.  相似文献   
乡村振兴是一项长期持久的复杂系统工程,全面助力乡村振兴,农村幼儿教育先行。近年来,我国高度重视农村幼儿教育发展,但因多种因素制约,当前我国农村幼儿教育发展急需解决关键问题,突破诸多困境。早在20世纪二三十年代,我国人民教育家陶行知先生就已独到地认识到我国乡村幼儿教育的重要性及其存在的问题,并在实验和探索中形成了著名的乡村幼儿教育思想,这一思想与乡村振兴战略中优先发展农村教育的思想高度契合。乡村振兴视域下回顾陶行知的乡村幼儿教育思想,对于当前我国农村幼儿教育发展及全面实施乡村振兴战略具有极强的现实启示。  相似文献   
以《龚自珍全集》收录的碑志文为研究对象,从中透视龚自珍碑志文的思想内容和艺术特色。龚自珍的碑志文主要是较为熟知的人所写,较少有"谀墓"的成分,其碑志文不仅在内容上表达了他对封建科举制度的深刻不满和壮志难酬的愤懑之情,而且反映了他对自己所处时代及社会的认真思考。他的碑志文具有很强的形象性、论辩性,在结构上比较注重开头的艺术,语言风格丰富多样。  相似文献   
在现代化进程中,随着公民教育的产生与思想政治教育的转型,加强公民教育成为社会主义民主政治建设的一项基础工程,是现代政治民主化和现代思想政治教育发展的内在必然,也是科学发展观的根本要求。公民教育契合了现代思想政治教育的核心价值,是现代思想政治教育理念创新、内容拓展、功能优化的新思路。  相似文献   
This article reports results of an extensive simulation study which investigated the performances of some commonly used methods of estimating error rates in discriminant analysis. Earlier research papers limited their comparisons of these methods to independent training data. This study allows for a simple auto-regressive dependence among the training data. The results suggest that the estimation methods based on the normal distribution perform adequately well under conditions of negative or mild positive correlation in the data, and small dimensions (p) of the observation vectors. For large p or strong positive correlation structures the conclusion is that one of the better non-parametric methods should be used. Special circumstances and conditions which notably affect the relative performances of the methods are identified.  相似文献   
大力发展职业教育,是党和政府的一贯方针和要求,是经济和社会发展的必然规律。我国人力资源较丰富,但劳动力整体素质不高,人才结构不尽合理,重要原因是教育结构不够完善,职业教育发展滞后。目前,社会对各类技能型人才需求量很大,近些年来一直供不应求,但全国城乡每年有一千多万初中毕业生不能升入高中,数百万高中毕业生不能升入大学,同时,大学毕业生找工作困难又成了社会问题。因此,加快职业教育发展,合理配置教育资源,实行教育合理分流就显得尤为迫切。本文对中华女子学院高等职业教育现状、办学目标和发展思路、办学成效以及面临的问题和困难等.进行简要评析。  相似文献   
Maternal stereotypes and the realities of mothering are prominent themes in Anke Engelke’s Ladykracher and Martina Hill’s Knallerfrauen, two of the most popular sketch shows in twenty-first-century Germany. This article relates their success to social anxieties about motherhood, which Engelke and Hill illuminate through the theme of their sketches as well as through their very use of comedy to do so. I begin by using close-readings of Ladykracher and Knallerfrauen to illuminate the political potential of the sketch form to challenge maternal myths and articulate taboo feelings such as maternal ambivalence. I then consider the innovation of these maternal sketches in view of traditional theories of comedy, which paradoxically draw their imagery from the realm of the maternal even though they discount real women and mothers as comic agents. I argue that the maternal sketches of Engelke and Hill are thus doubly subversive, challenging maternal taboos as well as the discursive and generic norms they sustain.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代的乡土文学作为乡土文学流派的源头,对乡土文学的发展、流变具有重要的启悟意义。对此一时期的乡土文学研究,概念研究、思想主题研究以及艺术美学研究是研究的中心和重点,对后起的乡土文学创作和评论产生了决定性的影响。  相似文献   
《大西洋宪章》是"二战"期间英美两国首脑首次会晤最重要的成果,它的诞生不仅标志着英美两国政治同盟的形成,也对后来反法西斯大同盟和联合国的建立产生了重要影响。但英美两国的战略处境不同,致使所抱的预期目标差距甚大。罗斯福的主要目标是想发表一个能阐述战争目的和重建战后世界和平秩序构想的联合宣言,而丘吉尔则期望通过会晤来解决英国当时所面临的一系列现实问题。然而,作为"求援者"来参会的丘吉尔最终不得不屈从于罗斯福,二人会晤后所发表的《大西洋宪章》也主要体现了罗斯福的思想和意志。重温这次英美首脑会晤以及《大西洋宪章》在战后所产生的作用,对当下中美两国在太平洋地区构建新型大国关系颇有启示。  相似文献   
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