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以2002年陕西省的投入产出表为依据,编制2002年榆林能源化工基地的投入产出表,对2002年榆林能源化工基地的产业依存度状况进行分析;结合2006年榆林统计年鉴编制出2005年榆林能源化工基地的投入产出表,分析2005年榆林能源化工基地的产业依存度状况并与2002年的进行比较。结果表明:能源化工产业各部门之间的依赖关系越来越紧密,各行业对自身的依赖程度在增加,尤其是煤炭开采的独立性增强,与其他产业的关系密切。  相似文献   
循环式国家:转型中国的符号式劳动治理机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程秀英 《社会》2015,35(2):192-217
抗争政治与国家建设之间的关系是社会运动研究中的一个经典问题。本文通过对一组国有企业退休工人为维护退休金权益所展开的十年抗争进行过程事件分析,来勾勒国家在劳动治理过程中逐步形成的官僚场域。这个官僚场域由三个相互交叉的圈子所构成:信访办圈子、信访办与法院之间的圈子、中央与地方之间的圈子。这些交叉的圈子所构成的国家场域一方面通过对抗争的制度化循环而拉长了工人的斗争时间,分散了抗争的空间,从而有效遏止了抗争的激进化,另一方面则通过抗争工人与国家代理人之间的叙事化互动促进了国家资本的激活与流通,从而实现了对抗争者的象征性支配。  相似文献   
风险刑法成立的正当性在于公正的风险分配只有通过刑法才能实现。需要通过刑法分配的风险类型,即"风险犯"的存在范围是相当有限的,风险刑法理论的应用应当是限缩的。扩张风险刑法理论源于忽略了刑法语境下,风险社会理论与刑法理论的融合性对接。考察风险类型化分布领域,风险刑法的适用限于公共安全领域比较恰当。  相似文献   
城市商业银行是现代金融业和区域经济发展的产物,相对于传统的商业银行,其经营灵活、成长性强、创新性高。但城市商业银行由于其发展时间较短,经营管理及风险控制存在一定的问题。从风险管理、区域限制、产业依赖等角度,运用SBM-Undesirable模型及Bootstrap纠偏技术分析测算了我国54家城市商业银行2010~2014年的经营效率及特征。研究发现:城市商业银行经营效率与风险管理水平存在阶段性正相关关系;城市商业银行经营效率对当地产业有较强的依赖性;跨区域经营有利于城市商业银行的资源优化配置,实现经营效率的提高。  相似文献   
This study examines how a research intermediary can successfully manage collaboration among research partners, while mitigating resource dependence in multi-partner programs. For that purpose, two fundamentally different strategies are explored: tertius gaudens and tertius iungens. Previous literature has not addressed the possibility that the effective deployment of tertius broker strategies may be contingent on multiple factors. Using a qualitative in-depth case study, we contribute to the literature by showing that the effective development of the tertius broker strategies in our study context is contingent on partner type, business integration and product readiness.  相似文献   
本文以2009—2018年间中央及地方(以北京市等四个地区为例)颁布的263项新能源汽车产业政策为研究样本,从实施领域角度,将产业政策分为财税支持、行业规范、规划引导、监督保障、其他措施等五类,经政策分解,将政策片段与新能源汽车产业链五个环节进行匹配;在此基础上,测度不同时期产业政策央地总体协同度与政策实施领域间的协同度,并通过逐步回归法,确定影响政策协同的各政策效力指标灵敏度。研究表明:"中央-北京"和"中央-深圳"的政策措施协同趋势基本一致,产业价值链各环节发展较均衡,而"中央-上海"和"中央-江苏"的政策措施协同趋势基本一致,存在"重使用、轻研发、轻市场"等失调现象;四地区与中央政策措施的协同差异主要体现在研发、生产和回收环节,提升"政策引导"和"保障措施"指标的政策效力有助于提升央地协同水平。根据政策分析,未来政策制定需从优化中央政策推广方式和加强监管保障等政策措施着手,根据产业链不同环节状况适时调整政策措施。  相似文献   
银行风险之间的相关关系会使风险之间相互转化,相互影响,令风险呈现出放大或者缩小的趋势,显著影响着银行风险度量结果的准确性。银行风险集成致力于在充分考虑银行风险相关关系的基础上,对银行风险进行较为准确的度量。但是银行风险具有相关关系种类繁多、表现形式复杂、以及数据的可获得性差等显著特征,导致银行风险的集成度量领域存在诸多挑战。本文对相关性下的银行风险集成研究进行综述,具体从集成对象、集成方法和集成数据三个层次系统展开。首先对银行风险及其蕴含的种类繁多的相关关系类型进行解析,然后分析银行风险相关关系表征出的多种复杂特性,根据对这些特性的刻画能力对银行风险的集成方法进行划分和比较,最后总结了获取银行风险集成数据的多种途径。在此基础上,进一步分析了银行风险集成研究的难点和未来趋势。  相似文献   
Vallerand et al. (2003) have proposed that individuals can have two distinct types of passion toward an activity. Harmonious passion, an internal force leading one to choose to engage in the activity, is proposed to be associated with positive consequences. Obsessive passion, an internal pressure forcing one to engage in an activity, is posited to be associated with negative consequences. The present study sought to determine the role of the two types of passion in various cognitive and affective states associated with dependence and problems with gambling. Participants (n = 412) were recruited at the Montréal Casino and given a questionnaire measuring passion toward gambling, as well as consequences associated with dependence and problem gambling. Results showed that obsessive passion for gambling predicted poorer vitality and concentration in daily tasks, as well as increased rumination, anxiety, negative mood, guilt, and problem gambling. These relations were not found for harmonious passion for gambling. Results are discussed in light of the motivational approach to passion (Vallerand et al., 2003).  相似文献   
We consider the competing-risks problem without making any assumption concerning the independence of the risks. Maximum-likelihood estimates of the cause-specific hazard rates are obtained under the condition that their ratio is monotone. We also consider the likelihood-ratio test for testing the proportionality of two cause-specific hazard rates against the alternative that the ratio of these two hazard rates is monotonic. This testing problem is equivalent to testing independence against likelihood-ratio dependence of the time to failure and the cause of failure in the competing-risks setup. We allow for random censoring on the right. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is obtained and is found to be of the chi-bar-square type. The problem is extended to the case of more than two risks. A numerical example is given to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   
Lune  Howard  Martinez  Miranda 《Sociological Forum》1999,14(4):609-634
Studies of organizational dynamics examine the manner in which an organization's immediate environment defines the rules and requirements to which individual organizations must conform in order to receive legitimacy and support (Scott, 1992:132). In this paper we consider the question of how an organization can achieve legitimacy and support without necessarily compromising its organizational forms or practices to isomorphic pressures. We frame the question in terms of the boundaries between organizations and their environments. Where the population ecology studies show the survival value of adopting known organizational forms and practices, and neoinstitutionalism addresses the need to display compliance with accepted forms, our case study demonstrates the possibility of removing an organization or set of organizations from the familiar interaction by naming it as a subfield of the organizational field, sharing the environment, but out of the way of predefined norms and practices.  相似文献   
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