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The point of departure for this article is several Swedish IT policies that articulate goals for further development of the welfare state, which demand and enable active citizenship as well as enrolment of IT in the performance of this active citizenship. This article also examines the performance of active citizenship in a variety of sociotechnical arenas where people and technology coexist. Does the notion of active citizenship turn out a number of performances when translated into materialized technologies, such as Internet portals and web-based services? The authors juxtapose the policies with a construction of agencies in the story of citizens' design. In the last section, the discussions taking place in the parliament of things are summarized and related to the problematizations of citizenship, gender and IT.  相似文献   
2004年以来,美国媒体报道的军方虐囚丑闻至今未曾停息。媒体在世纪初战争中的这一表现与40年前在越战中的表现有一定的相似性,但是由于时代背景和战争对手的不同,媒体的战争表现存在一定的差异。笔者试图从媒体的报道方式、战争对手的形象建构、媒体在战争中的能动性以及报道立场这四个方面将二者作对比,分析其中的异同,并由此预测,美国媒体在下一场战争中形成大规模反战论调的可能性不大。  相似文献   
中国最早的网络移民自始至终伴随了中国互联网的发展,他们的网络使用行为形成了一段不长但至少可以追溯的历史。早期的网络社交将个体从现实物理空间局限中解放出来,具有高蹈于日常生活之上的虚拟色彩;随着网络空间中现实好友的增多和移动位置社交的兴起,网络空间的虚拟色彩渐渐褪去;如今,日常生活中的人际交往不再是在某一单一空间中进行,人们不断地在物理空间与网络空间切换,亦或同时在场。  相似文献   
Six different categories of social science expert testimony presented by the prosecution regarding behaviors of child sexual abuse victims are described and analyzed in relation to national case law trends. Problems with the admissibility of several forms of such testimony are discussed in terms of legal requirements for expert testimony, prior knowledge of the issues held by jurors, reliability of the social science research regarding child sexual abuse, and the prejudicial impact on jurors. Finally, recommendations are made to limit the use of most forms of testimony (except rehabilitative testimony), conduct further research on certain issues, and convene a multi-disciplinary symposium and publish, in a reputable journal, papers from the symposium that analyze the issues, explore areas of consensus, and suggest future directions in this area.  相似文献   
Much of the health information available to consumers on the Internet is incomplete, out of date and even inaccurate. Seals of approval or trustmarks have been suggested as a strategy to assist consumers in identifying high-quality information. Little is known, however, about how consumers interpret such seals. This study addresses this issue by examining assumptions about the quality criteria that are reflected by a seal of approval. This question is of particular importance because a wide variety of quality criteria have been suggested for online health information, including: core aspects of quality such as accuracy, currency and completeness; proxy indicators of quality such as the disclosure of commercial interests; and indicators that reflect the quality of the site or the interaction it affords, such as the availability of a search mechanism. The results of this study suggest that seals of approval are assumed to certify information quality primarily with respect to core quality indicators, aspects that subjects both consider to be important and feel relatively less able to evaluate for themselves (compared with their ability to rate proxy indicators of information or indicators of site or interaction quality). This assumption is largely inconsistent with practice: most seals of approval involve assessment of proxy indicators of information quality, rather than direct assessment of content. These results identify a problem that certification or accreditation bodies must address since, unless and until consumer expectations are congruent with evaluation practice, seals of approval will seem to promise more than they deliver.  相似文献   
郑临川先生的古典诗词在理想追求、爱国情怀、社会责任、读书治学等方面都深深地打上了时代烙印。他的诗词大都是人生旅程的写照,在对时势无奈的痛苦中发出感时哀世之吟,从而抒怀言志,表达强烈的爱国之情;其诗歌无论纪游、赠别、思乡、怀人,多呈离乱的悲凉心境,折射出知识分子发自内心深处的时代感怀。无论是刚接触现实融入社会的歌吟之作,还是表现漂泊流离、前途渺茫的无端伤感,抑或后来反映教书育人的心中吐蕊,以及人生起伏的情感激荡,无不透露着自觉而强烈的社会责任。老一辈知识分子那种坚定的爱国热情和自觉的社会责任,正是中华民族世代薪火相传的精神认同。  相似文献   
多元文化主义对族裔少数群体权利的理论建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多元文化主义关注的核心焦点是族裔文化多样性和族裔少数群体权利保护的问题,它的发展过程就是对族裔少数群体权利保护的建构过程。贯穿多元文化主义建构族裔少数群体权利的逻辑始末的线索就是族裔少数群体的三重身份问题:差异公民身份是多元文化主义建构族裔少数群体权利的事实基础,公共公民身份是建构族裔少数群体权利的政治逻辑,而文化成员身份则是建构族裔少数群体权利的道德空间。族裔少数群体权利不仅保护了群体内的个人自由,而且还可以促进群体间的平等关系,它是对公民权利的有效补充。多元文化主义建构族裔少数群体权利具有突破性的积极价值,同时也存在潜在的结构性危险,它的发展需要进一步明确方向。  相似文献   
佛经中包含大量印度故事,它们伴随佛经汉译传入中国,蜕化为中国各族民间故事的血肉.康居部是哈萨克草原最早信仰佛教的民族,古代康居高僧很早就从事佛经译述,使许多源于佛经的印度故事在现代哈萨克口头文学中世代相传,至今仍有踪迹可寻.哈萨克族民间故事的超拔想象、深邃智慧和奇诡构想,正是融合中印民间叙事艺术所形成的.  相似文献   
民族区域自治制度的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章对我国的民族区域自治制度与前苏联、东欧等社会主义国家的联邦制进行了比较研究,认为前苏联等社会主义国家之所以选择联邦制,其重要原因之一是上述国家各民族之间存在巨大差异,不具备建立单一制国家的条件;民族共和国联邦制作为缓和民族矛盾的产物,本身存在制度缺陷,因而在一定条件下又直接促成了上述国家的解体。我国自古以来就是一个统一的多民族国家,民族区域自治制度具有历史和现实的科学依据,是符合我国国情和各民族根本利益的政治制度,这是我们的政治优势,必须坚持,不能动摇。  相似文献   
本文对我国麻黄的名称、植物及其医药研究史料进行考证。同时,把麻黄研究历史分为前后汉时期、两晋南北朝隋唐时期、宋元金时期、明清时期、旧中国时期和新中国时期。  相似文献   
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