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Investigated here are aspects of the relation between the laws of X and Y where X is represented as a randomly scaled version of Y. In the case that the scaling has a beta law, the law of Y is expressed in terms of the law of X. Common continuous distributions are characterized using this beta scaling law, and choosing the distribution function of Y as a weighted version of the distribution function of X, where the weight is a power function. It is shown, without any restriction on the law of the scaling, but using a one‐parameter family of weights which includes the power weights, that characterizations can be expressed in terms of known results for the power weights. Characterizations in the case where the distribution function of Y is a positive power of the distribution function of X are examined in two special cases. Finally, conditions are given for existence of inverses of the length‐bias and stationary‐excess operators.  相似文献   
对国际法发展阶段的划分,并不与国际关系的发展进程完全一致。国际法从17世纪初到19世纪中叶在欧洲产生并形成初步体系;从19世纪下半叶到20世纪晚期从欧洲扩展到全球,并逐步形成较完整的体系;从冷战后至今直至未来,处于逐步形成较为完善的成熟体系的阶段。新世纪在国际法"当代化"的进程中,应当为形成一个完善与成熟的国际法打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
北宋西北边区位居宋夏边防要冲,民族分布众多、成分复杂。为了加强对西北缘边的统治,政府制定了许多针对西北边区诸族的民族法律法规,但其处罚原则与内地存在着很大的差别。本文试从处刑原则与刑罚实施、法律政策与民族政策相参为用等四个方面,探讨北宋西北边区民族法律法规中的罚则制度及其鲜明的民族和地域特色。  相似文献   
西方欧美国家一直是国际法中国家承认构成说的坚定支持者。有研究指出,在冷战后,欧美国家在国家承认的规则中增加了越来越多的诸如民主和人权等规范性内容。但是,从机制有效性角度出发,通过对冷战后全球出现的38个政治实体进行统计分析后发现,关于欧美国家承认中规范性规则并不是有效的,因为它既不是欧美主要国家决定是否承认这些政治实体的关键因素,同时,也没有改变这些政治实体的行为,比如,促进政治实体内部的自由度。相反,传统承认标准,比如居民、确定的领土、政权组织和主权,仍然是获得欧美国家承认的必要条件。之所以如此,一个重要原因是国家承认机制问题所具有的特殊属性。  相似文献   
Sexual Consent     

What role can the criminal law play in the battle against child sexual abuse? Should sexual relations of, and with, persons under a certain age be criminalized regardless of the circumstances, even if they are consensual (“age of consent”, “minimum age”)? Where should such a minimum age-limit be fixed? Should there be a special, higher age-limit for particular conditions (e.g., “seduction”, “corruption”)? Should sexual contacts with minors within a relationship of authority be criminalized generally or just if authority is abused? Should criminal proceedings be instituted ex officio or upon complaint only? Should authorities be provided with a power of discretion or should they be obliged to prosecute and sentence in each case? In answering these important questions, it is highly beneficial to have a look across the borders to the solutions other countries have reached in this area.

This analysis will provide an overview on the criminal law governing the sexual behavior of, and with, children and adolescents in all European jurisdictions and in selected jurisdictions outside of Europe. It will show which categories of offenses exist and from which age onward young people can effectively consent to various kinds of sexual behavior and relations in the different countries. It turns out that all states in Europe and all of the studied jurisdictions overseas do have minimum age limits for sexual relations, do punish sexual relations with persons under a certain age. Nowhere is this age set lower than 12 years. In Europe in one-half of the jurisdictions, consensual sexual relations with 14-year-old adolescents are legal; in two-thirds with 15-year-olds; in a majority, this is also the case when the older partner has started the initiative (and also when the initiative contains an offer of remuneration). In nearly all jurisdictions, such relations are legal from the age of 16 onwards. Nearly all European jurisdictions set the same age limit in the criminal law for depicting sexual activity as for the sexual activity itself. Most states apply a higher age limit for contacts in relationships of authority. If the authority is not misused the age limit in most jurisdictions is set between 14 and 16; if it is misused between 16 and 18. Most states make no difference between heterosexual and homosexual relations.  相似文献   
针对含一个位势的谱问题,得出了其Lax可积方程族,根据迹恒等式得出其Hamilton结构,并给出了其无穷多守恒律.  相似文献   
我国海商法学者对于海商法法律规范的起源问题存有争议:或认为起源于罗德海法,或认为起源于汉穆拉比法。在古老的美索不达米亚平原,存在着人类最早的成文法典。在这些楔形法典中,竟然孕育着关于船舶碰撞、船舶租赁等海商法规范的雏形。这些楔形法典中的海商法规范,才是海商法的最早起源。  相似文献   
本文从规范、规则与法的逻辑及法的辩证关系论证原始社会无法论。  相似文献   
绿色发展是当今时代发展的主题,良好生态环境是关天经济区绿色发展的根本要求。关天经济区要实现绿色发展,就必须寻求有效路径,尤其需要相关法律法规的规范、引领和推动。在厘清绿色发展的本质及六大特征的基础上,依据我国经济发展进入新常态的现实,针对该区域发展过程中存在的重大问题和出现的困境,指出循环经济是该经济区实现绿色发展的有效路径;通过国际国内循环经济的相关法律法规的比较研究,论证了在关天经济区实现绿色发展的有效路径进程中如何充分发挥我国现有循环经济相关法律法规的规范、引领和推动效用。  相似文献   
我国目前在依法治国方面存在的问题包括立法不详尽、执法不规范、司法不独立、守法不自觉。究其原因在于我国经济社会急剧变迁且地域差异大,法律滞后;行政权力膨胀,缺乏行政权力清单;司法体制不完善;人民法治意识淡薄。解决的对策主要包括加强宪法实施,依宪治国;依法行政,建设法治政府;公正独立司法,提高司法公信力;开展法治宣传教育,增强全民法治观念;加强法治工作队伍建设;增强和改进党对全面推进依法治国的领导。  相似文献   
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