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袁悦 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,6(3):110-112
对活跃在中国画坛的油画家进行的写意油画创作与研究状况进行了跟踪研究,从"写"和"意"两方面结合目前油画家的创作与实践,分析了中国写意油画的独特审美内涵,揭示了中国写意油画强调意境的主观构建和极富想象力的艺术特质,并提出中国油画家在系统学习和研究西方油画技法的同时,把传统中国画的审美意趣、表现技法引入自身的油画创作,可以创作出有中国特色的写意油画。 相似文献
杜成辉 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,(1):55-58
应县木塔秘藏中的《大乘杂宝藏经》变文,素材多来源于现实生活,文字生动形象,比喻也十分精当,为听众所喜闻乐见。与后来的说唱戏曲艺术关系密切,是研究辽代讲唱文学的珍贵资料。 相似文献
曾庆平 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,33(4):31-36
探究池田大作的和谐道德教育思想必然先从其思想的哲学基础入手。从散落于不同著作中的和谐道德教育思想分析不难看出,池田大作的和谐道德教育思想的哲学基础主要来自于包括缘起论、色心不二论、依正不二论在内的佛教的和谐思想。包括主客融合的和谐思想、普遍性与特殊性的和谐统一在内的传统和谐哲学思想,以及强调平等、推崇天人合一的新人道主义思想。 相似文献
李在超 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》2017,19(3):71-76
《奇酸记》是清代戏曲家李斗根据《金瓶梅》改编的一部戏曲作品,主要表达张竹坡的“苦孝”主题。作为该剧的主要批评者,防风馆客以文本细读的方式对该剧进行评点,阐释了作品的主旨,考订了音律的得失,探讨了戏曲改编与舞台实现的问题。从批评意识来看,防风馆客不仅在接受中完成了对作品的批评,而且以积极的姿态探讨从戏曲改编到舞台实现的整个艺术生产过程,主体意识明显。防风馆客在批评中推究作者之意,考察改编得失并传达其审美期待,是一种理性化的戏曲批评。作为一种“实际批评”,防风馆客对《奇酸记》的评点对于探讨清代中期的戏曲批评及戏曲理论建构具有一定的范本意义。 相似文献
邢畅 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》2019,18(1):133-138
当前,自媒体的商业化运作已成为常态,自媒体内容盈利模式因其内容产品所带有的文化属性和意识形态特征而受到人们的广泛关注,然而,在利用内容获取盈利的过程中频频出现一系列道德问题。对自媒体内容盈利模式进行伦理审视发现,公民道德素质的提升是解决问题的内在逻辑。因此,可从公民意识的强化和公民人格的完善两个层面入手,探寻完善自媒体内容盈利模式的伦理途径,即增强权利意识,守住自媒体的三道防线;强化平等意识,明确自身定位;增强准则意识,培养和提升自律能力;树立正确的理想信念,为自媒体发展指引方向。 相似文献
肖行 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》2019,39(4):58-63
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想大众化离不开日常生活这一基础性领域,日常生活也需要新思想指导,二者之间存在着内在的逻辑关系。新思想大众化走向日常生活有着十分重要的意义。因此,在推进新思想大众化的进程中,主体须从党组织、政府、学院派等关键主体走向以群众基础主体为主的多元主体的融合,内容须从传统经典文本走向传统与日常生活内容的结合,话语从政治理论话语走向日常生活的大众话语,形式从单向的传统模式走向现代教育渠道和途径的多维互动,才能为新思想大众化营造一个良好的心理基础和前提,才能赢得广大民众的信任和支持,真正被人民大众认知、认同并自觉践行。 相似文献
《The aging male》2013,16(1):63-67
Background: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of GreenLight HPS? (High Performance System) laser photoselective vaporization prostatectomy (PVP) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in patients of different age groups. Methods: 164 consecutive patients were stratified into two groups: age <70 (group I, n?=?93) and age ≥70 (group II, n?=?71) years. Transurethral PVP was performed using a GreenLight HPS? side-firing laser system. Voiding parameters were measured preoperatively and at 1 and 4 weeks and 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months postoperatively. Results: Among the preoperative parameters evaluated, there were significant differences (p?<?0.05) in prostate volume (I: 58.7; II: 73.6?mL) and serum prostate-specific antigen (I: 1.9; II: 2.9?ng/mL), while American Urological Association Symptom Score (AUASS), Quality of Life (QoL), maximum flow rate (Qmax), Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM) and post void residual (PVR) were similar (p?>?0.05) between groups. No significant differences in laser utilization, energy usage and operating time were noted. Clinical outcomes (AUASS, QoL, Qmax, PVR) showed immediate and stable improvement from baseline (p?<?0.05) within each group, but no significant differences between the two groups were observed during the follow-up period. The incidence of adverse events was low and similar in both groups. Conclusions: The results suggest that age has little effect on the efficacy and safety of GreenLight HPS? laser PVP. 相似文献
Douglas V. Porpora 《Journal for the theory of social behaviour》2018,48(2):183-187
This paper is a response to the new book by Alexander Wendt (2015) entitled Quantum Mind. The paper commends Wendt on the book's contribution to our understanding, particularly of quantum mechanics, panpsychism, and externalism in the philosophy of mind. At the same time, it takes issue with Wendt's overall thesis, particularly as it relates to materialism, emergentism, and social structure. 相似文献
Anthony Kuk 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2018,88(14):2852-2864
In linear quantile regression, the regression coefficients for different quantiles are typically estimated separately. Efforts to improve the efficiency of estimators are often based on assumptions of commonality among the slope coefficients. We propose instead a two-stage procedure whereby the regression coefficients are first estimated separately and then smoothed over quantile level. Due to the strong correlation between coefficient estimates at nearby quantile levels, existing bandwidth selectors will pick bandwidths that are too small. To remedy this, we use 10-fold cross-validation to determine a common bandwidth inflation factor for smoothing the intercept as well as slope estimates. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method is effective in pooling information across quantile levels, resulting in estimates that are typically more efficient than the separately obtained estimates and the interquantile shrinkage estimates derived using a fused penalty function. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated in a real data example. 相似文献
Manuel Rizzo Francesco Battaglia 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2018,88(16):3081-3097
When a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed in a statistical problem, the result is affected by both variability due to sampling and the stochastic elements of algorithm. Both of these components should be controlled in order to obtain reliable results. In the present work we analyze parametric estimation problems tackled by GAs, and pursue two objectives: the first one is related to a formal variability analysis of final estimates, showing that it can be easily decomposed in the two sources of variability. In the second one we introduce a framework of GA estimation with fixed computational resources, which is a form of statistical and the computational tradeoff question, crucial in recent problems. In this situation the result should be optimal from both the statistical and computational point of view, considering the two sources of variability and the constraints on resources. Simulation studies will be presented for illustrating the proposed method and the statistical and computational tradeoff question. 相似文献