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《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)作为国际经贸秩序中的东亚方案,是对近年来逆全球化和贸易保护主义的有力回应,能为区域产业链恢复、融合、繁荣发展,全球自由贸易和世界经济的恢复性增长提供新动能。基于中日韩双边贸易、投资现状,结合RCEP中的具体条款,分析RCEP下中国、日本、韩国经贸合作面临的机遇与挑战,研究三国经贸合作发展的路径。研究发现:RCEP下中日韩三国货物贸易结合度高,关税减让力度大,服务贸易和投资开放助推三国产业布局高度关联; 但是面临历史遗留问题、美国经济霸权的消极影响等诸多政治挑战。中日韩需要抓住RCEP签署的契机,利用RCEP的政策红利,扩大在贸易、服务、投资等领域的深度合作,以经贸合作方式化解政治分歧,增强互利互信,实现经济与政治的良性互动,提升三国社会总福祉水平,推动亚太区域向经济一体化发展迈进。  相似文献   
近年来,随着逆全球化风潮和保护主义的盛行以及中国企业竞争力的增强,中国对外投资正在面临愈发严重的障碍.而在WTO多边框架遇阻的情况下,双边自由贸易协定已经成为支撑贸易与投资自由化的重要依托.在上述背景下,基于中国与179个经济体的双边投资存量数据,在引力模型框架下采用三阶段DEA方法测度了中国2003—2018年的对外投资壁垒,并利用基于组内均值匹配样本的双重差分(DID)模型实证检验了自由贸易协定在降低对外投资壁垒方面的效果.结果表明:在样本期内,中国的对外投资壁垒特别是对于发达经济体的投资壁垒总体呈上升态势,而双边自由贸易协定的签署可以成为打破这一壁垒的有效途径;双边自由贸易协定的政策效果存在较长的持续性,且这种持续性在发展中经济体之间更为明显;同时,参与一带一路倡议有助于促进双边自由贸易协定在降低投资壁垒方面的政策效果.基于上述结论,未来中国应进一步促进与相关经济体特别是发展中经济体的自由贸易谈判,继续推进一带一路建设,扩大对外经贸交流,加快中国企业对外投资的进程.  相似文献   
A value judgment says what is good or bad, and value‐free social science simply means social science free of value judgments. Yet many sociologists regard value‐free social science as undesirable or impossible and readily make value judgments in the name of sociology. Often they display confusion about such matters as the meaning of value‐free social science, value judgments internal and external to social science, value judgments as a subject of social science, the relevance of objectivity for value‐free social science, and the difference between the human significance of social science and value‐free social science. But why so many sociologists are so value‐involved – and generally so unscientific – is sociologically understandable: The closest and most distant subjects attract the least scientific ideas. And during the past century sociologists have become increasingly close to their human subject. The debate about value‐free social science is also part of an epistemological counterrevolution of humanists (including many sociologists) against the more scientific social scientists who invaded and threatened to expropriate the human subject during the past century.  相似文献   
In this paper, minimax predictors are considered for some population quantities of interest, under some specific superpopulation models. Minimax predictors are derived under a binomial superpopulation model. The well known ratio estimator is shown to be minimax under the usual simple regression normal model. Nonparametric minimax predictors are considered under some models. Some of the predictors considered also shown to be admis s ible.  相似文献   
In this paper, we revisit the problem of combining estimates of location considered by Cohen (1976). Our results unify and strengthen the results of Cohen (1976), Bhattacharya (1981) and Akai (1982).  相似文献   
Four generic means of conducting randomization tests in the context of multiple regression are analysed. Based on their performance in traditional repeated samples, three of these are shown to be inappropriate or applicable only in special circumstances; their shortcomings are illustrated via Monte Carlo studies  相似文献   
Starting from an abstract setting which extends the property “skip free to the left” for transition matrices to a partition of the state space, we develop bounds for the mean hitting time of a Markov chain to an arbitrary subset from an arbitrary initial law. We apply our theory to the embedded Markov chains associated with the M/G/1 and the GI/M/1 queueing systems. We also illustrate its applicability with an asymptotic analysis of a non-reversible Markovian star queueing network with losses.  相似文献   
Experiments in which very few units are measured many times sometimes present particular difficulties. Interest often centers on simple location shifts between two treatment groups, but appropriate modeling of the error distribution can be challenging. For example, normality may be difficult to verify, or a single transformation stabilizing variance or improving normality for all units and all measurements may not exist. We propose an analysis of two sample repeated measures data based on the permutation distribution of units. This provides a distribution free alternative to standard analyses. The analysis includes testing, estimation and confidence intervals. By assuming a certain structure in the location shift model, the dimension of the problem is reduced by analyzing linear combinations of the marginal statistics. Recently proposed algorithms for computation of two sample permutation distributions, require only a few seconds for experiments having as many as 100 units and any number of repeated measures. The test has high asymptotic efficiency and good power with respect to tests based on the normal distribution. Since the computational burden is minimal, approximation of the permutation distribution is unnecessary.  相似文献   
建设湖北自贸试验区是新发展阶段全面深化改革、扩大开放的系统性探索和战略实践,从动态演进论与制度变迁、制度经济学的交易成本论以及公共经济学的公共物品供需视角,对自贸试验区制度创新的理论逻辑与实践意义予以系统研究。研究发现,湖北自贸试验区围绕加快转变政府职能、深化投资领域改革、促进贸易转型升级、推动金融开放创新、创新驱动发展以及服务国家战略等方面展开了一系列制度创新实践,逐步形成由浅入深、由线下向线上线下协同发展、由共性领域向特色领域逐步延伸、从前项到末端统筹安排、借鉴与创新并举以及集中推广与自主运用相结合的改革创新发展路径。研究认为,推动湖北自贸试验区的制度创新,充分发挥其在破解地方深层次结构性发展矛盾和扩展增长赋能空间上的功能内涵,需要在顶层制度设计方面,加强与国内国际双循环新发展格局相互衔接,通过完善监管体系设计、提升行政服务效率来转变政府监管职能和健全市场监管,构建由法律法规、行政规章、规范性文件共同组成的、与国际规范兼容协调的法制框架和政策体系,统筹为国家试制度、出经验的全局性战略目标与谋求为地区经济发展注活力、添动力的局部性现实需求之间的激励导向; 在具体实施路径层面,持续优化开放平台、营商环境和加强口岸智慧功能建设,着力培育和强化大城市、大枢纽、大口岸、大平台、大产业以及一流的营商环境等,构建开放型经济新体制和多维量化评估指标体系,实现自贸试验区制度创新实践探索、经验成效审视验证、赋能社会经济发展以及长远建设规划目标的有机协调统一,助力湖北建设新时代内陆开放新高地。  相似文献   
自由现金流的持有会受到公司治理相关因素的影响。文章利用自由现金流持有水平在公司治理因素影响下的调整模型,以2003-2012年沪深两市639家上市公司的平衡面板数据为样本,就企业不同的公司治理因素如何影响自由现金流的持有水平进行实证检验。研究结果显示,我国上市公司自由现金流持有水平与最佳持有量存在一定差距;自由现金流持有水平的调整与企业投资水平、第一大股东持股比例呈正相关关系,与融资约束程度呈负相关关系;非国有企业的自由现金流持有水平调整速度快于国有企业。本文的研究可为企业确定最佳自由现金流持有水平并提高其使用效率提供参考。  相似文献   
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