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西海蒙古是蒙古的一部分,明朝中期逐渐由蒙古高原移居到西海。他们为了获得生活必须品,多次向明朝求贡,但都遭到拒绝。隆庆年间明蒙议和后,西海蒙古获得了与明朝互市的权利。  相似文献   
"卢龙"、"榆关"等冀东地名在唐诗中频繁出现,并成为边塞、边地的象征,或与衡阳、潇湘等南方地名并称,作为北方极其僻远之地的代表,构成古典诗文中极具典型意义的地理意象群。对相关地名的实际地理位置进行辨析,揭示冀东地理意象群在唐诗中的典型意义,并对此意象群在唐诗中形成的原因、在后世诗文中的应用等相关问题作出分析,对理解中国古典诗歌的丰富意涵以及进行区域人文地理研究、旅游文化资源的整理具有多重价值。  相似文献   
Past literature in nonprofit management uses the overhead ratio of nonprofits as a measure of efficiency. Although the overhead ratio might measure top‐heaviness, we argue that it does not measure nonprofit efficiency. To investigate this, we use financial and operational data to rank the efficiency of Habitat for Humanity affiliates with the overhead and administrative ratio, as well as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), two of the most popular efficiency measures. While the DEA and SFA rankings are statistically correlated, overhead ratio rankings are negatively correlated with both SFA and DEA rankings. We argue that nonprofit scholars, managers, and donors should move away from concepts and measures of efficiency based on financial ratios, and toward ones that embrace maximizing what nonprofits are able to make and do.  相似文献   
党的十九大提出实施乡村振兴战略,党的二十大就全面推进乡村振兴做出战略部署,面对中华民族伟大复兴的战略全局、世界百年未有之大变局,新征程上乡村振兴必然面临诸多新挑战,这些挑战呈现为一系列对于全面推进乡村振兴工作和加快农业、农村、农民现代化发展具有重要性、全局性、战略性、时代性的问题,可称之为前沿问题。基于丰富的理论研究和大量的实践调研,选取乡村振兴的政治逻辑、指导思想、两条底线、统筹推进、融合发展、县域经济、多轮驱动、深化改革、国际合作和党的领导等十个问题进行系统、深入研究、阐述,对每一个前沿问题聚焦于回答“为什么是前沿问题”“问题的内涵是什么”“怎么把握、领会和理解这一问题”三个方面,着眼于为客观认识、准确把握和有效解决问题奠定基础。并进一步讨论了加强乡村振兴前沿问题的意义和价值。  相似文献   
Stochastic frontier models are widely used to measure, e.g., technical efficiencies of firms. The classical stochastic frontier model often suffers from the empirical artefact that the residuals of the production function may have a positive skewness, whereas a negative one is expected under the model, which leads to estimated full efficiencies of all firms. We propose a new approach to the problem by generalizing the distribution used for the inefficiency variable. This generalized stochastic frontier model allows the sample data to have the wrong skewness while estimating well-defined and nondegenerate efficiency measures. We discuss the statistical properties of the model, and we discuss a test for the symmetry of the error term (no inefficiency). We provide a simulation study to show that our model delivers estimators of efficiency with smaller bias than those of the classical model even if the population skewness has the correct sign. Finally, we apply the model to data of the U.S. textile industry for 1958–2005 and show that for a number of years our model suggests technical efficiencies well below the frontier while the classical one estimates no inefficiency in those years.  相似文献   
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the appropriateness of an a priori analysis to determine the distributional assumption of the inefficiency term in a stochastic frontier model. To this end, theoretical distributions of estimated inefficiency were obtained when the inefficiency term is assumed to be distributed as a half normal and an exponential in a cost frontier model. Comparisons of such theoretical distributions with the respective cost inefficiency estimators using the goodness of fit test allow selecting the most appropriate distributional assumption. The application on three data sets of Spanish banking system in 2009 demonstrated the relevance of the research question. First, the results of estimated cost inefficiency with a half normal assumption are larger than with an exponential distribution significantly. Besides, half normal assumption was rejected and exponential was not rejected as the most appropriate distribution of inefficiency term in Spanish banking data set. However, the adjustment of saving banks data had been better with the former distribution than the latter. In the case of banks, any distribution results appropriate. To sum up, this work demonstrate that the distributional assumption on inefficiency term in Stochastic Frontier Approach must be established in a justified way, as it can significantly bias the results of estimated inefficiency and therefore, influences improving policies and strategies in the Spanish banking sector.  相似文献   
 内容提要:本文采用超越对数生产函数形式的随机前沿模型,以湖北省农户的微观面板数据作为实证,对影响农户家庭经营技术效率的外生性因素进行了系统分析,归纳出以下几点结论:在其他条件不变的情况下,以农村教育和技术培训为代表的人力资本投资、农村信息化建设和耕地的细碎化耕种会给技术效率带来明显的正效应,农户的干部身份、外出务工以及获得的银行信用支持会在不同程度上恶化其技术效率水平,经营规模的扩大可以改善技术效率水平,但盲目扩大规模往往会得不偿失。在此基础上,文章还归纳出一系列政策建议来试图改善农户家庭经营的技术效率水平。  相似文献   
沙文涛 《学术探索》2012,(8):96-100
戴季陶长期重视和关注边疆问题,曾亲身参与一系列的边疆治理活动,对边疆问题提出了不少具有启发意义的见解。他从中国国情和自身经历出发,根据边疆的情况和国民党统治的需要,将孙中山思想加以改造并糅合到自己主张里,从而形成了较具特色的治边思想。其治边思想内涵丰富,涉及政治、经济、民族、文化、军事等各方面内容。同时,其治边主张考虑到中国国情与各民族的历史文化传统,将中国民族历史文化传统及边疆现状与其治边策略相结合,具有较强的针对性。此外,戴季陶还十分注意总结历史经验,在吸取历代王朝治边经验的基础上提出自己的治边主张,使其治边思想根植于深厚的历史基础之上。  相似文献   
文章是对湘黔桂渝4省杨公信仰现象的一个再阐释,是对过往研究的反思和回顾.清水江-沅江地区各地杨公信仰差异极大,4省各地有关杨公神的神圣性来源的历史叙事复杂多变.杨公历史叙事是中国西南边疆形成史中地方社会文化变迁的一个反映.  相似文献   
在系统梳理现有可调整环境因素或/与统计噪音影响的三阶段组合效率测度模型的基础上,利用幅度调整测度(RAM)与随机前沿分析(SFA)结合,构建了无需强制性调整环境因素与统计噪音影响的三阶段组合效率测度改进模型——RAM-SFA-RAM.相对现有模型,新的组合测度模型不但在估计影响与调整投入和产出时可实现较为客观地设定环境因素与松弛变量之间存在非线性生产函数关系,以降低效率估计偏误,而且充分利用了RAM模型全面测度无效的优点,为从投入和产出两个方面同时过滤环境因素与统计噪音的差异性影响提供了新的分析途径;更重要的是,选用的RAM具有平移不变性,可使组合测度模型克服现有模型只能通过最值强制性对投入和产出进行正向调整以适应选择的效率估计模型无法处理非正值的不足,避免了由此产生的效率估计偏误.实证研究部分用这一组合效率测度模型分析了中国省域层次上大中型工业企业的技术研发效率,为效率的客观比较提供了可行的模型方法.  相似文献   
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