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江泽民同志代表党中央<在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话>(以下简称<讲话>)深刻而详细地阐述的三个代表重要思想,将历史唯物主义与党的建设和我国的社会主义现代化建设事业紧密结合,既直接体现了江泽民同志对邓小平理论的继承与发展,又为我国未来的进一步发展指明了前进的方向,还充分反映了这一思想的人民性.就三个代表思想的人民性作一些初步的探索.  相似文献   
承接《论专字的本质及成因》一,立足于汉字发展史,向上追溯专字的源头,向下观察专字的五种流向。提出在今后的汉字整理工作中,应主动淘汰一批专字。  相似文献   
回顾汉字习字格的发展简史,提出梯形是汉字的基本特性的看法及梯形习字格在书法教学中的实用性和社会意义。  相似文献   
本文将记录同一个方言词的不同书写形式称为同词异字。方言词同词异字现象的研究有助于解决大型语文辞书尤其是方言词典或字典编纂中的立目、用字等方面出现的问题,也有利于汉语词汇吏、语源学的研究,对汉语方言文献的正确评价和对现代汉语词汇的丰富与规范也有积极的参考作用,章太炎《新方言》中和今方言词有关的216组同词异字对方言词典的编纂有直接的参考作用,其中有20组和《汉语方言大词典》漏收的词语有关,40组和《汉语方言大词典》中的孤证有关,17组和汉语通用口语词有关。  相似文献   
古代日本没有文字,在很长一段时间里,主要使用汉语言文字作为其交流的工具。在使用汉语言文字的过程中,通过吸收和借鉴汉字的草体笔画及正楷的偏旁部首,逐渐地发明了假名。假名的出现,标志着日本民族文字的诞生。由汉字和假名为主组成的日本语,加快了日本的文明进程。汉语言文字在日本古代文明进程中起了巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   
“三个代表“重要思想是我们党的立党之本,治国之基,力量之源,是当代中国马克思主义理论发展的最新成果。文章分析了“三个代表”重要思想形成的实践基础,是中国共产党人面对机遇与挑战,特别是严峻的国际挑战所作出的战略抉择。”三个代表”立论的理论基础是历史唯物主义理论。  相似文献   
在中国美术发展史上,民间美术是最先出现而一直延续不断的艺术。但随着时间的推移,民间美术便没有了主流地位,而为人们所忽略。其实,民间美术有着独特的魅力,这一魅力来源于民间美术的独立品性,本文分别从艺术共性大于个性、意像手法、二维空间观、主观分色等几个方面做了比较详尽的论述。  相似文献   
数学信息具有多方面的特征与功能 ,主要有依附性和可析取性、传递性和可储存性、时效性和准确性、共享性和可创造性等特征。数学信息的感知功能、转换功能、优化功能、评价功能等共同构成功能体系 ,在数学教学过程中发挥着重要的作用  相似文献   
This study adds to the growing body of knowledge on gender nonconformity aspects of heteronormativity by examining its impact on the life course of hijras and their access to fundamental human rights in Pakistan. Drawing on 50 semistructured interviews conducted in two sites, the findings suggest that the participants’ lived experiences associated with gender nonconformity significantly influenced the direction of their life course and their ability to have access to human rights. These experiences spanned from childhood to elderhood across a wide range of settings, such as family, school, guru dera (residence headed by a hijra guru), workplace, and interactions with authorities. The participants’ human rights were not recognized, resulting in abuse, social stigma, discrimination against them, and their exclusion from mainstream society. Finally, implications are drawn for public policy and future research on third gender concerns in Pakistan and elsewhere.  相似文献   
There are a number of situations in which the experimental data observed are record statistics. In this paper, optimal confidence intervals as well as uniformly most powerful (MP) tests for one-sided alternatives are developed. Since a uniformly MP test for a two-sided alternative does not exist, generalized likelihood ratio and uniformly unbiased and invariant tests are derived for the two parameters of the exponential distribution based on record data. For illustrative purposes, a data set on the times between consecutive telephone calls to a company's switchboard is analysed using the proposed procedures. Finally, some open problems in this direction are pointed out.  相似文献   
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