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油画艺术自明代从西方传入中国后,在一百多年的发展历程中不断与中国本土文化相融合,逐步形成了鲜明的民族风格,主要表现为:在创作上不仅采用富有中国特色的自然和人文题材,还特别钟情于少数民族题材;在艺术表现形式方面借鉴了中国传统艺术的特点,具体表现在构图、线条和意境等方面。  相似文献   
Ni Wei 《Cultural Studies》2017,31(6):894-917

After 1949, with ‘serving the people’ established as the basic guideline of art, the reform of traditional landscape painting, which had been appropriated by the cultural elites for thousands of years, was put on the agenda as well. Beginning from the early of 1950s, there were continual debates on the reform of traditional Chinese painting within the art field, through which many artists gradually reached a consensus on the development direction of Chinese painting. At the same time, stimulated by the large-scale xiesheng movement sponsored by the government, Chinese landscape painting changed dramatically in subject, theme, and brushstroke technique, and developed a new style which has its own signifying system. Blending both Chinese and western drawing skills, the new landscape painting successfully created a unique scopic regime, which can establish an organic relationship between personal aesthetic experience and collective historical experience. As a prominent cultural achievement of Mao’s era, the new landscape painting embodies the cultural politics and the technologies of the self at that time.  相似文献   
Although usually conceived of and studied as individual types, genres are frequently combined in practice. This research examines how genres are combined in popular American films, and how the popularity of particular combinations changed between 1946 and 2013. Distinguishing between “contextual genres” (which identify a film's subject matter) and “affective genres” (which identify a film's intent), we find marked differences between the postwar and blockbuster eras of the Hollywood film industry. The blockbuster era exhibits less generic diversity than the earlier postwar era. Furthermore, the popular postwar‐era films dealt with serious subjects and were set in realistic settings. The blockbuster era replaced these with intense, nonrealistic films. We also find that the relationship between contextual and affective genres changes within industry eras, with affective genres dominating at the beginning of new periods and the popularity of contextual genres growing as the period progresses.  相似文献   
杨洲 《河北学刊》2012,32(2):245-247
从新文化运动到抗日战争爆发之前,关于中国画的论争成为一个突出的文化景观。各种派别的论者对于绘画整体功能的认识相当一致,并不约而同地将其上升到国家、民族复兴的高度。抗日战争时期,各画种都为民族救亡作出了积极贡献,文艺家们的画学思想中关于民族复兴、民族精神的倡导更加鲜明有力。当代关于中国画体现民族精神的提法与近现代史一脉相承,并融入了民族文化复兴的主流。  相似文献   
本文试图通过分析作家在<到灯塔去>中意识流创作手法的及小说的诗化手法与绘画手法的成功运用,从而揭示使得这部小说在意识流小说衰落以后,仍然能在文坛上绽放光芒的原因.  相似文献   
在中国传统绘画体系中,书法对中国画的介入曾经极大地影响了中国画的审美品质和形式因素。但当今中国画正由于书法精神的缺失,导致其主体精神和话语体系濒临异化的边缘。面对错综复杂的书画关系,主要从两者的渊源与功能分流、审美追求上的内在关联、书法的意象表达以及对中国画的介入等方面进行探讨。旨在梳理两者在主要范畴方面的相互关系,以便能够充分理解书画之间的内在关联,从更深层次上把握"以书入画"的精神本质,从而进一步发掘中国画笔墨语言的潜在审美特质,提高中国画的审美品位。  相似文献   
在鲁迅的文化活动中,最重要的两个活动一个是文学,一个则是绘画,或称美术,他的精神世界,也就一半在文字中,一半在画中。在鲁迅的精神世界里,一半内容是理性的,如为人生的精神追求,对文学艺术社会性、批判性、真实性等的追求;一半内容是感性的,如欣赏的追求、娱乐的追求,甚至是半休闲半病态趣味的追求。理性的追求,更多地表现在文学创作中,感性的追求,更多地表现在其绘画活动中。  相似文献   
罗蕙锡和凌淑华分别是20世纪20年代韩中两国颇具影响力的女作家及画家.她们通过小说表现了对封建思想和男权社会制度的批判,对自由恋爱和婚姻自主的追求,对女性独立的自我意识等共同的女性意识.但罗蕙锡着重从启蒙性质的女性主义立场出发暴露女性受到的社会压迫,而凌淑华则从进步的资产阶级知识分子立场出发,揭示了男权社会制度下资产阶级女性生活以及她们的病态和渴求.在创作手法上,她们分别以中国传统绘画的余白之美和写意手法及西方绘画中的光线和色彩搭配描绘环境和背景,使作品审美价值倍增.  相似文献   
李占卿 《云梦学刊》2010,31(5):115-117
中国民间美术元素在油画创作中能发挥重要作用。从形式上,借用代表我国民族文化标识的瓷器的碎片、皮影等作为油画创作的语言元素,加以重新组合构成,赋予新的时代意义。从精神内涵上,从油画创作中去找寻文化之源,去追寻文化的历史,通过对历史寻源,找寻到艺术创作的立足点,用今天的、现代的、原生态的观点和思想对艺术传统和历史进行新的诠释与解读。  相似文献   
骨法用笔,自古已然.线条是中国书法的惟一语言和中国画的基本语言.本文指出线条的形上基础主要源于老庄、<周易>哲学,玄--变--朴是书画家感应天地万物阴阳运转、生化不息而归于大和谐的宇宙秩序,参"玄"以体道、悟道,在线条的创造中求"变"以证道、显道,进而返"朴"以得道、弘道的精神历程.  相似文献   
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