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老舍短篇小说中的传奇色彩最早是由郑振铎指出的。主要表现在它的故事性强、故事情节复杂多变、情节的不同寻常等。究其原因是受到了外国文学尤其是英国作家康拉德以及中国传统小说的影响。小说中的传奇色彩对老舍的小说和戏剧创作都有着重要意义。  相似文献   
简·奥斯丁的作品持续不断地得到普通读者和评论家的青睐,历经二百年而不衰,奥秘就在于她对传奇的巧妙化用——继承而又不落俗套——和独特的叙述视角——超然与外,容纳一切,在因袭浪漫故事的古老框架的同时又敢于突破常规,用细腻传神的笔为世界文学贡献了浪漫而又现实的爱情故事。  相似文献   
明清小说宝瓶神物崇拜广义上也包括宝罐及瓶状器物,如如意瓶、杀敌瓶、囚敌瓶等。作为神魔小说一个重要艺术机杼,直接来源于佛经文学叙事及道教法器信仰。宝瓶与现世兵器有多重区别,审美价值在于:使夸张特定人物的超自然能力更为可信;适合妖怪多"谪仙"下界的身份,不至使其因杀戮过甚难于收场,"暂困"还不至于亵渎"超级英雄"和天将们的尊严;宝瓶类兵器内深藏不露的隐秘性,以"瓶中世界"展演了佛教空间观,开辟了神魔叙事更多的空间世界和艺术表现力,同时其多与咒术、符等相结合,体现了佛教"不杀生"而使敌手在囚禁中"自灭自毁"思想,较大程度上减少了利用宝物屠杀"生灵"所可能带来的副作用。  相似文献   
This essay begins by examining the representations and interpretations of women and men in two sets of images: the Women's Institute Alternative Calendar and a television commercial for Guinness beer. Both of these compositions are exceptional in their own right, and have captured the imaginations of wide audiences. Taken together, the counterpointing of culture and nature, serenity and intensity, and feminine charm and virility creates a montage of images that both reflect and represent traditional forms of femininity and masculinity. This essay draws on a variety of sociological and interdisciplinary theoretical approaches, with an emphasis on the storied nature of lives, sexuality, and life change. C. Wright Mills declares that the sociological imagination is necessary in order to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society (Mills, 1959, p. 6). The author's aim in this essay, following through on Mills's idea, is to provide insight into the lives of earlier cohorts of women and a glimpse into how personal and social change comes about.  相似文献   
话本小说与江南文化有着很深的渊源关系。江南文化对话本小说的内容及艺术都有影响,同时还存在消极作用。   相似文献   
在藏区,"活鬼"文化现象存在于特定的地理环境。在"活鬼"文化现象比较普遍的藏东地区,对"活鬼"都有一个比较统一的认识:"活鬼"在白天和大部分时间是普通人,而在黑夜和比较特殊的时间段就成了"鬼"。这种活鬼文化现象是特定文化历史和社会背景下的产物。本文拟在实地调查的基础上对扎根于德格县中扎科乡的"活鬼"文化现象做进一步调查,对"活鬼"文化的文化内涵和产生原因做进一步剖析。  相似文献   
While the pattern of social mobility in postwar Britain has been extensively studied, revealing considerable upward mobility, much less is known about the subjective dimension to mobility. In this article, we employ a new sample of in-depth interviews with 50-year old men from the National Child Development Study to examine in detail the link between objective mobility patterns and the way the upwardly mobile narrate their life trajectories. In contrast to the mobility ideology suggested by the Oxford mobility survey of the early 1970s, in which the upwardly mobile recognized and internalized their success as a project of the self, we report how members of this later generation of men with highly successful careers prefer instead to articulate 'modest' life stories. By treating the career as a narrative device, we are able to show how the disavowal of the dominant, linear hierarchical career model by these men allows them to tell particular and distinctive stories which establish their individuality and personhood, while, paradoxically, recognizing the cultural power of the dominant model. In particular, we highlight the use of 'linear contingent' narratives by these men, in which specific events, especially those connected with occupational and geographical transitions, are deployed as contingent thresholds to mark out key shifts and passages in their lives. We then compare their accounts with those of immobile and downwardly men, who instead deploy 'ghostly' stories, preoccupied by the past, or defensive accounts, displaying unease with their failure to live up to the expectations of the linear career model. Having shown that men's accounts of mobility are suffused with an awareness of their need to establish their own individuality through repudiating the social trope of the instrumental careerist, we conclude that the links between career identities and objective mobility patterns are not straightforward and need careful unravelling.  相似文献   
《圣诞颂歌》、《着魔的人》和《发信号的人》是狄更斯在不同时期创作的具代表性的鬼故事。狄式鬼故事中,幽灵意象作为人的镜像式他者映射了小说主人公的局限和缺失。幽灵以震撼和提醒的方式促使主人公实现了美好人性的回归,构成了狄氏鬼故事的共同主题。狄更斯将圣诞节因素和鬼故事元素有机结合起来,表达了对社会和人性的反思和救赎意图。作者规避了"鬼之存在与否"的问题,用"神奇"的文体创作出了更具人文价值的超自然小说。  相似文献   
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