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明清时期对府县官实行多头领导,面对众多的上司,除了朝廷规定的政务工作程序之外,还有非制度规定的手段,使对上政务运作变得复杂。府县官对上政务运作主要通过文书实现,不同的文书应用到不同的政务,既有典章制度的规定,也有人为的技巧,以至文牍盛行,务虚而不务实的工作作风直接影响到地方治理的效果。除了文书之外,府县官晋见上司也是常态,这原本是政务处理最便捷的方式,但在上下不能够同心的情况下,往往成为互相猜度的角斗场。建言既给予府县官以直接向君主陈说的机会,也给他们带来风险。条陈既能够反映本地的问题,也能够显示出府县官的才能,却难免泛泛空言。府县官对上政务运作必须使用权术,事上成为工作重点。  相似文献   
英语双及物句式"S-V-N1-N2"的本质特征是以简洁的形式表达复杂的"给予"意义,其基本语义是"给予"。在基本句式中,动词"给予"的是N2,句式"给予N1"的是"V+N2"。本文对英语双及物句式的意义假设是"S-V+N2→N1"。通过论证,该语义假设能够对复杂的双及物动词作出同一的解释。  相似文献   
大学讲座是校园科学文化建设的重要内容,是大学生科学人文素质教育的重要载体。但是高校在开讲座的过程中,在讲座的计划性和导向性、品牌意思、特色效应等方面存在明显的问题,阻碍了大学讲座功能的发挥。构建出一个与大学讲座功能要求相衔接的新模式显得尤为重要,创新大学讲座的建设,可提升其在校园科学文化建设中的功能,加强其在人才培养中的作用。  相似文献   
五德终始说与历史正统观   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
五德终始说实质上是一种历史正统观,其主要目的是为王朝更迭提供合法依据。战国中期邹衍创立此说;秦始皇借用此说以弥补法家思想缺少政权更迭和自然根据的不足。西汉中后期禅代之说再起,刘歆根据五行相生关系重新排列古代帝王系统,创立新五德终始说,成为“禅让”式政权更迭的理论依据,沿用达千年之久。从相胜到相生,五德终始说与中国古代历史理性从无情化到有情有理化的转变如出一辙,作为自然理性的一种,它与古希腊的自然理性有着不同的发展方向。  相似文献   
基于财务绩效视角的企业从事慈善活动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据利益相关者理论和权变管理思想,深入考察企业捐赠行为对财务绩效的影响机制,并利用2007 ~ 2012年我国沪深两市A股上市公司的数据进行检验.研究表明,慈善捐赠通过改善利益相关者关系能够显著提升企业的财务绩效,由于企业在发展阶段和可见性方面的差异导致企业处理利益相关者关系的能力和机会不同,从而决定了企业从慈善捐赠中获益程度的大小,在成熟企业和高可见性企业中,慈善捐赠对财务绩效的正面影响更强.  相似文献   
舍宫为寺是唐代非常重要的社会现象,某种意义上它反映了唐代皇室对佛教信仰的热衷程度。通过对唐代几例比较典型的舍宫为寺旧址的考证,查索相关文献,认为中国古代寺院的布局从以塔为中心向以多重院落形式的发展过程中,舍宫为寺起了推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   
The Pacific population in New Zealand is socially disadvantaged and over-represented in adverse social and health statistics. A cohort of 1,376 mothers of Pacific infants were asked about traditional gift commitments and the effect that these commitments had on the financial situation in their household. Sixty-two percent reported that they and/or their partner usually gave to their family or church, with 66.5% of this group giving to family in New Zealand, 58% to family in the Pacific Islands, and 75.9% to their church. Fifty-nine percent of these mothers reported that this gift commitment made their household financial situation more difficult. Factors significantly associated with gift giving are discussed, together with implications of these findings for Pacific families living New Zealand.  相似文献   
Drawing on the agency theory and the stakeholder theory, this study assesses strategies for corporate support to the arts and analyzes their organizational and contextual determinants. Based on an original dataset of Italian companies benefitting from a tax incentive program, we observe the following findings: smaller companies are more likely to contribute to the maintenance of the artistic heritage of the local area where they are located, with the aim of sustaining the cultural capital of their community (local legacy strategy); larger companies are more likely to support arts and culture as part of their social responsibility strategy (rich patronage strategy); medium-sized service companies are more likely to contribute a small amount of money to cultural and artistic events with a national appeal, with the aim of enhancing their reputation (Market-oriented strategy). Our research provides useful insights to artistic and cultural organizations for designing their fundraising activities and to policymakers interested in stimulating private donations for the preservation of a country's cultural heritage.  相似文献   
This paper, a revised version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (Bangkok, July 2006), explores the increasing tendency of governments to view the third sector as a source of human insecurity and uncivil society in the wake of terrorist attacks. The paper discusses the means governments use to control third sector activity that they view as potentially linked to terrorism, the need for comparative analysis of these measures, and the role of the third sector and scholars in recognizing the responsibilities of governments to prevent third sector organizations being used in terrorism while preserving the independence and vitality of the third sector.Professor of Law and International Affairs and Faculty Scholar, University of Iowa; Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (2005–06). This paper is a revised and expanded version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research, Bangkok, Thailand, July 9, 2006.  相似文献   
唐朝与边疆民族政治联系的两种主要途径:册封与和亲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在唐代对边疆的开拓与经略的过程中,除了因袭历史上传统的"因俗而治"的方法,创立羁縻府州制度加强对边疆的治理外,还不断地册封边疆民族首领官爵名号,频频通过和亲这种特殊的政治联姻,加强与边疆民族政治上的接触与联系.  相似文献   
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