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目前刑法主流观点认为,在犯罪人着手实施犯罪后,由于被害人的哄骗而放弃犯罪的,构成犯罪未遂。但是,根据哲学的内外因关系原理以及刑法学有关理论,此种情况宜认定为犯罪中止。如果根据当时的主客观条件,犯罪人完全能够将犯罪进行到底,那么仅有被害人的哄骗这个外因,是否选择放弃犯罪,仍然取决于犯罪人自己的意志。在这种情况下,如果犯罪人选择放弃犯罪的继续实施,且有效地避免犯罪结果的发生,则完全符合犯罪中止的条件,宜认定为犯罪中止,以彰显"良法善治"的法治理念。  相似文献   
当前中国农村改革进程的基本判断与前瞻   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
张新光 《河北学刊》2006,26(3):54-57
中共十六大以来,中国农村改革发展的一条主线是“多予、少取、放活”。目前,农村税费改革已取得了阶段性进展,国民收入分配结构和财政支出结构正向农村地区倾斜,“三农”问题初步得到缓解,中国在总体上进入“后农业税时代”和“工业反哺农业,城市支持农村”的新的发展阶段。今后中国深化农村改革的重点、难点是,逐步消除城乡二元体制对经济社会协调发展所造成的瓶颈制约,从根本上解决“三农”问题的深层次矛盾和体制性障碍;其最大的突破口是加快推进农村综合配套改革,进一步搞好“放活”,充分发挥农民的市场主体地位和作用,激发农民自我发展和自我积累的巨大潜能,不断提高和增强农业及农村经济发展的内在活力。  相似文献   
南宋建立后,士群体经历了三次战与和的政治选择.在理学思想的影响下,以内治为核心的自治政策逐渐发展成熟.随着宋金对峙局面的日益形成,"江南自守"、"蓄力待时"的自治政策成为士阶层的主流意志,对南宋中后期的政治产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to obtain a deeper understanding of the donor behavior characteristics of young affluent individuals; and to ascertain whether young affluent women differed significantly from young affluent males in their approaches to philanthropy. Two hundred and seventeen investment bankers, accountants, and corporate lawyers, aged under 40 years, earning more than £50,000 annually and working in the City of London were questioned about their attitudes and behavior in relation to charitable giving. Significant differences emerged between the donor behavior characteristics of males and females. A conjoint analysis revealed that whereas men were more interested in donating to the arts sector in return for social rewards (invitations to gala events and black-tie dinners, for example), women had strong predilections to give to people charities and sought personal recognition from the charity to which they donated.  相似文献   
The implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) is in line with a general transformation of the work of home help services in Sweden. One strong motivation behind the introduction of new technology was to change the ways of working towards greater efficiency in order to reduce costs and at the same time raise the value of care‐giving work. This article discusses the introduction of ICT in home help services as a part of the increasing rationalization of care‐giving work and its consequences for the workers. The results of an ethnographic study of the introduction of hand‐held computers in a working team in home help services in Sweden shows that the motives for the implementation of ICT run counter to the basic norms that are supposed to govern care‐giving work. The technology participates in reproducing the subordinate position of care‐giving work as well as that of the front‐line workers. The workers act according to personal decision‐making ability and show a form of limited resistance to the technology while, at the same time, taking part in their own subordination.  相似文献   
随着审判方式改革的不断深化,证人在诉讼中的地位和作用更突显出重要。然而,证人作证难问题却长期以来一直困扰着我国的立法和司法部门,制约着新的庭审方式效能的充分发挥。因此,正确认识证人出庭作证的必要性,客观分析证人出庭作证难的原因,努力探究证人出庭作证制度完善的措施,解决证人拒证问题具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
《镜花缘》韵学谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合《李氏音Jian》一书,通过对先贤评价李汝珍音韵学理论的考察,从音韵学的角度对汪代李汝珍的小说《镜花缘》中有关谈韵说文的内空进行了分析研究,指出了李汝珍在音韵学理论上的一些得与失,并进而明确了他在汉语音韵学史上的成就和地位。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the phenomenon of 'picking up the bill', thereby contributing to a resurgence of sociological interest in gift exchange. Drawing on ethnomethodology, it describes and locates a distinctive theoretical approach. Utilizing video recordings, the analysis considers the interactional constitution of gifts and how gift exchange is locally invoked via the norm of reciprocity. Recurrent practices are described, through which gifts are brought into being, with reciprocity invoked, by benefactor and beneficiary alike, to manage social problems of acceptance, rather than to sanction insufficient contributions. The study describes the social character of what are perhaps the preeminent gifts exchanged in modern societies; where one person pays for another's consumption.  相似文献   
从Z村及农民K的实际出发,考察随礼、求雨及扭秧歌活动过程中村干部与群众之间的互动情况。试图说明:大多数农民对随礼并不排斥,随礼是农民实现情感交融和经济互助的重要途径,村干部积极参加村中红白事并随礼,目的之一是为了方便其日后开展工作,随礼中干群互动的方式是间接的。对于求雨,村干部虽然不参加,但也不反对,他们以妥协和默许的方式实现与求雨者之间的隐形互动。扭秧歌是直接的干群互动,它表现为村干部对参加者在资金、场地等方面的支持和帮助。文章认为,民俗对村庄成员能产生强大向心力和凝聚力,对随礼、求雨等欠科学的民俗,只能依赖劝导和教育的方法规范而非强制手段,对扭秧歌等健康的民俗,应该通过各种方式传承发扬。  相似文献   
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