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随着全球变暖,应对全球气候变化的问题也日益升温。全球气候是一个复杂和庞大的生态系统,全球变暖全球受害,因此,应对全球气候变暖,国际社会必须通力合作。而有效合作的基础是维持彼此间的公平,这种公平应该符合权利义务和人权等相关的法理。  相似文献   

Teaching about the comfort women of World War II offers a compelling case study for the social studies classroom and human rights education. The topic will educate students to become knowledgeable about the larger world and its dark histories that have been omitted or scarcely mentioned in U.S. history textbooks. This article provides high school social studies teachers with the historical background of comfort women, rationales for including this topic in social studies curriculum, and teaching strategies and resources that teachers can use in their classrooms.  相似文献   
This article sheds new light on the diverse modes in which migration and religion intersect in shaping everyday transnational practices by exploring the articulations of religion and business migration in an emerging Chinese-led transnational mission field. Drawing on multisited ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Wenzhou, Rome and Paris, I show how a large group of transnational Chinese merchants has adopted a vigorous homegrown evangelical Christianity as the spiritual and social anchor of their territorial mercantile culture in diaspora. These merchants have actively engaged in producing religious activities and events that link China to Europe and in resacralizing secular real estate and attaching evangelistic meanings to Europe's historic urban spaces. For rural-originated migrants who embrace a global hierarchy of places, the evangelical discursive distinction between the mundane and the transcendent spheres finds expression in their perceived opposition between the peripheral local and the modern global centre in the global market economy.  相似文献   
There is increasing interest in the study of globalization on whether the emergence and consolidation of global value chains (GVCs) have exacerbated inequalities within and across nations and/or how GVCs may be leveraged to mitigate them. Although power asymmetries have been identified as a central factor shaping (un)successful GVC participation, dominant discourses still disregard the links between power and inequality or use these concepts interchangeably. In this article, we provide an analytical approach to GVC-related inequalities (within, along and through value chains) and examine how they may co-evolve with different types of power (bargaining, demonstrative, institutional and constitutive). We apply this approach to the case study of the hake value chain in South Africa to illustrate how existing inequalities are manifested, challenged, mitigated or exacerbated—and draw an agenda for future research.  相似文献   
This paper is based on fieldwork for a doctoral thesis on the metalware cluster of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. I present two different ways by which labour standards are regulated in the city: first by the state labour administration and second, by the market of global buyers implementing codes of conduct. In the context of debate over state versus market-based and voluntary regulation, I discuss the text of each regulatory regime and how this is interpreted, used, subverted and applied in the city's export firms. I show how enforcement of laws and corporate ‘ethical’ codes is undermined not only by limited capacity to survey units deep inside the city, but also by the incentives of enforcement agents. The regulatory regime of the state is revealed to be morally ambivalent, where justice for workers depends on patronage inside the labour department, and on an opaque and complex legal code which keeps employers vulnerable to inspector harassment. By contrast, the regulatory regime of the market is shown to be morally incoherent, where code compliance officers are sidelined by their commercial colleagues and efforts to establish ‘ethical’ purchasing practices are routinely undermined by the imperative to fast-feed goods onto the shelves of retail giants.  相似文献   
能源安全是左右国家命运的关键。当前,我国能源安全面临的困境和挑战、国家实力的增长和国际影响力的 提升、国际责任意识的提升、融入国际社会的进程和参与全球治理的实践、积极主办重要国际会议等均让中国有了投 入到能源安全国际议程设置的可行性。中国在设置能源安全议程时,应坚持“兼顾国家利益与全球利益”的原则,清晰 明确地界定议题,制定操作性强的备选方案,最终推动议题的去安全化。当然,在设置能源安全国际议程的实践中,中 国将不可避免地面临议程设置本身及议程设置之外因素的制约和影响。因此,在能源安全国际议程设置中,中国不仅 应在议题的界定、备选方案的选择以及推动主体间性建构方面精心准备,还应考虑到国际议程设置过程中的竞争,界 定和强化议题的属性,提高议题的显著性和关联性,建立议题联盟,出台操作性强且被普遍接受的备选方案,推动主体 间性的建构,从而有效保障我国的能源安全。  相似文献   
国际组合投资涉及多币种汇率风险,分别使用双边货币期货进行套保要承担较高套保成本。参考美元指数期货的实践,本文提出基于人民币指数期货的综合套保策略。实证结果表明,无论对于单个货币资产还是分散化投资的国际股指、债指组合,引入人民币指数期货能够显著降低收益率波动,提高抵御汇率波动的能力,同时拓展收益空间,是有效的汇率风险综合套保工具;人民币指数期货套保效率显著优于货币期货篮子,在发达国家股指市场表现更加突出。采用基于指数加权移动平均模型(EWMA)的动态套保策略,使得人民币指数期货收益对股指或债指市场波动敏感度降低,在市场极端状况时仍能保持相对中性。  相似文献   
陈亮  陈刚 《北方论丛》2005,(3):129-131
葛兰西是西方马克思主义理论的创始人之一,其哲学与政治思想不仅为西方马克思主义国际关系思想和国际政治经济学的葛兰西学派提供了重要的理论依据,而且对于当前全球治理问题具有积极的启发作用葛兰西的全球治理思想不仅能够激发出葛兰西在全球化时代的新活力,而且也能够为思考与解决全球治理问题提供新的视角。  相似文献   
During the last decade, a great deal of news media attention has focused on informing the American public about scientific findings on global warming (GW). Has learning this sort of information led the American public to become more concerned about GW? Using data from two surveys of nationally representative samples of American adults, this article shows that the relation between self‐reported knowledge and concern about GW is more complex than what previous research has suggested. Among people who trust scientists to provide reliable information about the environment and among Democrats and Independents, increased knowledge has been associated with increased concern. But among people who are skeptical about scientists and among Republicans more knowledge was generally not associated with greater concern. The association of knowledge with concern among Democrats and Independents who trust scientists was mediated by perceptions of consensus among scientists about GW's existence and by perceptions that humans are a principal cause of GW. Moreover, additional analyses of panel survey data produced findings consistent with the notion that more knowledge yields more concern among Democrats and Independents, but not among Republicans. Thus, when studying the relation of knowledge and concern, it is important to take into account the content of the information that different types of people acquire and choose to rely upon.  相似文献   
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