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学术思想作为精神领域的一种无形的生命,有其相对独立的品格.这种品格就是它的生命特征"新陈代谢",兴奋性与适应性.中国近代学术思想发展正体现了这种相对独立的生命品格的存在.  相似文献   
Benzene is myelotoxic and leukemogenic in humans exposed at high doses (>1 ppm, more definitely above 10 ppm) for extended periods. However, leukemia risks at lower exposures are uncertain. Benzene occurs widely in the work environment and also indoor air, but mostly below 1 ppm, so assessing the leukemia risks at these low concentrations is important. Here, we describe a human physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model that quantifies tissue doses of benzene and its key metabolites, benzene oxide, phenol, and hydroquinone after inhalation and oral exposures. The model was integrated into a statistical framework that acknowledges sources of variation due to inherent intra- and interindividual variation, measurement error, and other data collection issues. A primary contribution of this work is the estimation of population distributions of key PBPK model parameters. We hypothesized that observed interindividual variability in the dosimetry of benzene and its metabolites resulted primarily from known or estimated variability in key metabolic parameters and that a statistical PBPK model that explicitly included variability in only those metabolic parameters would sufficiently describe the observed variability. We then identified parameter distributions for the PBPK model to characterize observed variability through the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis applied to two data sets. The identified parameter distributions described most of the observed variability, but variability in physiological parameters such as organ weights may also be helpful to faithfully predict the observed human-population variability in benzene dosimetry.  相似文献   
Semicarbazide-Sensitive Amine Oxidase(SSAO)是一类在人体内广泛分布但生理功能尚不清楚的酶。本研究中我们首次在动物模型上发现了SSAO活性对大鼠血糖的影响。通过使用SSAO的高选择性抑制剂MDL-72974A以及它的内源性底物甲胺等对动物进行处理,研究血糖与SSAO活性的关系。SSAO活性用同位素标记法以14C-苯甲胺为底物进行测定,血糖则采用己糖激酶法测定。此外我们还测定了尿甲醛排泄以考察SSAO催化脱氨反应是否发生。实验结果显示,抑制SSAO活性可以导致动物血糖升高,并且SSAO底物甲胺可以降低糖尿病鼠血糖。这些结果表明SSAO可能在血糖调节方面有某种作用,进一步研究将对发展糖尿病治疗策略有重要意义。  相似文献   
From a material and energetic perspective, this paper outlines the patterns of society-nature interactions of a local horticultural, hunter-and-gatherer population that lives on a remote island between India and Indonesia. Based on empirical research, we present several indicators to show an economic portfolio of a local society that combines horticulture, hunting and gathering activities with elements of industrialisation and market economy. In describing these environmental relations, the study narrows its focus to the use of three socio-ecological concepts, namely socio-economic metabolism, colonising natural processes, and the energetic return on investment. Using these concepts, we show the dynamics of social and environmental transformation at a local level and the consequences this may have for sustainability.  相似文献   
马克思主义揭示了人与自然相互统一的辩证思想,确立了科学的自然观,为当代中国解决生态环境问题奠定了方法论的基础。在马克思主义生态环境思想的指导下,我国正在正确处理经济建设和人口、资源、环境的关系,树立生态文明的新理念,发展生物经济,保持我国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
目的探讨失眠对老年大鼠行为和糖代谢的影响。方法采用小平台水环境的睡眠剥夺方法建立动物失眠模型,18只雄性老年大鼠随机分为对照组(C)、每天6小时睡眠组(S6h)和每天4小时睡眠组(S4h)。结果试验组大鼠的修饰行为次数、中央格停留时间、粪便颗粒数,高于C组,差异具有显著性(P0.05);旷场实验得分,S6h组C组S4h组,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。与C组比较,试验组大鼠的FPG水平显著升高(P0.05);与C组比较,大鼠血清INS水平,S6h组,差异无显著性(P0.05);S4h组,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。大鼠的ISI水平,S4h组S6h组C组,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。结论失眠可以导致老年大鼠行为和糖代谢的改变。  相似文献   
通过对放线菌JXJ-35菌株发酵液的初步分离纯化,得到4个化合物,由波谱解析鉴定为:豆甾-4-烯-3,6-二酮(1),胡萝卜苷(2),2,6-二甲基-2,6-二羟基-庚-4-酮(3),槲皮素(4)。其中槲皮素据报道有抗肿瘤活性。  相似文献   
本地鸡8只,一次口服磺胺嘧啶胶囊200mg/kg,血药浓度测定用Annino法显示,用分光光度计测定,波长为550nm.动力学参数:半衰期为6.35小时,峰时为7.17小时,峰值为7.82mg%,血液中有效浓度维持时间为16.4小时.  相似文献   
因为中国人和西方人研究人体的思维和方法不同而创立了中医学和西医学。从系统论的角度看,中医学用阴阳、气化理论描述活人是一个复杂、动态、整体与系统论天然相吻合;从解剖、生理学与系统论观察,活人象数百部活机器构成的动态平衡复合整体,经络则是活系统(如活机器)交换能量的平衡气管;从相对论揭示水的特性,证明人的生命是以心脏为核心,利用肠道内毒素分解食物获得能量,通过器官分泌激素调控器官、组织气泵中NO变化调节真空度来调控器官、组织、细胞间隙中水和水蒸气的相互转化交换能量进行新陈代谢;从控制论探索,人体具有人脑为主机的自动化调控系统和体表备用人工调节系统双保险调控器官、组织协调进行新陈代谢。因此,经络的物质基础是水蒸气,经络的结构是人脑调节机体"活"系统新陈代谢在筋膜间隙形成的一个巨大动态平衡水蒸气网。  相似文献   
目的研究不同血糖状态下血小板活化程度与血管内皮功能变化的关系。方法分别选取老年IFG、IGT、T2DM患者和正常对照组各20例,采集空腹静脉血测定FPG、TG、TC、HDL—C、LDL—C、HbA1c等,同时送检血小板膜糖蛋白CD61和CD62P。采用高分辨率血管外彩超测定肱动脉反应性充血舒张度(FMD)和含服硝酸甘油后内径变化度(NTG)。结果①T2DM组、IGT组、IFG组的FMD较NC组显著下降(P〈0.05),而T2DM组的NTG与IGT组、IFG、NC组相比显著下降(P〈0.05)。②T2DM组、IGT组、IFG组的CD61和CD62P较NC组明显升高(P〈0.05)。结论内皮功能损害和血小板活化在糖尿病前期就已经存在了,两者互相促进,在糖调节受损和糖尿病患者早期血管病变的发生发展中共同发挥着关键的作用。  相似文献   
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