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家庭农场发展:问题与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进家庭农场更好更快发展,对于推动中国农村经济快速发展和农业现代化具有重要意义。目前家庭农场发展存在经营者整体素质不高、政府服务和引导不完善、土地流转不规范不通畅,以及资金短缺融资难度较大、市场竞争力不强等问题。应加大对农场经营者的教育培训力度,提升经营者的整体素质;建立健全法律法规,出台扶持政策,强化配套体系,充分发挥政府的服务引导职能;加大政府政策性补贴力度,提高农村金融服务质量,规范民间融资,疏通家庭农场融资渠道保障其金融需求;建立健全农地流转长效机制,提高补偿标准,为农民提供更好的社会保障,促进农地流转,保障家庭农场适度规模发展。  相似文献   
研究生导师的学术道德修养是决定着研究生培养质量的重要因素。针对当前教育界不断出现的学术道德失范现象,提出高校研究生导师应加强学术道德建设,科学地合理设置多样化评价指标,不断完善导师监督体系,提高研究生导师队伍的整体水平。  相似文献   
教育教学督导是教育质量管理的重要组成部分,是提高教学质量的关键。高校要加强教学质量管理,就必须建立科学的教学督导制度,结合学校实际,进行改革与创新,形成以"督学"为主的运行机制。  相似文献   
高等教育教学质量是高校发展的永恒主题,也是高校的生命线,只有紧紧抓住这条生命线,才能真正实现结构、效益和规模的协调发展。通过长期深入的调查研究,对我校本科教学工作的现状进行了认真的分析,从学科专业建设、教学改革、教学管理等方面入手,梳理出影响和制约我校教学工作的主要问题,并结合我校实际,提出了全面提高我校本科教学质量的建议,这对于全面贯彻落实科学发展观具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
在对我国高校师资队伍现状进行分析的基础上,指出加强青年教师队伍建设的必要性和重要性,并提出了加强青年教师队伍建设的一些措施和办法。  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS软件,运用空间分析法,从公平性和均衡性视角,对全国31个省市(不包括港澳台地区)养老机构的空间布局特征展开研究,探究我国养老机构整体发展历程与演化特点,并利用改进的两步移动搜索法对各县域养老机构的空间可达性进行测算。结果表明:我国养老机构的发展历程可划分为萌芽期(1949—1977年)、增长期(1978—1998年)、规范期(1999—2008年)和建设期(2009—2020年)四个阶段,各阶段具有不同的分布特征;养老机构总体区域分布差异较大,主要集中在东部和中部地区,而西部地区较为分散,供给水平尚未达到预期目标值;我国养老机构空间分布出现多个聚集核心,布局总体呈“品字形”分布,密度由聚集中心向周边地区逐渐递减;按规模划分有效服务半径评价养老机构的空间可达性更为有效,我国东南部地区的可达性明显优于西北部地区,西北部多数为可达性低值区,养老机构资源配置有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
2004年开始的新一轮农村金融增量式改革续写了农村金融发展的新篇章,农村金融机构数量急剧增加,竞争性增强,但由于现阶段我国新型农村金融机构监管模式落后,不能适应我国当前农村金融的快速增长,农村金融改革的主要矛盾已经由农村金融供给跟不上需求的步伐转变成农村金融监管跟不上农村金融组织发展的脚步。因此,创新我国新型农村金融机构监管模式成为破解新一轮农村金融改革突破口。  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a qualitative inquiry into how online courses in UK and US HEIs are shaped by stakeholder negotiations around course management systems. The investigation used a multi-theory framework composed of Cervero and Wilson's (1994) negotiation of power and interests model and activity theory. Forty-six stakeholders from seven sites participated in the study. The findings identified four primary benefits that prompt stakeholders to employ specific course management systems and described two types of relationships that exist between the stakeholders and their CMS.  相似文献   
政府制度有其基本原则,这一基本原则就是"正义"。政府制度正义包含了两个方面的内容:一是指政府制度的正义性,强调政府制度本身具有道德上的合理性与正当性,具有正义的根据;二是指政府正义理念的制度化,强调政府正义的理念与要求应当具体化为政府制度。政府制度正义,需要具有正义感的每个公务员来共同维持,因此,实现政府制度正义离不开公务员个人正义。  相似文献   

This special issue originates from a transnational collaboration of scholars in philology, comparative literature, social theory, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, and media studies. The collection strives to advance a research agenda built on the nexus of three intellectual and academic domains: post-Soviet ‘Russian cultural studies’, the research paradigm put forward by Cultural Studies, as well as empirical methods developed in sociology. The collection illustrates the importance of expanding the experience of Cultural Studies beyond its established spheres of national investigation, while it also speaks to the necessity to re-evaluate the hegemony of the English-language academic and cultural production on the global scale. The collection offers insights into the gamut of cultural practices and institutional environments in which Russian cultural production happens today. It shows how cultural industries and institutions in Russia are integrated into the global marketplace and transnational communities, while they also draw on and contribute to local lives and experiences by trying to create an autonomous space for symbolic production at personal and collective levels. Through diverse topics, the issue sheds light on the agency, i.e. practitioners and participants, creators and consumers, of Russian cultural production and the neoliberal practices implemented on creative work and cultural administration in Russia today. The Introduction outlines the development of academic studies on Russian cultural practices since 1991; describes main political developments shaping the cultural field in Putin’s Russia; and, finally, identifies the Cultural Studies debates the editors of the collection find most productive for investigations of Russia, i.e. the instrumentalization of culture and culture as resource. Relocated in an analysis of a post-socialist society, these conceptualisations seem increasingly problematic in a situation where local and federal policies governing cultural and creative work focus simultaneously on marketization and on nationalism as the main tools of legitimizing the federal government.  相似文献   
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