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研究毛泽东诗词的英译,不仅有益于欣赏毛泽东诗词的磅礴气势、恢弘意象,而且还有利于提高英语鉴赏水平及翻译水平。以关于“天”的翻译为语料,比较分析中外多个英译版本中对“天”的翻译,总结出毛泽东诗词中的大部分“天”及其含有“天”的词语主要有三层含义:天空、自然、天公。“天”的含义不同,译法也应各异。通过评论这些翻译,同时提出个人观点:将“天空”之“天”翻译成sky较达意;将“自然”之“天”翻译成nature较贴切;将“天公”之“天”翻译成heaven较传神。另有少数含有“天”字的词语,需联系上下文,遵照“最大限度再现诗人所创设的意境”这一原则进行翻译。  相似文献   
明治维新以后,随着西方自由主义思潮的流入,日本近代女性开始了朦胧的自我觉醒。尽管她们反对男权的抗争在"家族制度"和"国族主义"的双重夹击下显得步履维艰,但是她们作为一个勇于自我言说的性别群体终于浮出了历史地表。通过日本近代女性对男权的抗争历史,梳理了日本近代女权主义运动的流变过程,检视了日本近代女权主义运动的重要历史价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
发展方式绿色转型是贯彻新发展理念的战略要求和实现高质量发展的应有之义,是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重大任务。促进发展方式绿色转型,要采取如下四个策略:一是按照“保障需求、抑制欲望”的策略,确定生产什么和生产多少,消除生产和消费中的冗余,在此基础上培育集商品、公共品和善品于一体的供给体系;二是按照“敬畏自然、亲近自然”的策略,构建仿自然的集循环、共生和竞争三个机制于一体的社会;三是按照“做强增量、做优存量”的策略,先把新能源做大做强,再把化石能源利用做优;四是按照“全域推进、全民参与”的策略,完善全域发展和全民参与的制度,形成全域、全民推进生态系统和生物多样性保护的格局。  相似文献   
利用775个蔬菜种植户的实证数据,采用有序Probit模型、分组回归法、Heck-Probit模型以及双变量Probit模型,以生物防治技术和物理防治技术采纳情况表征农户绿色防控技术采纳行为,实证分析信息获取渠道对农户绿色防控技术采纳行为的影响以及信任及其不同维度的调节效应,并进行稳健性检验和异质性分析。研究发现:(1)组织渠道、人际渠道、现代媒介渠道对农户绿色防控技术采纳行为具有显著正向影响,传统媒介渠道的影响不显著。(2)组织渠道、人际渠道对农户绿色防控技术采纳决策具有积极促进作用,现代媒介渠道对农户绿色防控技术采纳程度具有正向激励作用。(3)信任在人际渠道和现代媒介渠道对农户绿色防控技术采纳行为的影响中均发挥调节作用,而对组织渠道的调节效应不显著。此外,信息信任和人际信任的调节效应存在差异。(4)人际渠道和现代媒介渠道分别对生物防治技术和物理防治技术采纳决策发挥显著促进作用,组织渠道对上述两种技术采纳决策均具有显著正向影响。据此,提出政府应重视不同信息获取渠道的差异化影响,为农户技术采纳提供多种有效的信息传播交流方式等政策建议。  相似文献   
中国社会工作开启“绿色转向”以来,对生态价值和绿色社会工作理路的思考主要借鉴西方思 想。 立足于本土思想资源,从生态价值的本体根基、历史生成、现实异化、实践路径 4 个方面挖掘并转义 道家思想的生态价值观,探讨其与生态文明的内在关联,有助于确立中国社会工作发展的伦理基础,并从 基于“生命-命运”共同体的价值立场、以“自然—人—社会主义社会”为本体的介入路线和以“认知—行 动”为轴线的实践策略 3 个方面提出中国绿色社会工作发展的基本理路。  相似文献   
以长三角41个城市为研究样本,基于第六、七次全国人口普查数据,依据人口经济理论,从人口的自然结构、区域空间结构和社会经济结构3个维度选取8个前因条件变量,运用fsQCA和NCA方法,探究实现城市高绿色创新的人口组态与路径。结果显示:单一人口结构指标均不构成城市高绿色创新的必要条件;实现城市高绿色创新存在5条路径,即全面提升驱动型、科教驱动型,城镇化-科技驱动型、城市集聚-科教驱动型和科教-老龄化驱动型;科技研发人口是所有组态的核心条件,对实现城市高绿色创新具有普适性作用;七普时,人口因素对城市绿色创新效应更大,且老龄化作用显化,组态和路径更丰富。  相似文献   
历经百余年革命与建设实践,中国共产党带领全国人民探索出一条适合本国国情的现代化道路。从理论维度来看,先进理论指导、优秀传统文化、独特制度优势为中国式现代化提供了思想之基、理论之源和力量之盾;从精神维度来看,党的百年奋斗历史自信、中国梦和中国实际发展成就赋予了中国式现代化丰富底蕴、鲜亮底色和坚强底气;从实践维度来看,坚持人民至上、坚持胸怀天下和坚持系统推进是中国式现代化的根本遵循、价值遵循和方法遵循。  相似文献   
何一民  廖羽含 《民族学刊》2021,12(12):30-37, 127
早在上万年前藏族先民就不畏艰难险阻,在雪域高原进行各种活动,并寻觅适合人居的生态空间,建立了早期的聚落。生态居住环境的营造是藏民族人居智慧的重要体现,藏民族面对的第一个难题是生态宜居空间的选择。藏民族生态宜居空间的选择宗旨是以人为本,尊重自然,与自然协调和谐相处。西藏早期先民对生态宜居空间的选择表现在以下两个方面:一是临水而居与生态宜居空间的选择,西藏一江两河(雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河、年楚河)是西藏城市文明的发祥地,最早的部落和氏族所建立的小邦及早期城市就主要集中分布在该流域;二是依山而建与生态宜居空间的营建,藏族先民在城市聚落选址方面不仅重视宏观区位的选择,同时也高度重视微观地理空间的选择,充分考虑其自然地理环境因素,特别对气温、降水、季风等高原气候特点的考虑。因此可以说,顺应自然、因地制宜,是西藏人民在长期的实践经验中总结出来的建筑理念和选址经验。  相似文献   
We study several important aspects of using environmental taxes to motivate the choice of innovative and “green" emissions‐reducing technologies as well as the role of fixed cost subsidies and consumer rebates in this process. In our model, a profit‐maximizing monopolistic firm facing price‐dependent demand selects emissions control technology, production quantity, and price in response to the tax, subsidy, and rebate levels set by the regulator. The available technologies vary in environmental efficiency as well as in the fixed and variable costs. Both the optimal policy for the firm and the social‐welfare maximizing policy for the regulator are analyzed. We find that the firm's reaction to an increase in taxes may be non‐monotone: while an initial increase in taxes may motivate a switch to a greener technology, further tax increases may motivate a reverse switch. For the regulator, we compare the social welfare achievable in the centralized system (which serves as an upper bound) to the highest level achievable under different classes of environmental policies. If the regulator is limited to a tax‐only policy, then when the regulator is moderately concerned with environmental impacts, the tax level that maximizes social welfare simultaneously motivates the choice of clean technology and closes the gap to the upper bound; however, both low and high levels of societal environmental concerns may lead to the choice of dirty technology and significant welfare losses as compared to the centralized case. Supplementing the environmental taxation with fixed cost subsidies and consumer rebates can eliminate this effect, expanding the range of parameters over which the green technology is chosen and often closing the welfare gap to the centralized solution.  相似文献   
Due to the growing concern over environmental issues, regardless of whether companies are going to voluntarily incorporate green policies in practice, or will be forced to do so in the context of new legislation, change is foreseen in the future of transportation management. Assigning and scheduling vehicles to service a pre‐determined set of clients is a common distribution problem. Accounting for time‐dependent travel times between customers, we present a model that considers travel time, fuel, and CO2 emissions costs. Specifically, we propose a framework for modeling CO2 emissions in a time‐dependent vehicle routing context. The model is solved via a tabu search procedure. As the amount of CO2 emissions is correlated with vehicle speed, our model considers limiting vehicle speed as part of the optimization. The emissions per kilometer as a function of speed are minimized at a unique speed. However, we show that in a time‐dependent environment this speed is sub‐optimal in terms of total emissions. This occurs if vehicles are able to avoid running into congestion periods where they incur high emissions. Clearly, considering this trade‐off in the vehicle routing problem has great practical potential. In the same line, we construct bounds on the total amount of emissions to be saved by making use of the standard VRP solutions. As fuel consumption is correlated with CO2 emissions, we show that reducing emissions leads to reducing costs. For a number of experimental settings, we show that limiting vehicle speeds is desired from a total cost perspective. This namely stems from the trade‐off between fuel and travel time costs.  相似文献   
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