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吴昕孺是一位实力派诗人,也是“好诗主义”的提倡者、践行者之一。他的长诗《原野》堪称长篇巨制,既走出了新乡土诗派的阴影,又避免了掉入当前粗陋化写作的陷阱,且能别开生面,以现代性突进作为书写技法和叙述方向。吴昕孺以自己独立、清醒的价值观和文学观,以自己的探索和坚守,形成了一种颇具个性化的“书生写作”现象。  相似文献   
“致良知”教作为王阳明思想的重要内容,既是其讲学的立言宗旨,又是王门诸子学习、实践活动中的思想纲领。20世纪以来,关于“致良知”教的研究主要形成了哲理诠释与精神信仰两种不同诠释路径。反观20世纪以来阳明“致良知”教的两种研究取径,都不可回避一个更为本质的问题——成德成人。成德成人的德性教养既是儒学一以贯之的内在精神,更是阳明“致良知”教的本旨意涵,其意义就在转化个体生命情感、精神意志的过程中显现出人人本有且知是知非的良知。在成德成人的基础上,哲理诠释的路径蕴涵着精神信仰的价值追求,而精神信仰的路径又表现出哲理诠释的普遍性面相。这既关涉如何体贴阳明哲学的真精神,也向当代儒学研究提出了应当如何诠释儒学传统价值的重要问题。  相似文献   
“司法审查有限原则”是行政诉讼法的基本原则,这导致了“履行法定职责实体判决”存在争议。“尹荷玲案”不但证成了履行法定职责实体判决存在的正当性,而且明确了该判决适用的“双阶要件”,即“理由具备、事实清楚、法律规定明确”的一般要件,与“法效果唯一性”的特别要件。其中“法效果唯一性”分为两种情况:一是羁束行政行为,二是行政裁量收缩为零,这恰与《行政诉讼法》修改后“给付判决”与“履行判决”的规定相契合。纵观司法实践,重做判决、履行判决、给付判决形成了“程序性判决—提示性判决—履行法定职责实体判决”3种判决方式,体现了三者功能的相似性。作为实质化解争议的履行法定职责实体判决,也彰显了司法推动制度发展的功能。  相似文献   
我国法律明确规定班主任有权采取适当方式批评教育学生,但对何谓适度并未作出清晰界定。因此,班主任批评教育学生时容易将惩戒越界为体罚,同时,因为缺乏评价标准,涉及惩罚学生的事件往往成为舆论热点。2014年底,湖南省娄底卫校某班主任因惩罚学生而引发的“嗑瓜子事件”,迅速成为网络热点,再次证明了规制教师教育惩戒权的必要性。应在坚持反对体罚的前提下,厘定“教育惩戒”与“变相体罚”两个概念的关系,并对教育惩戒权行使作详细规定。  相似文献   
立足于吉林省廉租房政策实施效果的全面调查数据,概述了吉林省廉租房政策实施效果,以独特的视角深入分析了廉租房政策推行过程中出现的一些亟需解决的共性问题,提出了针对性的解决对策。  相似文献   
The Belt and Road Initiative is an important decision for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Maritime security has a significant place in this process. In recent years, there have been frequent violent terrorist incidents at sea, including piracy, armed hijackings and terrorist attacks, posing a dire threat to both international and Chinese maritime transport interests and seriously challenging the fulfillment of the maritime part of the “Belt and Road Initiative.” Five direct measures can be taken to protect ocean shipping from violence at sea. One example is the defensive measures taken against the Somali pirates. The employment of armed guards from professional security companies on board ship is an effective model for guaranteeing maritime security; it not only meets the standards of international law, but is also legally permitted in many developed countries and regions, and is thus strategically significant for overall Chinese maritime security. In the Chinese context, this model carries its own legal risks. We should embrace a new approach to national security law, strengthen legal guarantees and make concerted efforts to provide warship (military aircraft) escorts to jointly build an optimum model of Chinese maritime security in order to ensure the realization of core Chinese maritime interests.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,大连市确立并坚持实施“外向牵动”、“开放引领”等经济发展战略,逐步形成了全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放格局,初步建立起开放型经济体系。依托这一体系,全市国际贸易快速发展,出口商品结构不断优化,境外投资持续增加,服务贸易逐渐扩大。大连市要引导开放向纵深发展,必须在强化原有重点园区开放效应的基础上,抓住自由贸易区建设的机遇,构建对外开放新平台,促成梯次开放格局。“构建开放型经济新体制”是党的十八届三中全会部署的改革重点任务之一。大连市如何立足区位优势,抢抓战略机遇,进一步优化投资和贸易管理体制,建立健全相关政策体系,培育有序、透明、法治化的营商环境,引导开放向纵深发展,赢取对外开放的新优势,成为大连市全面落实三中全会改革部署的重要任务。  相似文献   
朱有燉杂剧《文殊菩萨降狮子》《蟠桃会》《辰钩月》诸剧对小说《西游记》成书有着重要影响,许多情节为其所吸收;朱有燉对西游故事的接受存在事实可能,吴昌龄、杨景言所作西游杂剧当为其观览;朱有燉及其杂剧在西游故事传播过程中有着承上启下的意义,是中原文化故事系统融合西北故事系统的结果。  相似文献   
实现人民利益有利于执政党的长期执政,而能否实现好人民利益,又要依靠党的执政,依靠党的实现人民利益能力的不断提升。从人民利益实现过程分析,党实现人民利益的能力主要包涵人民利益表达能力、综合能力、决策能力、执行能力以及反馈能力。现阶段执政党要提高实现人民利益能力,需要进一步加强思想建设、组织建设、作风建设以及制度建设,不断开创党的建设这一伟大工程的新局面。  相似文献   
This study investigates the egocentric networks of underrepresented minority students. Adjustment to college for underrepresented minority students often means balancing between the origin (i.e., low-status family) and host (i.e., academic) environments, requiring students to develop different coping strategies. The analysis included 124 Roma university students. We employed the contact diary method and the EgoNet program for mapping students’ egocentric networks. We explored classification among egocentric networks by cluster analysis based on the network proportion of the origin, fellow, and host groups. Three clusters were distinguished. The Host-based cluster proved to be the most advantageous, while the Balancing cluster appeared to be the most disadvantageous in terms of network resources, well-being, and trust. Partners’ ethnicity and educational attainment showed a strong connection with cluster membership. Our results highlight that small fellow communities can successfully interconnect the origin and host groups in students’ egocentric networks.  相似文献   
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