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通过收集石油套管现场失效数据资料,以套管失效为顶事件建立了石油套管的故障树,该故障树共考虑了47个不同的基本事件。通过对套管故障树的分析,得到了套管失效故障树的一阶最小割集27个,二阶最小割集29个,四阶最小割集1个,确立了套管的主要失效形式为潜在损坏、套管挤毁、套管断裂及严重腐蚀,并提出了提高套管可靠性的措施。  相似文献   
避讳学是一门研究避讳现象发生发展的一般规律及其应用的边缘学科,历史悠久、文献丰富、成就巨大是我国避讳学研究的最显著特点。伴随一部避讳史,也有一部中国避讳学史。中国避讳学史可分为四个时期:一是避讳史料学时期——先秦至明代,二是避讳学的萌芽期——清代,三是避讳学的形成期——近代,四是避讳学的发展期——现代。  相似文献   
今文《尚书》之《尧典》叙述尧观象授时、举贤任能、巡狩四方等事迹,树立了高大光辉的明君形象。从其材料来源、思想观念、语言形式及战国典籍的征引等多方面来看,《尧典》应编成于春秋时期。其编者应是孔子,春秋时代官学下移、私学兴起,讲史之风盛行,孔门以讲史教学,故孔子有编辑旧史佚闻之举。从文体方面来看,《尧典》以人物为中心,以事件为骨干,与《商书》、《周书》誓、命、训、诰诸体差别较大,具备了“传记”的诸种因素。  相似文献   

Malaysia is one of the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious countries in Southeast Asia. Due to the pluralistic nature of Malaysia, it has a political structure based on ethnic politics. The ethnic preferential policies affected most domains of this country. The objective of this article is to examine the origin and background of ethnic politics in Malaysia. Findings of this study indicate that, ethnic politics originated during the British colonial period, it became a tool used by the Barisan Nasional for the legitimacy of regime. Moreover, ethnic politics in Malaysia today is intertwined with religion. Besides, there is the dilemma of the choice between the interest of certain ethnic group and national interests. However, with the opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan won the election in 9th May, UMNO-led BN lost power and interrupted its 61 years control, which leaves us an interesting topic to think about the future of Malaysian ethnic politics.  相似文献   
《泰王国民商法典》是在近代泰国法制改革的大背景下产生的,有着复杂的社会历史背景。曼谷王朝拉玛四世以前,泰国历经素可泰王朝、大城王朝和曼谷王朝的一部分,朝代更迭,历时漫长但在法制上却保持了相对稳定。1851年,曼谷王朝四世王拉玛四世(1851-1868)登基,拉开了泰国近代史的序幕。1852年1月,英国在第二次英缅战争之后,占领了缅甸,并觊觎泰国。1855年,英国派其驻香港的总督鲍林率使团到泰国与拉玛四世谈判,威逼泰国于1855年4月18日签订了《英暹条约》(史称《鲍林条约》)。这一个不平等条约彻底打开了泰国闭关自守的大门,欧洲列强以该条约为蓝本,威逼泰国签订了类似条约。泰国自此成为一个半殖民地国家,其法制也逐步西化,泰国的法制也这一时期完成了从古代法制向现代法制的转型。事实上,泰国法制现代化的过程,就是一个从理论到制度逐步西化的过程。《泰王国民商法典》就是在这样一个大的背景下产生的。  相似文献   
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a useful tool to assess complex interconnected systems. This article leverages the capabilities of PRA tools developed for industrial and nuclear risk analysis in community resilience evaluations by modeling the food security of a community in terms of its built environment as an integrated system. To this end, we model the performance of Gilroy, CA, a moderate‐size town, with regard to disruptions in its food supply caused by a severe earthquake. The food retailers of Gilroy, along with the electrical power network, water network elements, and bridges are considered as components of a system. Fault and event trees are constructed to model the requirements for continuous food supply to community residents and are analyzed efficiently using binary decision diagrams (BDDs). The study also identifies shortcomings in approximate classical system analysis methods in assessing community resilience. Importance factors are utilized to rank the importance of various factors to the overall risk of food insecurity. Finally, the study considers the impact of various sources of uncertainties in the hazard modeling and performance of infrastructure on food security measures. The methodology can be applicable for any existing critical infrastructure system and has potential extensions to other hazards.  相似文献   
重大历史事件的提出源于国家文艺创作政策,是重大历史题材的内核。从历史文献学的视角来看,重大历史事件的文献形态表现为本源事件、衍生事件和文本事件。重大历史事件的衍生特征主要体现为本源事件的内容选择性、视角多样性、衍生多态性和历史叙事的结构层次性。重大历史事件具有文献能产性,其根本动力来源于历史主体的社会认可需要、纪念活动的客观物证需要和文艺创作的传奇叙事需要。  相似文献   
侯外庐的中国思想史研究在马克思主义唯物史观的基础之上,紧扣时代脉搏,继承中国文化的优良传统,对中西文化进行深入比较,探讨其异同。他冷静地钻研、不懈地思索,遵循严格的研究规范,提出了许多深刻的问题,在学术研究的过程中创立了一个史学学派,成为中国思想史研究的典范。  相似文献   
艾伦·伍德基于历史唯物主义对经济和政治的连续性的分析,以民主为切入点,借鉴古雅典经济民主和政治民主相统一的洞见,揭示了资本主义民主的虚假性。伍德的观点既有助于我们认识资本主义民主的本质,也有助于我们从经济民主和政治民主相统一的维度重新思考社会主义民主,建构社会主义民主制度。  相似文献   
现今的世界上,有许多人由于内战、贫困与饥饿、环境破坏等威胁,迫使他们的生命及尊严处于危险状态,也有大批人仍然饱受着人权侵害、种族歧视的痛苦。为和平、人权、人道的奋斗,绝不是低层爬到高山的顶峰就可以达到终点那样。重要的是要创建一股一代接一代、谁也阻挡不了的滔滔洪流,并日积月累地把它发展和扩大。这就是我们为了建设一个和平未来的不断挑战。  相似文献   
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