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斯蒂芬·金的小说《手机》是一部提高惊悚"段位"的艺术作品,他风格独到的创造促使惊悚小说全面升值,同时也涵盖了一些现代式创作的含量。在情景的设置中作者通过人们日常所用的手机,将科技和文学进行巧妙的结合,利用独到的创新手法塑造出一个熟悉而又陌生的科幻艺术空间。小说将重点放在了对那些再也不能平常的幸存者的刻画上,最终,随着整个故事情节慢慢落下,那些在死亡中挣扎过来的人一定能在最后寻到问题的答案。  相似文献   
曲彬 《理论界》2013,(12):159-161
美国作家埃德加·艾伦·坡的短篇小说以其独特的恐怖色彩闻名于世,他的《厄舍屋的倒塌》更是成为倍受读者青睐的经典。对这个故事进行细致的文本分析就可以发现,故事中不但有天才的恐怖氛围的营造,还潜藏着人物对生命的渴望和对善与美的追求。正是这种崇高的道德诉求,使得作品拥有了持久的生命力,令读者百看不厌。品味作品中娴熟的艺术技巧和温暖的人性味道,我们将还原经典更全面的价值。  相似文献   
This paper compares the gender politics expressed in Ringu and The Ring, paying particular attention to specific and noteworthy distinctions and crucial underlying cultural differences that structure and shape the gender politics articulated in the two films. While highlighting the divergences in the films' narratives and examining how their depictions of female characters reveal the fundamental historical, cultural, social and ideological forces that structure Eastern and Western views of femininity, women, and their roles in society, this paper argues that although both films reflect a misogynist patriarchal perspective in their depiction of evil, violent, destructive females, it is the American remake that is ultimately more conservative and reactionary in its simplistic alignment of women, the feminine and maternity with evil and monstrosity. In comparison, the Japanese original offers a more ambiguous treatment of a key female character, the mysterious and deadly Sadako, allowing her to emerge as a potential figure of resistance against conservative patriarchy, an element that is distinctly absent in the American remake.  相似文献   
Deadgirl (2008) is based around a group of male teens discovering and claiming ownership of a bound female zombie, using her as a sex slave. This narrative premise raises numerous tensions that are particularly amplified by using a zombie as the film's central victim. The Deadgirl is sexually passive yet monstrous, reifying the horrors associated with the female body in patriarchal discourses. She is objectified on the basis of her gender, and this has led many reviewers to dismiss the film as misogynistic torture porn. However, the conditions under which masculinity is formed here—where adolescent males become “men” by enacting sexual violence—are as problematic as the specter of the female zombie. Deadgirl is clearly horrific and provocative: in this article I seek to probe implications arising from the film's gender conflicts.  相似文献   
爱伦?坡短篇小说的恐怖魅力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于中国文化与英国文化分属两种截然不同的文化。因此,二者之间存在着很大的文化差异。而词汇作为语言的基本单位,是最明显的承载文化信息,反映人类社会文化生活的工具。因此,本文作者从词汇理性意义和文化意义的差异两大方面对词汇的跨文化差异做了一些探讨。目的在于能够从点到面,进一步探讨外语教学中文化导入的问题,并根据教学经验,采用直接解说法、融合法、交际实践法,对比分析法和测试法五种方法来进行文化教学。  相似文献   
怪诞作为一种审美形态有三个特征一、由丑恶和滑稽两种成分融合而成,丑恶是融合的内容,滑稽是融合的形式,两者具有同体共时性.二、以极端反常化为结构方式,即用最熟悉的构成最陌生的,最美善的构成最丑恶的,最现实的构成最超现实的,最非人的构成最人体的.三、接受反应是既恐怖又好笑.  相似文献   
This paper will use the concept of time-image discussed by Gille Deleuze in Cinema 1 and Cinema 2 as a heuristic tool for thinking about the Internet films of the Islamic State (ISIS). By considering that ISIS films primarily operate on two different axes: a time-image that presents a recollection of a mythic past, and a movement-image that reverses roles of power and sovereignty with a Western antagonist through mimesis, I discover that although we are unable to consider the ISIS films strictly as documentary, they are nonetheless not representational either. Within this context, I will argue that ISIS films may be experienced as actualizations of a global schizophrenic delirium. The ISIS films demonstrate what Deleuze describes as the “powers of the false.” They show a reality that is unbearable to witness. In the same way that the Marquis de Sade exhibited in life and fiction a physical violence and perversion that were symptomatic of the chaotic and brutal realities of the French Revolution, ISIS itself, and not only its film productions, becomes the foci of a symptomatic and cinematic realization of the failures of our globalized society in the post-Cold War/Arab Spring era. We experience the unbearable violence in the form of schizophrenic delirium, as if this violence is being performed somewhere else, by someone else, to someone else. These forms of spatial and temporal shifts, detachments, and interchanges are emphasized by the arrival of war refugees to the Western world from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In this process of becoming the Other, there is no escaping the delirium of Otherness.  相似文献   
本篇小说的独特之处在于它的时间跳跃技巧。福克纳用这种叙事方式赋予了本篇小说永久的魅力。故事不是按照时间的先后顺序来讲述艾米莉的一生,而是随着某种冲动和情感,无数思维和意识的碎片围绕着中心转动。读者感觉故事不是在发展,而是在每一段文字的背后发现故事的存在,这样做给读者留出了更加丰富的想像空间。  相似文献   
A recent increase in the number of comedic films and television programs that include abortion stories has prompted a cultural conversation about whether this is an appropriate treatment for such a topic: Can abortions be funny? Are there any genres that should not include plotlines about abortion? Indeed, most prior examinations of abortion on television have focused on dramas and their impact, without explicitly exploring the ways different genres offer a range of types of stories and creative opportunities. Using a comprehensive data-set of abortion plotlines on American television, this analysis provides a historical overview of how varying genres have addressed abortion in the past, as well as closer case studies within each of five genres: drama, soap opera, horror, science fiction, and comedy. This paper provides insight into the different narrative functions of abortion stories, with consideration of how such narratives support (in)accurate and (de)stigmatizing cultural ideas about abortion.  相似文献   
詹姆斯·菲里莫·库珀的代表作《最后的莫希干人》通常被认为是一部边疆罗曼史或革命历史小说,然而小说中充满了哥特色彩。分析表明,书中的洞穴和墓地是美国版本的哥特背景,而印第安人带给读者的恐惧等同于哥特小说中的恶魔和鬼魂带来的恐惧。处于陌生环境中的白人内心的不确定和不安全投射在外在的环境中,产生了深刻的恐惧效果。库珀将哥特元素与美国的经历和荒野结合起来,实现了对哥特的美国式书写,这种别样的哥特小说对库珀本人的创作和美国文学都有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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