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既有研究忽视了社会空间对新媒体与透支型消费观念的调节作用,文章基于中国社会综合调查数据(CGSS2010),运用有序Logit模型对其进行实证分析,得到如下三点发现:(1)地区位置上,较之东部地区,中西部地区个体的透支型消费观念更易受新媒体影响;(2)社会阶层中,个体所处阶层越高,新媒体对其透支型消费观念的影响越大;(3)社会空间中,新媒体对个体透支型消费观念的影响呈“W”分布,整体上呈现由强到弱的衰减趋势.其中,对东部地区上层,中西部地区中层及中西部地区下层个体的透支型消费观念具有显著影响,而对中西部地区上层、东部地区中层及下层个体的透支型消费观念影响有限.文章的结论和政策含义在于:新媒体促进了个体透支型消费观念,但社会空间呈现不规则性,这可能缘于权力结构的单一化,因而要改善权力结构失衡,合理引导新媒体资源的配置和纠正信息不对称.  相似文献   
建水县古称临安,自古人文荟萃,元代以来,一度成为滇南政治、经济、文化中心。这里不但孕育了有“雅陶”之称的建水紫陶,亦以一大批保存完好的古建筑遗存而获“古建筑博物馆”的美誉,并因此于1994年被列为中国历史文化名城。在现存众多的古建筑中,始建于元代的建水文庙,属于典型的文化建筑代表。在综合考察建水建筑文化发展与传承及传统祠庙建筑一般特征的基础上,主要从平面布局、空间序列、建筑造型、装饰风格以及附属园林景观设计等方面,剖析其建筑与园林设计的视觉特征及美学内涵。  相似文献   
Research on partying and nightlife often emphasizes commercial control while overlooking participants’ creativity and agency. Due to their age, appearance and transgressive partying, participants in the Norwegian high school graduation celebration have limited access to bars and pubs in the ordinary night‐time economy. To create alternative party spaces under their own control they utilize the spatial opportunities offered by automobility. Groups of students get together many years in advance and buy old buses which they refurbish to become rolling nightclubs that enable them to ‘transcend space’ through partying while on the move. These mobile party spaces provide a material and symbolic centre of communion and a tight space for physical assembly that enhances the production of intense positive emotions. In a cat‐and‐mouse game with the police, the buses provide a sense of nomadic autonomy, and enable participants to drink heavily for days on end. The study examines how youth may creatively zone their own party spaces within the context of automobility and how these mobile spaces again shape the partying that goes on within them. While this party practice opens up for autonomy, creativity and social transgressions reminiscent of liminal phases or carnivals, at a deeper level participants clearly reproduce class‐based differences and exaggerate conventional practices and symbols.  相似文献   
本文论述张世君新著《〈红楼梦〉的空间叙事》的基本观点。它提出实体的场景空间、虚化的香气空间和虚拟的梦幻空间分别是文本叙事的三个空间层面。本书在理论上的创新意义在于建构了一个自成体系的全新的空间叙事构架 ,不仅填补了红学研究对空间叙事艺术整体研究的空白 ,还开拓了中西叙事理论都尚未涉及的空间叙事领域。在实践上的意义在于在细读文本的基础上 ,建立起论文的观点体系。  相似文献   
Two factors having the same set of levels are said to be homologous. This paper aims to extend the domain of factorial models to designs that include homologous factors. In doing so, it is necessary first to identify the characteristic property of those vector spaces that constitute the standard factorial models. We argue here that essentially every interesting statistical model specified by a vector space is necessarily a representation of some algebraic category. Logical consistency of the sort associated with the standard marginality conditions is guaranteed by category representations, but not by group representations. Marginality is thus interpreted as invariance under selection of factor levels ( I -representations), and invariance under replication of levels ( S -representations). For designs in which each factor occurs once, the representations of the product category coincide with the standard factorial models. For designs that include homologous factors, the set of S -representations is a subset of the I -representations. It is shown that symmetry and quasi-symmetry are representations in both senses, but that not all representations include the constant functions (intercept). The beginnings of an extended algebra for constructing general I -representations is described and illustrated by a diallel cross design.  相似文献   
This paper examines diasporic identity formation among Sudanese migrants in the U.K. From constructivist perspectives, diasporas form when mobilisations towards a ‘homeland’ initiate processes of collectively imagining that homeland. These mobilising agendas have been analysed as either emotional and/or political and correspond to processes of collective remembering, forgetting or future-making. Drawing on interviews with, and observations of, Sudan-born residents of the U.K., this paper examines diaspora formation among U.K. Sudanese. It asks what mobilising agendas unite U.K. Sudanese and what kinds of imaginative processes orient them towards their shared homeland(s). This investigation uncovers how multiple and seemingly contradictory processes of diasporic identity formation overlap within the same ‘national’ migrant community. It analyses how different mobilising agendas initiate imaginative processes of ‘past-making’ and ‘future-making’ which correspond to various types of diasporic identity. In doing so, this paper contributes to debates within constructivist approaches to diaspora formation.  相似文献   
殷墟发掘已历经80年,殷墟出土的实物史料与甲骨文相印证,使得商代历史真正成为信史。夏商周三代都城的发现,以及三代文化架构体系的确立,也是建立在殷墟发掘成果基础上的。殷墟是中国现代考古学的发源地,在这里培养了一大批考古工作者,创造出一整套中国特色的考古学理论与方法,推动了中国考古学事业的发展。新中国时期,殷墟的发掘与研究水平都有了很大的提高,搞清了殷墟的范围与布局,对殷墟文化进行了分期断代,对一些重大的学术课题开展了深入研究。特别是20世纪90年代洹北商城的发现,是殷墟发掘以来最重要的收获。我们纪念殷墟发掘80周年,应该学习先辈的高尚品格和严谨学风,继承他们的遗志,把殷墟考古和文物保护工作做好。  相似文献   
对于非物质文化遗产来说,保护好其生存空间是发展非遗项目的基本要素,起到了维系其生存状态的重要作用。合理安排其生存空间可促使非遗项目更好地发展。但随着社会发展,锦州“吹糖人”和“糖画”的生存空间屡遭挑战。从二十世纪六七十年代开始销声匿迹,到如今非遗保护浪潮使其再获发展,新媒体和自媒体的出现导致这些民间传统手工艺者开始变得茫然失措,社会认同感持续下降导致其生存空间愈加狭窄。如何保护这种民间传统手工艺的生存空间是当下我们能否发展好非物质文化遗产的关键因素。通过介绍锦州“吹糖人”和“糖画”的基本情况,探寻民间传统手工艺的生存空间,并为这些传统手工艺者探索切实可行的生存之路,以期进一步保护与传承非物质文化遗产。  相似文献   
网络舆论主体的群体极化倾向分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
网络舆论在推动社会发展中起着重要作用,但网络的匿名性、随意性等特点也给网络舆论带来了一些负面影响。其中,群体极化现象在中国网络舆论中表现为民族主义和批判现实主义两种倾向。其成因有个性化传播带来的信息过滤、群体盲从和社会问题等。  相似文献   
对于非物质文化遗产的保护,不应该只局限在狭义的文化空间范畴内,而应该从更广义的文化空间视角来展开。广义的文化空间是非物质文化遗产的一种生存环境,这一生存环境包括政治环境、经济环境、文化环境等,它有很多支化的成分,如文化政策、语言、民俗、宗教信仰、经济水平等。它们是非物质文化得以生存和发展的土壤。对于福建土楼非物质文化遗产的保护,主要从文化空间维护角度和文化空间再造角度两个方面展开。文化空间的维护主要包括政府的重视、民俗活动的支撑、非物质文化资源的普查抢救、客家方言的使用。文化空间的再造主要包括以申遗为机遇、以区域联合为基础、以遗产旅游为依托、以教育引导为保障、以大众传媒为指引来共同营造文化空间。  相似文献   
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