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少数民族人权的宪法保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少数民族人权是我国人权的重要内容,少数民族人权的保障直接同我国的人权保障内容密切相关。本文从民族、国际、社会角度分析了少数民族人权保障的重要性,同时分析了少数民族人权与宪法的关系,并对我国少数民族人权保障存在的问题从宪法和民族自治法进行了探讨,提出对少数民族人权保障的对策,从而整体上提高我国人权保护的水平。  相似文献   
小说叙述者在创作作品时,已经给作品规定了隐含读者。老舍小说的隐含读者就是城市普通居民。老舍清楚城市普通居民最关心哪些故事,所以他的小说中多叙述传奇、侠、恋爱等题材。老舍也知道城市普通居民的欣赏习惯,所以他的小说故事大都有头有尾,人物结局清楚,故事的时间地点确定,叙述时序比较单一。老舍更明白城市普通居民心理对于善恶各有报应的要求,所以他的小说也很注重关于善人恶人不同结局的描述。  相似文献   
邬焜先生"信息本体论"的目的是划分"全新的存在领域",即物质(如月亮)是"直接存在","客观信息"(如水中月)是"间接存在",两者没有整体与部分的关系,直接存在不等于间接存在,强调这是与传统哲学根本不同的"元哲学"。但是,邬先生"信息进化论"居然违背"信息本体论"的规定,声称"物质和信息的双重演化"体现了"亦此亦彼的思想",即物质与"客观信息"两者的演化,"亦此亦彼",间接存在(如水中的月亮)等于直接存在(如天上的月亮)。由于传统哲学里的物质没有可被认知的任何信息(规律和属性),"客观信息"就成了"变相的物质","物质演化"则名存实亡,成为没有任何实际意义的摆设。所谓"物质和信息的双重演化",只是"客观信息"(如水中的月亮)在演化。然而,"客观信息"(如水中的月亮)既不能进化或退化,也不能同化或异化。  相似文献   
Long- and short-term effects of urban site factors on net N-mineralization and nitrification rates were investigated in oak stands along an urban-rural land-use transect in the New York City metropolitan area. We used reciprocal transplants of undisturbed soil cores between urban and rural forests to determine the relative importance of long-term effects (mor vs. mull soils, quality of soil organic matter, and deposition of N) vs. short-term effects (soil temperature) of urban factors in controlling field N-transformation rates along the gradient. In addition, undisturbed soil cores from surface (A, Oe horizons) and subsurface (B horizon) soil were collected from urban, suburban, and rural stands and allowed to incubate in these respective sites to compare the net effect of all urban factors with transplanted-core results. The transplant experiment revealed that soil type (long-term) affected net N-mineralization and nitrification rates. Urban soils nitrified nearly 6.3 and 5.4 times more than rural soils incubating in urban and rural stands, respectively (p = 0.003 and p = 0.002, respectively). Similarly, in rural stands total accumulation of inorganic N was 87% higher in urban than in rural soils, whereas in urban stands, urban soils mineralized 83% more N than rural soils (p = 0.043 and 0.08, respectively). Comparing soils incubating in their native locations, urban soils incubating in urban stands mineralized more than 2.5 times the amount of N than rural soils incubating in the rural stands (p = 0.019). By contrast, urban soils incubating in urban stands exhibited a 8-fold increase in nitrification over rural soils incubating in rural stands (p = 0.008). As with the transplanted cores, the urban and suburban environments had a positive effect on net rates of N-mineralization and nitrification in both surface and subsurface layers of soil. The surface layer of suburban and urban stands had a 3- and 2.3-fold higher accumulation of net inorganic N than rural stands (ANOVA, p = 0.05). Similarly, in the subsurface layer both urban and suburban stands had 2.6-fold higher net N-mineralization rate than rural stands (ANOVA, p = 0.01). Along this urban-rural gradient, soils in oak stands exhibit higher net nitrification and, to a lesser extent, net N-mineralization rates in urban and suburban stands than in rural stands. Results from the transplant experiment and in situ measurements of surface and subsurface soil indicate that long-term effects (mor vs. mull soils, N deposition) contribute to the higher N-transformation rates in urban and suburban stands. As a result of these effects, urban and suburban stands have the potential for higher losses of N than rural stands.  相似文献   
This perspective presents empirical data to demonstrate the existence of different expert views on scientific policy advice on complex environmental health issues. These views are partly research‐field specific. According to scientific literature, experts differ in the way they provide policy advice on complex issues such as electromagnetic fields (EMF), particulate matter (PM), and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Where some experts feel their primary task is to carry out fundamental research, others actively engage in the policy dialogue. Although the literature provides ideas about expert roles, there exists little empirical underpinning. Our aim is to gather empirical evidence about expert roles. The results of an international study indicated that experts on EMF, PM, and AMR differ in the way they view their role in the policy dialogue. For example, experts differed in their views on the need for precaution and their motivation to initiate stakeholder cooperation. Besides, most experts thought that their views on the risks of EMF/PM/AMR did not differ from those of colleagues. Great dissensus was found in views on the best ways of managing risks and uncertainties. In conclusion, the theoretical ideal–typical roles from the literature can be identified to a certain extent.  相似文献   
<文选>分类的确有可议之处,尤其是其小类.然这往往是"天然地"存在的,故只要对一大批文章进行较细的分类,就难以完全避免他人之"议".姚鼐、章学诚诸家的批评主要是因其没有充分地考虑到实际操作与理论要求间的差异及其"不思当时事实"所致.姚说似是而非,<古文辞类纂>亦多类似<文选>之"失";章说太半责非其所当责,少半或有理而萧统"持之有故".<文选>在文体分类方面的历史贡献是巨大的,尽管其更多的只是继承而非新的建树.  相似文献   
对哲学“物质”概念的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物质,这个古老的唯物主义哲学概念,经过马克思主义经典作家恩格斯和列宁的"扬弃",曾使辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的发展获得了新的生机和活力。列宁的物质概念从提出到现在已近一个世纪。20世纪的科学技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,人类社会也发生了翻天覆地的变化,微电子技术特别是发达的电脑网络技术将我们带入数字化空间。人类已经迈入21世纪,进入信息化社会,跨入知识经济时代,而我们的物质概念依旧停留在20世纪初的水平上。我认为,对物质概念进行新的"扬弃"的时机和条件早已成熟,文章通过对恩格斯与列宁的物质概念的追述、内涵与外延的比较与分析,找出其时代的局限性与逻辑上的缺陷或不足,并在此基础上提出了存在、实在(物质)、虚在、客观存在、非客观存在、现实性空间、非现实性空间和实践诸范畴,试图赋予物质(即实在)以新的意义和时代特色。  相似文献   
科学与唯物主义具有本质的一致性。本文从历史与逻辑相统一的角度,论述和分析了我国古代两位杰出科学家李时珍、宋应星的气学思想,并对这一思想在我国科学和哲学发展史上的地位和作用作了评价。  相似文献   
19世纪以来英国的工业化和城市化进程,既创造了巨大的物质财富,也给人类社会带来沉重的负面效应,其中空气污染就是代价之一,成为生态城市建设的重大障碍。伦敦首先对以烟雾型的空气污染成因进行分析与治理,接着对汽车尾气中的二氧化硫和铅污染进行治理。新世纪以来,则着重开展对二氧化氮和可吸入悬浮颗粒的监测与治理。从空气立法到大伦敦市长的空气质量策略,从拥堵费到低排放区,从以自行车为代表的绿色出行到对工地街道扬尘的治理,表明了伦敦市政府对空气污染的治理越来越深入全面,治理空气污染的手段也在推陈出新。  相似文献   
警务考核是充分调动民警工作积极性,进一步提高打击犯罪和保障平安能力的重要手段,也是世界性难题。广东省公安厅为破解队伍管理的难题,创造性地提出“工作执法一网考”(下称“一网考”)的理念,建设并在全省推广应用“一网考”系统。本文通过对警务绩效考核中存在的问题进行分析,提出了“一网考”的考核模型,在此基础上建立了考核指标体系。基于层次分析法,对考核指标及权重进行了量化,使考核指标具有科学性、客观性和公正性;应用物元理论,建立物元综合评判数学模型,实现对民警的综合评价。  相似文献   
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