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Despite growing awareness of the limitations of group‐level analyses in ethnic studies, research on ethnic conflict has paid virtually no systematic attention to variation at the individual or micro level. Addressing that gap, the present paper draws upon data from interviews conducted with members of two broadly‐defined categories recently arrived in the Republic of Ireland, Muslims and Nigerians. Results indicate that while members of both immigrant categories experience a good deal of ethnic conflict or hostility, such conflict is rarely collective and invariably varies across individuals. The research data are consistent with Donald Black's theory of moralism. Black's theory, based on his theoretical system known as pure sociology, predicts that ethnic hostility increases with the social inferiority and cultural distance of the immigrant, and that higher status immigrants are more assertive in responding to hostility, though they experience less of it (the status paradox).  相似文献   
This article explores a recent conflict over the youth phenomenon known as “raving” in the City of Chicago. By interviewing participants involved in the conflict, I set out to understand the extent to which the crackdown on raves in Chicago was similar to earlier social reactions to jazz, comic books, rock and roll, and Dead Head culture, as well as to more recent conflicts over punk, rap music, and raves in other cities. While most previous research on cultural conflict has focused on moral crusades, campaigns, and panics, the Chicago conflict represents an example of “quiet regulation.” Opponents refrained from highly visible, morally charged attacks; instead, in the absence of media hype and visible public discourse, public officials justified the crackdown in highly bureaucratic terms—avoiding risk, collecting taxes, enforcing codes. Nonetheless, they also drew on cultural schemas that linked raves and raving with drugs, sex, and deviance. As a result, officials selected a course of regulation that criminalized DJs and discredited the artform. In the absence of a highly visible moral campaign, the rave participants were unable to mobilize and resist the regulation and defend their lifestyle. Sociologists must move beyond highly visible campaigns and crusades and pay greater attention to quiet regulation, both because such regulation is likely to increase in the future and because it has significant consequences for power, cultural expression, and identity.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国铁路法》第58条与《中华人民共和国民法通则》第123条存在冲突。从厘清“基本法律”与基本法律以外的“其他法律”的位阶问题、铁路交通事故中对弱势群体利益的保护以及企业社会责任等角度考量,《民法通则》第123条应当优先适用。  相似文献   
秦、西汉的“内臣”与“外臣”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑞 《民族研究》2003,(3):69-79
本文对文献记载中西汉政权处理民族关系时出现的“内臣”和“外臣”作了分析 ,归纳了它们在与中央政权关系上各自不同的特点。作者在分析云梦睡虎地秦简的基础上认为 ,秦简中的“臣邦”相当于汉代“内臣” ,“外臣邦”相当于汉代“外臣” ;并指出文献中的“羁縻”制度等同于“外臣” ,“葆塞蛮夷”相当于“内臣” ;同时提出“内诸侯”和“外诸侯”的称呼不适合于汉代分封和民族政策 ,应以汉代习称的“内臣”和“外臣”为准。最后 ,本文归纳了“外臣”向“内臣”转化的途径和原因 ,提出中央政权军事力量的壮大是完成此转化的直接动力。  相似文献   
中国民族团结的发展在经历了隋唐的第二次大整合之后,在宋辽西夏金元时又进入第二次大冲突时期。  相似文献   
明代总督之制,始于西南。本文在对明代30余任西南总督的统计基础上,探讨了总督置罢、事权授予、辖区大小、任期长短与西南民族地区社会冲突之间的内在联系。文章提出,西南总督之暂设,以及西南民族社会冲突主要依托西南数省之力调控,皆反映了明中央王朝重北轻南的边疆战略思想。西南总督之设,虽有维护边疆民族地区统一和稳定之意义,但大军征讨所带来的破坏与影响至为沉重,是为史鉴。  相似文献   
This article examines Iraqi political developments in the last few years. It argues that unless a constitutional mechanism for proper dispersal of political powers across Iraq's regions and branches of its government is developed quickly, it may become too late for defeating Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, stemming the sectarian and ethnic conflicts, overcoming its perpetual crises of governance or for keeping Iraq united. We suggest that a confederal structure is a better and lasting political solution for Iraq than federal or other structural configurations. We also argue that power-sharing and consensus must be intertwined directly into the constitutional fabric of the political structure.  相似文献   
控制环境是内部控制框架的重要组成部分,它是在基于对内部控制局限充分认识的基础上逐步提出,并随着内部控制实践和研究的深入而不断发展的.控制环境理论研究主要包括控制环境范围、要素、及其在内部控制中的作用,以及内部控制中"人"与"制度"的互动关系等方面的内容.重视控制环境理论研究,对更新内部控制观念、统一内部控制标准以及从控制环境着手强化内部控制建设等,都具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
我国的亲亲相隐制度源于儒家思想,其合理性基础是人性的根本需求.当行为人面临道德义务和法律义务冲突时,法律是不能强人所难的.顺应当下构建和谐社会之需要,解读亲亲相隐制度的合理价值蕴涵,并借鉴国外刑事法的相关规定,重构亲亲相隐制度具有重大现实意义.  相似文献   
环境安全是当代可持续发展的重要议题。在建构环境匮乏、社会适应性和紧急冲突的因果联系过程中,霍马—迪克逊(Homer-D ixon)探讨了环境安全的本体论与方法论问题,对发展中国家的环境安全问题进行了经验研究,并且建立了较为完整的环境安全理论体系。他的研究有一些启发意义,当然也存在一些不足。  相似文献   
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