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从国际法角度对专利无效司法审查问题进行探讨,并通过案例分析、法理分析、国际法与国内法的关系角度分析,研究发现:专利无效司法审查是法院的职权范围,应遵循合法审查的原则,应当从实体和程序两个方面进行审查;在实体方面的审查结果,可以根据案情直接作出专利无效或有效的判决;在程序方面,可根据不同情况作出撤销原审查决定、撤销原审查决定并责令专利复审委重新作出审查决定或维持审查决定的判决或裁定。  相似文献   
中国古代书装史研究成果有近百种,其中最集中的是图书装帧形式,视角较为独特、新颖的,有文化、对现实的影响、装帧与时代的关联等。不足之处主要是学界存在不少重复介绍古书装帧形制的作品,具体内容、理论方法、认知模式、资料整理、研究队伍与结构等亦有待改进之处。  相似文献   
在互联网时代,全新的网络空间为人们提供了一个自由发表言论、表达观点的互动平台,"网络集群行为"正是基于这一平台而形成的一个有别于现实社会中集群行为的全新行为方式。这种网络集群行为的频繁发生,不但直接影响到人们的社会生活,而且也开始引起了不同学科众多学者的关注。这里试图通过对近几年国内就网络集群行为研究成果的梳理,充分展示国内有关网络集群行为的研究现状,以便为今后的研究者提供有益的助力。  相似文献   
食品安全问题的产生有着很多复杂的原因。从表面上看,食品安全问题的直接起因是食品生产者技术操作不规范的结果,但食品安全生产过程中的这种不规范折射出的是我国食品生产过程中道德价值和伦理关怀的缺失。在这一意义上,责任伦理学理论能够为我们提供一个全新的审视食品安全问题的维度,能够更好地帮助我们解读我国食品安全的现状,进而能在价值和精神等层次上为我们构建食品安全责任体系指明方向。  相似文献   
居民闲暇生活研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闲暇研究一直以来是社会学研究领域的一个焦点问题,尤其在过去30年间,相关研究成果层出不穷,不断推动着闲暇研究的深入发展。本文通过梳理以往关于闲暇生活研究的相关文献,从闲暇时间、闲暇活动、闲暇心态三个方面进行了回顾和总结。  相似文献   
《饥饿艺术家》是卡夫卡后期创作的一部短篇小说。小说巧妙地通过设定饥饿艺术表演这一荒诞情节,暗含了艺术创作 中两对无法回避和调和的矛盾:一是用饥饿艺术与身体的关系寓示艺术和“物”的矛盾,二是用饥饿艺术家与大众的关系寓示 艺术和大众的矛盾。由此表达了对艺术本质的思考和对艺术追求的努力,也是卡夫卡创作生涯的写照。《饥饿艺术家》因此可 看作是一部卡夫卡人生的寓言。  相似文献   
改革开放以来中国民族理论若干问题研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放30年来,在国内外大势的影响下,中国民族理论研究经历了诸多的变化,但总趋势是:在探讨中发展,在摸索中前进。本文所论及的民族概念问题、民族形成问题、民族结构与民族属性问题、民族意识与民族关系问题,只是改革开放以来中国民族理论研究领域中很少但却是比较重要的几个问题。适逢改革开放30年,对这几个问题的研究成果进行归纳、概括和总结,无疑将有助于进一步推进中国民族理论研究的深入和发展。  相似文献   
The Anamnestic Comparative Self Assessment (ACSA) measure of subjective well-being (SWB) aims to reduce the problems of cultural bias and relativity to external standards by allowing people to define the endpoints or ‘anchors’ of the measurement scale. In medical terminology anamnestic denotes ‘based on memory’. The ACSA uses subjects’ memories of the best and worst periods in their lives to define the anchors of the scale. They then assess their current quality of life relative to these personal anchors. The South African pilot study tested the match between self-assessment of SWB with ACSA and the conventional single-item measures of life satisfaction and happiness used in the South African Quality of Life Trends Study and analysed the narratives of the best and worst times of life. The quota sample of 46 consisted of 26 residents of Makana district in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, and 20 patients undergoing treatment in the local TB hospital. Mean SWB ratings with all three measures of life satisfaction, happiness and ACSA were between 5 and 6 on a 0–10-point scale. Ratings on all three scales were positively correlated. However, on ACSA the TB patients rated their current SWB 1.84 points lower than the community respondents, suggesting a greater sensitivity of this measure. It was observed that the starting points of the life stories produced by respondents to define the anchor periods for ACSA were related to their current assessment of SWB. A typology was developed that combined the starting point of the life stories with current SWB. The majority of community respondents matched the ‘Achiever’ type who scored positively on ACSA (i.e., above the mid-point of the scale) and whose life stories started with the worst period of their lives and proceeded to the best period. The TB patients were the only respondents to represent the ‘Survivor’ type whose morale had recovered after misfortune in life. ‘Survivors’ started their narratives with the best period in their lives, then moved to the worst (often health-related) one, and gave positive ACSA ratings. Based on the qualitative analysis of narratives, it is concluded that ACSA is a sensitive measurement instrument and therefore particularly useful for monitoring the effects of treatments and social interventions in longitudinal studies. However, further research is required to verify its cross-cultural validity.
Jan BernheimEmail:
李小红 《兰州学刊》2008,(2):207-208,111
直接研究《鼎峙春秋》的没有论著,没有硕、博论文,单篇论文也只有两篇。戏曲史对《鼎峙春秋》的来源有所涉及,但都相互沿用;《鼎峙春秋》对皮黄戏的影响已经被注意到,亦还没有深入;对《鼎峙春秋》的文本研究尚无前例;对《鼎峙春秋》的表演研究少有涉及;全面地研究《鼎峙春秋》尚属空白。  相似文献   
丁文 《学术探索》2008,(5):114-120
作为月刊“选报”的《东方杂志》,如何在以日报为主的大量报刊与读者之间扮演好舆论“传输者”的角色,其间的信息中转与过滤作用绝不应受到忽视。处于“原报刊”与读者两极中的《东方杂志》,势必受到这种“源头”与“流向”的影响。考察在于此二者作用力之下《东方杂志》的自我表现,有助于透视这份近代重要报刊的办刊理念。  相似文献   
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