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激励的三种特性分析——一种新的激励观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种新的激励观点--广义激励观点,认为无论作用于个体行为的力量是驱动,还是阻碍行为个体行为的发生,广义激励观点把这种力量都看作是激励.在广义激励观点下,分析了个体的行为,并得到了个体行为的函数表达式,认为激励具有三种特性内部外部特性、正向负向特性和强度特性.  相似文献   
土地财政产生的根本原因在于1994年实行的分税制改革和地方官员晋升考核体系的影响。基于此,可在委托--代理的理论框架下,提出包含分税制改革影响和官员晋升锦标赛的分析模型。模型分析结果表明,上述两者的共同作用导致了目前我国地方政府土地财政格局的形成。同时,该模型还可解释中央政府试图通过转移支付政策减少地方政府对土地财政依赖程度的努力为什么会失效。本研究有助于促使地方政府土地融资走上更加理性和规范的道路。  相似文献   
This article provides some conceptual foundations for a special issue of Asian Ethnicity concerned with what we call ‘second-order minorities’. If secessionist conflicts involve minorities resisting abusive, assimilationist states, leading rebel groups to embark on their own nation-building efforts, how does this affect the minorities of aspiring secessionist nations? How do the minorities of secessionist groups respond to secessionism? Despite many insightful studies of secessionism and rebel ethno-nationalism, scholars have yet to explore the ways that local minorities navigate secessionist conflicts. We suggest that the relationship between secessionists and second-order minorities depends on three key factors: whether minorities are territorially concentrated or dispersed, indigenous or migrant, and nation majorities or small national minorities. These characteristics provide us some idea of the types of violence and counter-mobilization we might see among second-order minorities faced with secessionist violence. This article then previews the subsequent studies of Xinjiang, Aceh, Mindanao, and Sri Lanka, cases which capture some of the core challenges faced by second-order minorities against twin violent nation-building efforts from state and rebel forces.  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of social capital as it affects men's mental health in the context of work–family balance. Multivariate analyses of data from National Family Research of Japan 2008 have revealed the following. First, the social capital that men receive from their spouses was found to have a direct effect on their distress. The effect of social capital from family other than a spouse does not have a direct effect on men's mental health. Second, only social capital from a spouse was observed to provide a buffering effect. This result implies that, in contemporary Japan, social capital derived from the spouse functions satisfactorily as a bulwark to mitigate the negative effects that the experience of role conflict between work and family has on men's mental health. Finally, the study examines the effect of social capital with reference to social support theory. Subsequent research might usefully focus on varieties of social capital other than those covered in the current study, which will leverage the unique potential of social capital by examining techniques and units of analysis.  相似文献   
通过理清内部营销作用于留任意愿的机理, 找出让农村籍员工自愿留在企业中的途径。收集701份针对农村籍员工的有效问卷调查数据, 采用SPSS 21与LISREL 8.70进行统计分析。研究结果表明:内部营销对留任意愿有显著的正向影响, 组织认同在其中起到部分中介的作用。个体-组织匹配程度的不同还会严重影响到内部营销对留任意愿作用的强度以及员工“是走是留”。  相似文献   
在保持决策高效率的同时控制决策风险是各国政府追求的目标。为了化解日益高涨的邻避冲突,政府决策和公众参与在寻求良性互动的过程中逐渐形成了两种基本决策模式:政府自主决策模式和公众参与决策模式。然中国的情况却与此并不相同,从X市和Z市处置“PX”项目的对比案例来看,我国正在形成一种“半公众参与决策模式”,其特点可简单概括为“封闭决策+半开放的政策过程”。这种决策模式目前已成为政府防止决策失误,应对公众挑战的一个重要机制。  相似文献   
试图通过对《马克思恩格斯全集》中一些著名章节的回顾来讨论人民性在《莱茵报》时期马克思新闻报刊思想中的体现。论述分为三部分:首先回顾马克思对于人民报刊在当时受到的指责做出的一些辩护,并由此出发解读报刊的人民性;接下来借用西方哲学中“程序正义和实质正义”的标准分析马克思对于新闻政策———尤其是书报检查政策———的主要见解;最后是对于不断壮大的人民队伍中存在的内部矛盾在新闻报刊事业中的体现的几点思考。  相似文献   
对企业内部控制评价的概念进行了阐述,并详细地表述了其具体标准,且以表格的形式列示,清楚详细地对相关标准进行了分析;并进一步点明了企业内部控制评价体系的重要作用,希望这些分析能为企业构建内部控制评价体系提供一些参考。  相似文献   
内含报酬率是目前评价项目可行性的主要指标之一,在应用时都是建立在对现金净流量值给出确切估计的基础上,但在实际经营活动中现金净流量存在着很多不确定性,往往是不能确切地估计出来。在此基础上考虑了各期现金流是概率排序型、各期现金净流量值是一个区间数以及各期现金净流量满足特定的概率分布这三种不确定状态下的IRR应用情形,使其能够更加贴近现实,提高项目评估的准确性。  相似文献   
明朝末年李自成领导农民起义,经过15年的艰苦奋斗,推翻了腐败的明王朝,建立了"大顺"农民政权,但是仅仅42天就丢了江山。其中原因值得探究。马克思主义认为,内因决定事物的性质和发展方向。深层次地挖掘李自成起义失败的内因,有助于我们深刻地认识这场农民起义,并以此加深对农民阶级的阶级特征与阶级属性的认识,从而丰富农民起义史的研究。  相似文献   
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