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This study, based on a survey of 489 documentary filmmakers, is a case study in copyright policy in and through practice. It assesses the changes in documentary production practice around clearance of copyrighted material since the creation of the Documentary Filmmakers' Statement of Best Practices in fair use in 2005. Fair use, an exotic and occasional feature of documentary film in 2004, has become well known and commonly employed. Creative options for filmmakers concerning the use of third-party material have dramatically improved with changes in norms after the issuing of the Statement. Attitudes about fair use are strongly associated with free expression and creative opportunity, and vary with experience. Where filmmakers have changed work because of copyright concerns, they themselves rather than any gatekeeper have made the decision to do so. Where change is associated with fair use, risk is a common concern. Newer filmmakers are more likely to support the use of copyrighted material to make new work, but less likely to know about fair use, and also more likely to have experienced takedowns online. Both education about and experience with fair use appear to have an effect on practice. Filmmakers continue to lack reliable information on the actual risk landscape, and about fair use on digital platforms.  相似文献   
Two competing and yet complementary philosophical concepts form the foundation for the legal protection of intellectual property – ‘competing’ in that created works protected by copyright are unavailable for unrestricted use by others as a result of the economic monopoly given to the works’ owners, and ‘complementary’ in that the presumption is that works no longer protected by copyright serve as the basis for the creation of new copyrightable works. These unprotected works comprise the ‘public domain,’ which has never been affirmatively defined. In Golan v. Holder (2012), the US Supreme Court concluded that such a realm is constitutionally unimportant. This research contends, however, that the Court's decision is incorrect, that Golan, federal legislation, and international treaties threaten to bring larger and larger portions of cultural and intellectual content under the control of a property regime that does not understand the contradiction inherent in the notion of absolute property rights in intangible goods. The result is that the public domain is under tremendous pressure from those entities which have the most to gain from expanded authorial rights and from a weakened and less inclusive public domain. Citizens thus will have fewer rights to access and freely use their culture as they choose. The eventual significance of this evolution will be that further creativity and innovation will be stifled, the opposite of the intention of intellectual property law. In this article, we develop an affirmative definition of the public domain, which we believe will correct the imbalance in current intellectual property law.  相似文献   
随着用户覆盖和影响力的不断提升,我国网络视频行业蕴藏的巨大市场价值正在逐步显现。但是,由于运营成本高、盈利模式单一且收入较低、受众还未建立付费收视习惯等综合因素,导致国内视频行业整体处于巨额亏损状态。虽然今年以来,优酷土豆合并与“视频内容合作组织(VCC)”的成立使得高昂的网络视频版权价格回归理性,广告收入快速增长,但行业亏损的现状在短期内还很难改变。需要在广告运营、技术手段、渠道扩展等方面探寻视频网站盈利的创新模式  相似文献   
网络受众是网络谣言传播的主体,其不同的心理状态推动了网络谣言的生成与传播。网络受众的心理状态主要表现为泄愤心理、从众心理、窥私心理、投射心理以及选择心理等多种复杂的心理状态。这些心理状态的成因在于社会主义民主法制不健全、政府公信力低以及受众理性精神不足。唯有通过加强民主法制建设,健全网络法治监管,建立信息发布机制,建立辟谣中介组织以及加强网络媒介素养教育等途径,才能培育成熟的网络受众心理,从而提升网络谣言治理的成效。  相似文献   
汪泓 《科学发展》2012,(6):57-62
借鉴国际上主要国家(地区)物联网产业发展的推进战略及发展模式,结合上海实际情况,目前上海应该主要采取政府主导的发展模式,以技术发展的基本方向为依据,以推动服务提供商的应用服务创新为重点,确定物联网的基本商业模式,以商业模式整合物联网产业链,以市场创造带动新一轮技术升级和网络建设。政府应重视和调动民间的力量,提供引导机制,将推动物联网发展的政策重心适时转移到鼓励和支持服务提供商开拓应用市场和开发商业模式上来。  相似文献   
王鑫 《现代交际》2014,(8):124-125
图书馆根据读者需求,提供文献复制服务是司空见惯的行为。分析图书馆实践过程中出现的一系列问题,结合现阶段我国有关立法,提出对图书馆的复制行为进行规范的建议。  相似文献   
在信息技术的发展背景下,网络侵权数量呈现直线飙升.关于网络服务提供者间接侵权责任的建立使权利人确认直接侵权人陷入困境.著作权领域的司法和实践为信息披露制度的建立奠定了良好的基础.立足我国的具体实际和网络现状,信息披露制度应当规定包括网络接入服务提供者在内的网络服务提供者均负有一定的信息披露义务,严格信息披露的条件,采用“通知与反通知”的履行方式,明确网络服务提供者信息披露制度下的责任分配,促使网络服务提供者制定统一的信息披露行业规定.  相似文献   
作为对现实中的社情民意的复制、重构与超越的网络舆情,作为由民生构成“主体”,民意与民主构成“两翼”的网络舆情,其瞬时到达、瞬间爆发的爆破力越来越触动着城市政府的公共安全神经,越来越幻化为城市公共安全危机的新症侯.城市政府必须超越治理它的认识危机、“他者”化和“硬引导”等问题域,走向科学化、理性化的方法论,即高度重视网络舆情,设置舆情“防火墙”,发挥“主场优势”,确保地方网络成为舆情引导的最短路径,建立“巧引导”范式,形成引导的“网上网下统一战线”,制度化标志性的长效机制等.  相似文献   
当前全球数字网络化的发展浪潮和历史背景下,"网都"型文化中心城市建设成为转变城市文化发展方式、提升城市文化软实力的新的战略路径和城市设计愿景。城市发展的"网都"形态具有多元文化范式,要根据不同城市的特点和文化基础,推进网络媒介城市(media city)、网络文化产业高地、网络文化名城、互联网总部基地、文化科技融合的创新引领中心、网络文化宜居之都、互联网枢纽城市等不同类型的"网都"建设。不同的网都范型(paradigm)关切到城市文化软实力的不同层面,存在着从硬文化实力向软文化实力的渐变和过渡谱系;既可以单独构建特色网络文化城市的核心性格与差异化竞争力,也可以综合构建城市文化软实力的体系化架构。  相似文献   
曹斯曼 《云梦学刊》2004,25(5):100-101
当今社会互联网已渗透到了人类社会生活的各个方面,高校作为我国大学生人材培养基地已被推向信息化大潮的最前沿。面对新形势,各高校要尽快构建一个以互联网为载体的大学生思想政治工作新体系,研究网络条件下大学生思想政治工作的特点和规律,切实提高思想政治工作的针对性、时效性、主动性。  相似文献   
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