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Using data from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (neighborhood N= 77; individual N= 951), we consider the extent to which African American youth maintain sexual and fertility‐related norms that support early sexual activity and childbearing and examine the robustness of racial differences in sexual attitudes to controls for neighborhood, family, and individual characteristics. At a minimum, neighborhood economic disadvantage accounts for 26% of the baseline increased likelihood of holding attitudes that encourage early sexual activity among African American youth when compared with Whites. Neighborhood‐, family‐, and individual‐level factors account for 67% of the race difference in sexual attitudes. Implications for contextual and race‐based theories of sexual and fertility norms are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper investigates neighborhood-level connections between ecological structure, responses to disorder, and local attachment and social involvement. We develop predictions integrating the systemic model of community attachment, neighborhood use value, and the social disorganization perspective. The systemic model predicts neighborhood stability will deepen attachment and local involvement; the social disorganization perspective anticipates effects of stability on responses to disorder; and neighborhood use value suggests effects of status, racial composition, and problems such as crime and deterioration on attachment. We further propose, building on earlier work, that attachment may influence responses to disorder, or vice versa. Data include resident surveys, census information, on-site assessments, and crime rates from 66 randomly selected Baltimore, Maryland, neighborhoods. In support, respectively, of the systemic and neighborhood use value models, we find strong impacts of stability and class on neighborhood attachment/involvement. Neighborhood fear and perceived informal social control depend upon emotional investment and social integration. We see no overall impacts of deterioration on responses to disorder, calling into question some key aspects of the incivilities thesis. Earlier investigations of deterioration and responses to disorder that excluded person-place transactions may have been misspecified. Results underscore the strong relationship between person-environment transactions and responses to disorder. Asking how to encourage citizens to resist disorder is questioning, in part, how to increase the bonds residents have with the locale and with one another. Portions of an earlier version of this paper were presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, August 1994.  相似文献   
Rates of Hispanic intermarriage with whites declined for the first time during the 1990s. One hypothesis, which we test here, is that the recent influx of new immigrants has provided an expanding marriage market for Hispanics, reinforced cultural and ethnic identity, and slowed the process of marital assimilation. In this article, we use data from the March Current Population Survey (1995–2008) to identify generational differences in Hispanic‐white intermarriage. The results indicate that second‐generation Hispanics were more likely to marry first‐ rather than third‐generation Hispanics or whites, a pattern that was reinforced over the study period. The results suggest declining rates of intermarriage among second‐generation Hispanics—a pattern that diverges sharply from those observed among third‐plus‐generation Hispanics, where in‐marriage with other Hispanics declined over time. If couched in the language of straight line assimilation theory, third‐plus‐generation Hispanics are assimilating by increasingly marrying other third‐generation co‐ethnics and whites. On the other hand, assimilation among the second‐generation is slowing down as its members increasingly reconnect to their native culture by marrying immigrants.  相似文献   
文章通过对两个典型社区的比较,分析了社区居委会传统角色遭遇的种种冲突和原因,探索社区居委会角色重构的方向。  相似文献   
杨焕鹏 《东方论坛》2008,(3):118-124
南京国民政府成立后,为确立及加强对基层政治的控制,对基层政治制度进行了一系列的改造,对县级以下行政机构的构建和改革是其基层政治革新的重点所在。由于国家对乡村基层政治控制力的薄弱,南京国民政府时期县以下行政区划变动频繁。这一时期行政变动最为明显地表现为区、乡镇与保甲三者之间地位的确立与性质,以及他们三者之间的互相关系。  相似文献   
居委会自治是当前我国社区改革的重点.以公关体系的建构为路向,以化解居委会角色冲突为切入点,可以对社区居委会自治改革进行对策性研究,建构一套全新的居委会自主公关管理体系.  相似文献   
村委会、居委会选举是基层民主的重要内容,而投票行为则是选举中最易测量的重要环节。选取2013年中国综合社会调查数据筛选出的10 904个样本进行分析,探讨不同个人背景变量的样本在基层选举中的投票行为是否存在显著差异,以期为中国基层民主建设提供决策依据。结论认为:不同宗教信仰被试者投票行为得分没有显著性差异; 有党性身份被试者投票行为得分相对较高,如工会会员、中共党员等; 年龄与投票行为得分呈正相关,健康状况和学历与投票行为得分呈负相关。  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,随着基督教信徒的增加、信徒群体构成及其内部信仰需求的多元化,城市基督教聚会场所逐渐增多.面对这种情形,许多城市采用"以堂带点"的管理模式对其中部分聚会点进行接管、引导.本文根据实地考查资料,对我国南方某市一个以河南籍外来信徒为主的聚会点进行了田野调查,考察了该聚会点的形成、发展过程,对当地教会"以堂带点"接管聚会点的过程及"以堂带点"的具体运作方式进行了描述性分析,并结合中国当前的宗教制度对"以堂带点"这一管理模式做了进一步探讨.  相似文献   
讨论了超仿紧性的性质以及超仿紧性与仿紧性的关系 ,得到了超仿紧性是好的推广、闭遗传的、弱同胚不变的等结果  相似文献   
从社会资本理论的视角出发,对"村改居"社区教育问题进行实证研究。通过分析社会资本各因素对失地农民参与社区教育意愿的影响程度,得出网络规范因素是影响社区教育最重要、最显著因素的结论。在此基础上,提出促进"村改居"社区教育活动顺利开展的政策建议。  相似文献   
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