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进入21世纪以来,随着俄罗斯外交回归传统的地缘政治和现实主义,以及欧盟的大举东扩不断蚕食俄罗斯的“天然利益范围”,人们谈论更多的是俄欧战略性竞争关系而非战略伙伴关系。在此背景下,以俄周边国家“颜色革命”的爆发为起点,俄罗斯对于部分欧洲国家的“规范性攻势”开始采取反击态度,在对外政策辞令上越发具有规范性色彩。俄罗斯试图以规范性话语作为一种政治工具,把它镶嵌于对权力争夺的理解中,并以此在国际舞台上重新界定自己的身份和地位。与此同时,俄罗斯也在尝试着“免费搭车”:利用欧盟的制度性框架和有效的政策工具如欧洲邻国政策(ENP)和“北部区域规划”为本国国内特别是西北部边境地区的经济发展和社会建设服务。因此,普京上台以来的俄欧规范性对话既有合作的成分又有冲突的因素,而总体上冲突和纷争大于合作和共识,这也成为冷战结束至今俄欧关系的主旋律。  相似文献   
Although discussions of poor neighborhoods often assume that their residents are a distinct population trapped in impoverished environments for long durations, no past research has examined longitudinal patterns of residence in poor neighborhoods beyond single-year transitions. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics from 1979 to 1990 matched to census tract data, this paper provides the first estimates of duration of stay and rates of re-entry in poor (20%+ poor) and extremely poor (40%+ poor) census tracts. The results indicate that (1) there is great racial inequality in longitudinal patterns of exposure to poorneighborhoods – mostAfrican Americans will live in a poor neighborhood over a 10 year span, contrasted to only 10 percent of whites; (2) exits from high poverty neighborhoods are not uncommon, but re-entries to poor neighborhoods following an exit are also very common, especially among African Americans; and (3) length of spell in a poor neighborhood is positively associated with low income, female headship, and, most of all, black race. Little of the racial difference is accounted for by racial difference in poverty status or family structure. Implications for research and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   
Neighborhood Characteristics,Parenting, and Children’s Safety   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies highlight the importance of neighborhood context for child and family well-being. Yet challenges to research on neighborhood effects remain; research on young children is sparse, as is research on neighborhood effects on parenting. Measurement also continues to challenge researchers, particularly in devising non-invasive means of gauging neighborhood characteristics. The present study seeks to address these issues by using data from a newly developed observational measure of neighborhood characteristics to examine parent reports of the safety of neighborhood children in the home and self-reports of parenting. The results showed that neighborhood characteristics accounted for 23% of the variance in parent perceptions of children's safety in the home, with neighborhood physical appearance strongly predicting children's safety. Neighborhood effects on self-reported parenting were more modest, accounting for just 6% of the variance in parents' reports of nurturing interactions with their children; vigilance for the safety of the neighborhood was a significant predictor. The study has implications for observational measurement of neighborhood effects and for policy and program practices to improve child and family well-being through neighborhood change.  相似文献   
浅谈社区认同感的环境营造——以南京市五台花园为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国当前城市居住社区认同感的缺失日益严重,这违背了和谐社区建设的目标要求,通过对普遍现象的研究探讨和个案的实证考察,分析了社区环境是如何对社区认同感营造产生影响的,并提出了相应的解决对策及建议.  相似文献   
当前社区治理共同体建构面临松散的社会空间环境难以自发形成,党建引领是社会空间再生产的关键载体。以C市F社区更新为案例,以基层党组织重构社会空间为着眼点,致力呈现“基层党组织引领”与“社区治理共同体建构”之间的过程机制。研究表明,在松散的社会空间环境中,基层党组织经由共建层面的“组织整合”、共治层面的“利益整合”和共享层面的“价值整合”三重尺度重构机制,塑造了一个治理主体紧密联结、情感信任高度凝聚、集体行动有机团结的社会空间环境。其实质是基层党组织主动融入社区治理,通过强化和拓展社区治理能力促进社区空间再平衡,进而实现社区治理共同体建构的过程,党组织也依托基层社会实现组织拓展与权威塑造。  相似文献   
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