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关于教育中“主体间性”的一些认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韦伯的理解社会学、加芬克尔的常人方法学、胡赛尔先验现象学和哈贝马斯交往行动理论均对科技理性予以批判,但在构筑他们各自的哲学、揭示社会现象与问题时,站在了不同的方法论立场上,导致对"主体间性"认识视角不尽一致.教育中的主体间性是指主体与主体之间相互尊重,在法律、各项学校规章制度与道德规范下的相互理解的关系特征.在学校教育中,科学精神与主体间性应是相辅相承的.为了实现主体间性,要注意运用平等对话与交流及交往等教育方式,但这些教育方式并不能排斥其他教育方式.教育改革过程应树立"主体间性"意识.  相似文献   
This article examines the reconnection experience of four women, mutually sharing their feelings, thoughts, and implicit relational knowing of each other within the group treatment setting. Initially, Carol, Marcia, Helen, and Nancy were in a six-month psychotherapy group, describing and recounting their histories and life narratives of rape, abuse, neglect, and generally traumatic childhoods. Four years later, they met again, just to see how everyone was doing. The social worker hired a camera-woman to film the five hours of this re-engaging group process. What emerged was a dynamic example of intersubjectivity, affect attunement, emotional regulation, and the power of mutuality and intrinsic responsiveness.  相似文献   
Developing Effectiveness in the Therapeutic Use of Self   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional technique guided the effective psychotherapist more toward restraint of self than active use of self. Contemporary trends in technique are moving more toward encouraging the therapist to be aware of and use his or her real self in the relationship with clients, in other words to loosen the rigors of anonymity and neutrality in service of genuine relating and its attendant growth-enhancing potential. The authors of this paper offer the argument that the application of what you know as a psychotherapist (that is the accumulation of knowledge and techniques from professional education and training) can only be helpful and effective if you are aware of how who you are as a person in the room with the client (that is the accumulation of your own personality traits, personal belief systems, and psychology in the relational matrix with the client) is influencing the therapy. Support for this argument from the clinical literature provides the theoretical bases for three processes outlined in the paper which will guide the effective psychotherapist in integrating the personal self with the professional and technical self: 1) inventory of self; 2) development of self-knowledge; and 3) acceptance of risks to self.  相似文献   
This paper applies self psychological and intersubjectivity theories to the in-depth understanding and treatment of a seven-year-old boy with a history of severe trauma. From the beginning, this patient’s primary mode of communication was through fantasies with the therapist who participated in their creation. The jointly-created fantasies gradually contributed to the transformation of the patient’s bleak inner world. The creation and sharing of the fantasies became an enlivening experience for both members of the therapeutic dyad.  相似文献   
间性理论的原生态--从孟子的"以意逆志"说起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟子提出说诗者面对诗作要"以意逆志",也就是解诗者要以意去迎取诗人之志。但孟子却没有明确论定说诗者所用之意,是说诗者之意,还是诗作者之意,这就留下了文本的未定点,引发了千古不绝的争论。本文以诗的文本作为不同主体间的经验世界的对象,认为对文本底蕴的把握,既要以诗人之意去迎取诗人之志,也要以解诗人之意去迎取诗人之志,并在作为对象存在的诗—世—志的多重文本间,达到对于文学文本的体验与认知。此中既有主体间性,又有文本间性。可见,"以意逆志"说中正含有间性理论的原生态的丰富存在。  相似文献   
文章探讨如何识别、描写、评估和运用学术语篇中的主体间建构资源。主体间指的是作者对作者和读者交际双方的间接调控。文章认为,Hyland提出的元话语模式能够有效描写和评估学术语篇中的主体间建构资源,并具有实际应用价值。一方面,元话语模式具有系统性,能够对语篇中的主体间建构模式进行有效的描写,从而实现对成品语篇进行主体间层面上的分析。另一方面,元话语模式具有可操作性,能够指导学术写作中如何进行主体间的合理建构,从而培养和提高学习者的主体间意识和自觉运用主体间建构策略。  相似文献   
在莫里森的小说《爵士乐》中,黑人女性发出了主体构建的欲望之声。小说展示了以维奥莱特为代表的黑人女性如何对抗男权话语压制,获得自我身份认同的过程。这一过程充分契合了后现代女性主义关于主体身份构建的观点:由女性欲望中的暴力因素驱动,在主体间性的基础上实现。莫里森关于黑人女性的身份书写冲破了白人和黑人男性为其界定的范式,具有浓重的后现代主义特色。  相似文献   
翻译的主体性与主体间性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在从哲学角度探讨了主体性与主体间性内涵的基础上,阐述了哈贝马斯的主体间性理论及其对翻译研究的影响,强调翻译研究中个体主体向社会主体的转向,并指出不同文化之间应建立平等对话的主体间性关系,才能真正体现翻译的桥梁与媒介作用。  相似文献   
采用规范研究的方法,用现代西方哲学中的主体间性理论对现代西方经济学中的“经济人”假设及工具理性的内在局限做了机理分析,指出,虽然主体间性理论在现代经济学界没有被明确提出,其实这种思想在现代经济学研究中已经有所显现,尤其是新制度经济学和博弈论等与主体间性思想保持了良好的沟通和一致,因此,主体间性理论对于西方经济学的发展具有重要的思想启迪意义。  相似文献   
主体间性教育评价是对评价发展历程的超越与展望,它致力于弥合评价中的主客二元对立和多元价值的冲突混乱,在评价者与被评价者之间提倡通过以共同客体为中介的对话交往来实现理解沟通,以便使评价活动真正有效地促进每一个参与评价者主体的发展完善。  相似文献   
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