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Virtual communities of practice are an international phenomenon in social work around the world. However, they are rare in social work in the United States. This article describes an online community, the Social Group Work Commons, designed to complement courses in social group work. Using Web 2.0 Internet tools, such as blogs, discussion boards, and chats, the developers employed group work skills to help students establish a vehicle for mutual support as students struggled to integrate course content in their field placements. Examples from course blogs indicate students became increasingly intimate in their online exchanges over time and readily provided each other support in applying course content in their practice. 相似文献
We argue that responsible conduct research (RCR) instruction should be extended beyond students and trainees funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or National Science Foundation (NSF) to include all students, trainees, faculty, and research staff involved in research. Extending the scope of RCR instruction can help institutions develop and maintain an environment that promotes ethical research conduct. Universities and scientific organizations have objected to expanding the scope of RCR instruction on the grounds that it would be a major undertaking that would require the expenditure of additional institutional resources. We argue, however, that expanding the scope of RCR instruction can be done efficiently without placing undue burdens on institutions. 相似文献
An increasing number of Australia’s ageing population are aging with long-term physical impairments. This study explored the life experiences of this group using a qualitative approach. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 disabled Victorians, aged between 51 and 84 years, and an inductive thematic analysis undertaken. A relationship was found between the adaptive strategies that participants developed as they moved through life phases and the impairment stages. The implications of the emergence of a cyclical process of adaptation across the life course. and particularly in respect of aging, delivery of aged-care services and social workers in this sector are discussed. 相似文献
Tu Chenglin 《Social Sciences in China》2014,(2):5-25
关于马克思“亚细亚生产方式”的讨论,实质是普遍史观和特殊史观的关系问题。马克思立足于世界历史的视角,对亚细亚生产方式的思考和建构,经历了一个从普遍史观到特殊史观的过程;而从俄国革命所提供的“俄国道路”与“俄国方式”到斯大林的社会发展“五形态说”,恰恰经历了一个从特殊史观到普遍史观的回归。在建构中国史观的过程中,中国历史发展模式和现实发展经验、马克思社会形态理论和晚年东方社会思想以及俄国十月革命所开启的“俄国道路”和“体制嬗变”是三个不可或缺的重要元素。 相似文献
Sung Ae Kwon Stacey Kolomer Jamie Alper 《Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care》2014,10(3):240-256
This study examined the attitudes of social work students toward end-of-life care planning, as well as their degree of willingness to engage in this area of social work practice. Factors associated with their attitudes were measured through structured surveys completed by 102 social work students (N = 102) at a school of social work in the southeast. Results indicated that these social work students tended to have positive attitudes toward end-of-life care planning in general. Moreover, these attitudes were positively associated with preference for pain relief treatment, higher levels of comfort when discussing death, more emphasis on self-determination, and apprehension of conflicts of self-determination. The results of this study underscored the increased societal need for recognition of personal preferences in end-of-life care, higher levels of comfort when discussing death, and an increased commitment of social workers' to maintaining the ethical principle of the client's right to self-determination in end-of-life planning. While this is not surprising, it points to a continuing need to re-assess where the field stands in its preparation of social work professionals who will work closely with people who are dying and their families. 相似文献
《穆斯林的葬礼》展现了回族在伊斯兰文化、华夏文化和西方文化碰撞与融合过程中民族文化人格的演变。以梁亦清为代表的穆斯林传统文化人格,梁君璧、韩子奇为代表的文化混血人格,梁冰玉、韩新月为代表的现代文化人格等三种不同文化人格共同展现了回族的心灵史。《穆斯林的葬礼》以书写民族心灵史的方式构建了中国形象,展现了一个古老民族行走在从传统文明向现代文明转变道路上的艰辛及民族精神,是一部致力于挖掘回族文化心理的史诗性著作,为我们思考民族性与世界性的关系提供了新的角度。 相似文献
阐述了研究背景和相关理论,提出了以“教师、学生、企业人员”为评价主体.以“理论知识、实操技能、职业素养”为评价内容,突出技能水平的高职学生学习质量多元评价模式。在调研分析的基础上,运用层次分析法,确定了评价体系的各级指标及其权重.通过实例验证认为此指标体系是客观科学、合理可行的,并具有一定的普遍通用性。 相似文献
李克用是时势造就的一位"英雄",他在唐朝末年农民起义爆发、猛烈冲击了唐朝封建统治基础的历史背景下得以登上历史舞台,表演了重要的"功臣"角色。但是,沙陀族的出身以及功高名盛又使他备受朝廷的猜疑、掣肘甚至军事打击,使其势力发展受阻,甚至被削弱,使其在汴、晋相争中日趋转向劣势和被动。后世史家对于李克用的评论多少带有"大汉族主义"成分,因而常常有失偏颇、公允。实事求是地说,李克用对于维护唐朝封建统治还是贡献很大的。 相似文献
司马迁是我国西汉伟大的史学家、文学家、思想家,创作了中国第一部纪传体通史《史记》。人们为纪念司马迁,特地在陕西省韩城建造了一座祠庙,名为"汉太史司马祠"。祠内现存古今碑石一百余通,内容涉及司马迁的人品与人格、司马迁祠墓的历史变迁、修缮祭祀活动、历代文人墨客的诗词评价,以及《史记》相关篇章中的名言警句等,是研究司马迁、《史记》、司马迁祠庙的珍贵财富,价值甚大。 相似文献
陕西号称文学大省,长篇小说创作曾出现过极度繁荣的景象。近30多年来长篇小说的创作出版量堪称丰富,在读者界、批评界产生较为广泛影响的作品也有一些。遗憾的是,陕西长篇小说走向电影和电视剧的作品却屈指可数。影视剧的商业属性和国家相关政策特殊规定,要求长篇小说从主题、人物和情节必须具备符合改编影视剧的基本要素。陕西长篇小说与影视剧创作难于结缘的最主要原因,就是创作者普遍缺乏发现挖掘一个具有影视商业价值同时有深刻主题的能力,在人物创造与整体结构方面也普遍存在松散问题。司南创作的长篇小说《民国银号》以独特罕见的视角为读者完整打开了清末至建国前民间金融家生存发展的这样一个世界,人物命运紧贴复杂动荡的政治时局而变迁沉浮,明显具备改编为一部优秀电视剧的要素。 相似文献