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吴静波  张晓路 《创新》2008,2(2):87-90
人类要想更好地生存必须发展,而发展离不开科学技术的支撑,科学技术突飞猛进为人类带来了实实在在的利益,同时也带来许多负面影响。因此,坚持以科学发展观为指导,正确认识和处理科学技术发展与社会和谐之间的关系。  相似文献   
贵港市具有局域地缘优势、资源优势和较好的工业基础条件。贵港市的劣势是地缘大环境、第二产业和产业结构等方面存在的问题。随着《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》纳入国家战略,贵港市经济发展要因地制宜,突出特色;树立正确的经济发展观;依赖交通优势,做大做强以物流为支柱的第三产业;做好第二产业布局的调整,做深做精现有支柱产业;充分利用自身的局域地缘优势,努力搞好项目和投资的东引西联。  相似文献   
从环境与发展实际出发,当前广西北部湾经济区综合开发必须从环境资源和自然资源的开发利用与节约保护、环境污染防治与生态安全、自然与历史文化遗迹的利用与保护、资源利用与环境保护的市场化以及投融资机制等方面制定地方性的环境资源政策,以保证海湾环境资源与自然资源的综合开发利用的可持续性。  相似文献   
区域经济差异理论的发展及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章回顾了区域经济差异理论发展的历史过程,介绍其主要观点,并作出简要评析,同时探讨该理论在近年的新发展,得出了促进我国区域经济协调发展有益的启示。   相似文献   
金融危机的逻辑及其社会后果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙立平 《社会》2009,29(2):1-29
目前中国的经济问题,从表面看来,是在美国金融危机冲击的背景下发生的,但从根本上来说,是一场从生活必需品时代向耐用消费品时代转型转不过去而形成的传统的生产过剩危机。原发于美国的金融危机只是引发并加速了正在酝酿中的中国的生产过剩危机。因此,美国的问题不一定是中国的问题。中国目前所面临的问题更具有传统的生产过剩危机的特点。这是我们分析中国在这次危机中一些重要问题的前提,而对经济危机产生的社会后果的讨论,也必须建立在这一前提的基础之上。中国所面临的问题主要是表现在实体经济的层面及其该问题向社会层面的传导。在这种情况下,我们面临的重要任务是,利用经济危机的机会,真正实现发展方式的转变,为从生活必需品时代顺利转型到耐用消费品时代创造条件;同时进行社会安全网络的建设,形成可以隔绝或减缓经济危机向社会层面传导的过滤机制。  相似文献   
Since 1999 New Zealand has seen the election of a series of Labour-led governments committed to a social policy framework of social development. This article outlines the background to the emergence of social development, tracing its antecedents in the neo-liberal administrations of the 1990s. The social development framework consists of commitments around economic development, human capital development, family development and politico-administrative redevelopment. Taking the position that reforms must be seen as concrete policy mechanisms and as discursive cues and conceptual apparatus, the article offers a comparison and critique. First, it identifies the continuities and contrasts with the previous neo-liberal framework of minimal social policy; and second, it begins the process of critically interrogating the potential citizenship implications of social development.  相似文献   
This article examines the evolution of social policy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) during three periods: the post-colonial and oil-boom period, the post-oil period of structural adjustment, and the more recent oil-boom period. Drawing attention to key factors that shaped both social policy and the region's lack of competitiveness during the current global era, the authors argue for a new social development strategy that would put the region back on a growth path, while also recognizing citizen participation and rights.  相似文献   
The Nordic welfare states offer some lessons in a development context. A main achievement has been sustainable poverty reduction. Another important lesson is that, while democratization often leads to greater pressures for social policy expansion, social policy can also contribute to democratization. The Nordic countries further demonstrate that is possible to unify social protection with a competitive and growth‐oriented economy. In a number of policy areas, particularly in relation to social services and labor market policy, the Nordic countries have also become leading modernizers. The women‐friendly dual‐earner model not only combats poverty among families with children, but also enables women to participate in the labor market. The future sustainability of the Nordic model of social policy hinges on the number of taxpayers that can be mobilized. In order to be successful in this, governments need to take a combined, or holistic, approach, and consider both micro motives and macro considerations.  相似文献   
广西中小企业自主发展的条件分析与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志巧  张少宁 《创新》2009,3(4):40-43
对于经济欠发达的广西来说,中小企业的地位显得尤为重要,中小企业能否自主发展可以说是广西产业结构升级、经济增长方式转变和缩小与东部发达地区的差距的着力点和关键。目前广西中小企业整体发展水平不高,自主发展能力还有待加强,因此,分析广西中小企业自主发展的条件和探讨其对策具有较强的现实意义。  相似文献   
高等学校的主要对象是青年大学生,教育要取得实效,内容和载体都要针对该群体的特征,这是教育工作者不得不思考的问题。本文以贵州民族学院为例,讨论了校园网络在教育工作中的建设和应用问题。  相似文献   
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