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This paper identifies and aims to explain an apparent dissonancebetween the dominance in Britain of ‘anti-oppressive’social work discourse and the socio-political context surroundingits use; a context often claimed to feature excessive regulationand control. Pursuing this, some politically radical aims associatedwith ‘anti-oppressiveness’ are spelt out, and thedifficulty of achieving these in an unconducive climate is discussed.Then, a distinction made by Robert Merton between ‘latent’and ‘manifest’ functions is used to suggest thatthe manifest radicalism of ‘anti-oppressive’ discoursecan helpfully be distinguished from some latent largely unrecognisedconsequences of its use – not consequences with politicallyradical impact, but with a social meaning congruent with a climateof control. It is concluded that the ‘success’ ofanti-oppressive discourse might well be viewed as requiringmore of the kind of critical analysis that the discourse itselfwas supposed to espouse.  相似文献   
目前中国刑法对缓刑的定位并未充分反映其法律属性,从应然的角度出发,确有必要将缓刑设立为刑种。无论是否将缓刑设立为刑种,都不会对累犯的成立与否产生影响。中国的定罪模式与国情不同于国外,国外对轻罪广泛适用缓刑的做法对中国的借鉴意义在于中国需要改变以往对违反治安管理等一般违法行为的反应方式,主要应当考虑对一般违法行为处罚的轻缓化、非监禁化,而不是一味强调对轻罪处罚的轻缓化、非监禁化、大幅度提高缓刑适用率。不过,中国可以借鉴国外经验,考虑在刑事诉讼法中增设缓予起诉制度,在非刑罚处理方法中增设刑罚的暂缓宣告制度,以充分发挥刑法的威慑力。  相似文献   
推论规则是逻辑学研究的核心内容。法律逻辑是一门应用逻辑,但它并不是形式逻辑的推论规则在法律领域中的简单运用,而是形式逻辑的推论规则加上法律领域中的特殊推论规则的结果。因此,法律逻辑中的推论规则与形式逻辑中的推论规则相比,既有共性的一面,又有个性的一面。其共性表现为形式逻辑的基本推论规则是构成法律逻辑中的推论规则必不可少的组成部分,其个性表现为法律逻辑中有着与形式逻辑中的推论规则所不具有的特殊推论规则——证明责任规则。  相似文献   
新中国60年法律体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国60年来,法律体系历经了奠基阶段、起步阶段、初步形成阶段、基本形成并日臻完善阶段。我国在中国特色社会主义法律体系建设过程中取得了相当经验,同时,在现实中还存在一定的问题。对中国特色社会主义法律体系进行回顾与展望,可以让我们汲取经验,为依法治国基本方略的实现奠定良好的法制基础。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the literature on communication between professionals and parents/carers in health and social care. It notes that there is considerable research on doctor–patient communication and counselling, but much less on professionals who visit families in their homes. While there is a large literature on good practice and communication skills, there is little research on the actual encounters themselves. What counts as 'communication' in such publications is explored. The paper suggests that there is much to be gained by considering research in discourse analysis and sociolinguistics on professional–client encounters. Examples of some of the key concepts are discussed and an engagement with this literature is recommended.  相似文献   
Security of infrastructure is a major concern. Traditional security schedules are unable to provide omnipresent coverage; consequently, adversaries can exploit predictable vulnerabilities to their advantage. Randomized security schedules, which randomly deploy security measures, overcome these limitations, but public perceptions of such schedules have not been examined. In this experiment, participants were asked to make a choice between attending a venue that employed a traditional (i.e., search everyone) or a random (i.e., a probability of being searched) security schedule. The absolute probability of detecting contraband was manipulated (i.e., 1/10, 1/4, 1/2) but equivalent between the two schedule types. In general, participants were indifferent to either security schedule, regardless of the probability of detection. The randomized schedule was deemed more convenient, but the traditional schedule was considered fairer and safer. There were no differences between traditional and random schedule in terms of perceived effectiveness or deterrence. Policy implications for the implementation and utilization of randomized schedules are discussed.  相似文献   
While much recent theorizing into affect has challenged the primacy of discourse in understanding social life, this paper is premised on the intertwining of affective experience with discursive meaning. Furthermore, appreciating the entwining of affect and discourse facilitates broader understanding into the illness experience, medical decision‐making and experiences of healing. Today, the biomedical discourse carries particular affective weight that can saturate experiences of affliction. Cultural understandings of disease similarly shape affect that may emerge in affliction. Social meaning, more specifically stereotypes pertaining to identities, interweave with emotion also in the context of medical practice. The doctor‐patient relationship is an affect‐laden encounter where the entwining of affect with social assumptions carries important, yet poorly understood, repercussions for treatment decisions and for the furthering of health inequalities. Both the elusiveness and the power of affect that unfolds in relation to discursive meaning rest on the way in which affect dwells in and resounds through the body.  相似文献   
通过企业税收筹划进行合法避税,不仅有助于实现企业利润最大化,还有利于提高企业的经营管理水平和财务管理水平,并在一定意义上有助于国家宏观经济政策导向的实现。税收筹划除了应遵守国家的各项法律、法规外,还应具备税法知识、会计知识和其他法律知识。  相似文献   
法谚是生成并通行于大众中的有关法律的民间用语形态,属于俗文化范畴。在文化或观念的传承上,法谚比同属俗语的歇后语、惯用语要深入或深刻,比雅语的成语要细微。法谚之民间形态的根基,是大众法律生活道理与经验的总结和传授的需要。法谚所反映的法律生活的范围是比较宽广而全面的,囊括了当时社会法律生活的基本领域和主要的法律现象。法谚与法律的关系密切。它们基本上渊源于法律的规定、原则和精神,至少是与其密切相关。法谚与其他谚语关联甚紧,后者对其起支撑、加固或强化作用;法谚有时也衍化为外围谚语,进一步表达一种日常生活道理或经验。从法学、语言学、文化学、历史学的学科交叉角度,对法谚进行研究是有重要意义的。  相似文献   
中国当代文学阅读层面上的价值认同正在经受前所未有的挑战。特别是新世纪以来,新的写作群体、写作方式不断涌现,使固有的理论批评体系遭到撞击、被撕裂,从而导致理论批评不时出现失语现象。随着网络文学的迅猛发展,非主流文学在阅读与消费环节中的影响日益增强,这就使得上述问题转化成了新的矛盾——互相不能包容的阅读隔膜。十多年来,网络上产生了海量的小说文本,逐渐形成了二十多种类型;本文兼顾时间跨度和创作类型,遴选了十年中不同类型的十部佳作,并针对它们区别于纸质媒体的艺术审美和创作特点进行了述评。  相似文献   
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