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通过对《民法典》中同质对象的比较分析,结合对隐私、个人信息等规范对象的逻辑位序梳理,认为法律所明确保护的数据并不包括数据化的人格要素,而是指向一种经过相关主体的劳动、客观存在的无形财产。数据独立于其载体,具有财产特性,应适用于相应的财产保护范式。但数据不是物,并不符合所有权客体的特质,难以体现所有权的追及力和权能分离,无法满足所有权保护规则和条件要求。数据也不是既有知识产权法意义上的知识财产,其外延大于知识财产,但与知识产权客体的条件要求相契合,与知识产权价值目标趋同,具有可知识产权性,可以成为知识产权客体,并暂以单独立法形式予以规范。  相似文献   
In this study, using a three wave qualitative longitudinal data set, we explored patterns of change in gambling behavior among a sample of young Danes. A total of 48 informants participated in all three sweeps of interviews. The overall aim was to explore the complexities and social contexts, as well as the subjective meanings that underlie gambling behavior changes. We identified four different types of gambling pathways, each illustrating different types of movement over time: intensification; reduction; stability, and those that were non-linear. Our overall finding was that transitions or oscillations in behavior are more common than a progressive linear gambling pattern, and that these changes are affected by a number of contextual factors. The implications for further research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates that subcultural theory continues to provide a relevant and useful analysis of youth leisure practices and their political significance in contemporary society. It achieves this by analysing the theoretical antecedents to both subcultural theory and the post-subcultural theory that followed it. It is argued that the post-subcultural turn to studying affects and everyday lives resonates deeply with the Gramscian perspective informing subcultural theory. It is thus possible to interpret post-subculturalism as augmenting rather than negating its predecessor. Deploying an analysis that combines these perspectives allows for an account of contemporary youth leisure practices that demonstrates a number of different forms of politics explicated within the paper: a politics of identity and becoming; a politics of defiance; a politics of affective solidarity and a politics of different experience. Whilst not articulated or necessarily conscious, there is a proto-politics to youth leisure that precludes it from being dismissed as entirely empty, hedonistic and consumerist. This paper demonstrates how the lens of post-subculturalism focuses on the affective spaces where this politics is most apparent and provides a means of updating subcultural theory to understand contemporary youth practices.  相似文献   
An interpretative phenomenological study of newlywed couple leisure was conducted to understand the role of leisure in the development of relationship dynamics and couple identity. Nine couples were interviewed twice, using open-ended questions that explored the role of leisure in their relationship development. Data were analyzed using interpretive phenomenological processes. Couples viewed leisure as a crucial part of their relationships, helping them develop their identities as couples through creating shared meaning and opportunities to improve communication and conflict management skills. Findings can be used to encourage couple exploration of positive leisure experiences during courtship and early marriage, including therapeutic interventions and relationship education programs that teach couples to incorporate joint leisure strategically into their relationships.  相似文献   
对国际经济法的调整对象、产生与发展及与其它相关部门法的关系等诸多基本理论问题,学术界一直存在分歧。本文从经济和法律的依存关系中,特别考虑经济全球化进程的背景,认为国际经济法产生的经济基础是国家干预下的垄断资本主义的出现,并对其历史、现状和发展作了阐述。此外,通过探讨国际经济法与国际私法、国际商法之间的关系,提出了自己对国际经济法调整对象三个层次划分的观点。  相似文献   
大力发展职业教育是国家的一项重大举措,在农村生产力水平不是很高的条件下,如何立足农村剩余劳动力整体文化程度偏低、数量庞大的实际,科学调整职业教育的结构,降低职业教育重心,建立以初等职业教育为基础,逐步形成学校学历教育、技能培训、专项训练相结合,与不同形式的培训机构结合的网络,吸引更多的农民积极参与职业培训,形成与市场需求和劳动就业紧密结合的结构合理、灵活开放、特色鲜明、自主发展的现代初等职业教育体系显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
生态人类学的研究对象与任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态人类学的研究对象是立足于全人类与民族文化的差异,去探索和总结人类生态行为的差异,及其生态后果的差异,揭示生态灾变的成因及形成机制,以便从中找到既能高效利用生态资源,又能确保人类社会生态安全的对策。根据上述研究对象,本文还提出了生态人类学近期急需完成的四项任务。  相似文献   
诉讼时效为现代各法域所共有之私法制度,具有重要的作用和功能。我国诉讼时效立法宜置于民法总论部分,适用客体应以难以证明的请求权为限。对于诉讼时效起算点和期间变动宜进一步具体化和细致化。  相似文献   
水资源保护税是对水资源的使用及水资源污染进行的征税,它通过价值机制促使水资源实现价值最大化从而实现水资源的有效配置。水资源保护税的设计取决于它所要达到的目标,即一定能使水资源保护税对企业和消费者的水资源消费行为和污染行为产生影响,从而实现其预定的目标。水资源保护税的设计主要从税基、税收主体、征税对象、征税环节、税率、征税手段、纳税期限等方面来实现其目的。  相似文献   
不可能的存在之真——晚期拉康哲学思想评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要讨论了拉康晚期关于真实域的理论。拉康的真实是指人的存在在被象征性符号杀戮后的一种不可能在场的关系存在,这种存在是否定性的。同时,晚年拉康开始关注镜像认同(如没有被镜子捕捉到的剩余部分)和象征性语言在对存在杀戮之后出现的某种不可能被言说的现象,或者叫无法彻底象征化的剩余物,即他称之为对象a的东西。最后,拉康提出了继想象、象征和真实之后的第四个核心范畴,即他用集合符号"∑"来表示的症候,这个症候成了链结想象、象征和真实域的重要存在性纽结。  相似文献   
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